Domo Inc.

05/07/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 05/07/2024 14:33

Why a Head of Analytics Insists on Domo Wherever He Works

Edgar Chieng knows the three key performance capabilities he wants in a data solution. And he knows just how to get them-Domo. Since he first encountered Domo's ability to get the right insights to the right people, his priority has always been introducing and embedding Domo into the day-to-day operations of any company he worked for.

Nine years and four companies later, he's now head of corporate analytics and insights at Movius, the leading global provider of cloud-based mobile communications. We sat down with Chieng at Domopalooza 2024 to chat about his data journey and approach.

How did your data journey begin?

I began my journey with Domo at the end of 2015 while working in the digital marketing space at one of the largest telecommunications companies in Australia.

I approached Domo because it was the only cloud-based SaaS solution that performed exceptionally well in all three key areas: storing, transforming, and visualizing data in a meaningful way. When I looked at all the other solutions, they were good at doing one job but not all three.

I'm now working at Movius, my fourth organization since then, and the first thing I said to the CFO interviewing me was, "I don't care what you're currently using, but I need to bring Domo in, and you'll really like it." Sure enough, I did a proof of concept with Domo, and he was immediately sold.

What data challenges did you face at Movius?

The main challenges were the lack of a centralized data repository and data accessibility for our end users, primarily the management and executive team, but also our customers. Data was just sitting everywhere.

Ultimately, the biggest pain point was that the management team and C-suite couldn't understand where the business was heading from a performance perspective because it was taking too long and required too many resources to transform data into insights. We're talking quarterly business reviews-and that's too long to make an informed decision. You need insights now.

What were you hoping to achieve at Movius?

Being a smaller organization, everyone is accountable for the company's overall success. I aimed to bring important insights to the right people at the right time and make them available on any device, wherever they were-on demand.

This meant that we needed Domo to be adopted quickly, plus bring transparencies on business performance to as many people as possible so they could do their jobs more efficiently and be better informed about the business operations. I also wanted to empower leaders to strategize and make more impactful decisions.

Even though Domo was my original choice, I had to follow due diligence for procurement and do the proper research and assessment. We had five requirements for the data solution to meet. Domo ticked all the boxes and came out on top.

1. Full cloud SaaS offering

2. Multi-region, multi-tenant with data sovereignty

3. Options to materialize data or to federate data from our own cloud warehouse

4. Full platform embedding capability to our customer portal

5. Mobile first and user-friendly, self-serve interface

How was Domo the catalyst for change?

Domo has had a tremendous impact at Movius. We deployed it across all departments-from sales to marketing to product, to our engineering, support, and customer success teams. Now, we're able to receive data and transform it in real time. That's a game-changer.

Our CEO has access to real-time sales performance and customer service level agreements, which isall the information he needs to ask the right questions of the leadership team. And with real-time access, the leadership team can know exactly where the business is and what the pain points are, then make informed decisions quicker.

How might your story help others who are struggling with data challenges?

I think one of the keys to onboarding Domo in an organization is to go as quickly as you can. You want adoption, and at the same time, you want to build a culture where people are using Domo, building experience and expertise across individual divisions so they're the ones that then champion Domo. Then you can start going deeper.

When you build a proof of concept, it has to be relevant for the business, working, and ready for production. That's how you showcase the power of Domo. At Movius, it took just three weeks to get the proof of concept and a signed contract.

Once the contract was signed, it literally took no more than seven days to implement because the POC was ready for production. That shows its value immediately. If you can stand it up quickly, people want to know more about what it can do.

What have you learned about data, yourself, and others during your journey?

Running an organization and making decisions off the back of stakeholder or customer feedback alone is often dangerous, vague, and not quantifiable. So having accessibility and transparency to the data, and being able to generate valuable insights and stories empowers people to drive the success of their team and, ultimately, for the broader organization itself.

Choose a data solution that ticks all your boxes-not just one or two.

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