UNESCO - United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

03/21/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 03/21/2024 17:55

Gabriel Mancilla: 'Water is a planetary good, and we are part of this planet, which we must protect, respect, and enjoy.'

World Water Day is celebrated every year on March 22nd, aiming to draw attention to the importance of freshwater and advocate for the sustainable management of these natural resources. The goal is to take measures to confront the global water crisis, supporting Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 6: Water and Sanitation for All by 2030.

CAZALAC is an entity that is part of the Category II Centers group, operating under the auspices of UNESCO. It aims to contribute to water security in the arid, semi-arid, and sub-humid lands of the Latin America and the Caribbean region, in alignment with SDG 6. On the occasion of World Water Day, the UNESCO Regional Multisectoral Office in Santiago interviewed its executive director, Dr. Gabriel Mancilla.

What do you believe are the main challenges for the sustainable management of freshwater resources in Latin America and the Caribbean?

I think there are many people aware that there must be sustainable management of water resources. However, it seems that these individuals are not in decision-making positions. This leads to the challenge that education and a cross-cutting culture regarding water resources and water as a whole is a major challenge. There is also a trend of lack of awareness, underlying the paradigm that development and growth should be measured in monetary capital. Under that framework, there tends to be a maximization and direction of water use towards profitable activities, which not only use water resources in large quantities but also inefficiently and without care for the quality of effluents.

Therefore, that's an even greater challenge, which is finding ways and mechanisms to fairly evaluate the ecosystem and social benefits of having water in the quantity and quality necessary to preserve natural environments and the well-being of people, beyond mere economic benefits. This is, moreover, the true challenge of integrated water management.

What does UNESCO, and particularly, the Water Center for Arid and Semi-Arid Zones in Latin America and the Caribbean, do for the region's water security?

UNESCO, through all its centers, subprograms, chairs, and national committees of the International Hydrological Programme (IHP), covers all themes related to water and water resources, enhancing research, knowledge, and education at all levels. The IHP operates locally at the country level but has the potential to generate interaction and synergy among nations, thus advancing in a cross-cutting manner, leveraging the achievements and knowledge of global experts.

CAZALAC, for its part, aims to be a scientific, technological, and training benchmark in the field of water resources in arid, semi-arid, and sub-humid lands of Latin America and the Caribbean, contributing to the region's water security within the framework of UNESCO's IHP and the Sustainable Development Goals. It achieves this by developing projects, courses, seminars, working groups, among others, involving experts and professionals from across the continent, where possible.

What aspect of the latest World Water Development Report you highlight?

Claramente, la intención de generar un trabajo integrado y cooperativo en todas las instancias en torno al cumplimiento del ODS 6. La educación y cultura a todo nivel en torno al agua y los recursos hídricos en general, son básicas para poder integrarse con conocimiento de causa y objetividad.

What messages does World Water Day convey to us, and why are they important?

Nos transmite que el agua es un recurso de todos y para todos y que, por ello, para usarla bien, cuidarla y disfrutarla, debemos aprender y practicar su gestión de una forma conjunta e integrada, con plenos conocimientos. El agua, por lo tanto, es un artífice de la integración igualitaria, que para que sea exitosa debe ser pacífica.

What message would you like to give on this international day?

Que el agua es un bien planetario y nosotros somos parte de este planeta, el cual debemos proteger, respetar y disfrutar, respetando las leyes naturales. CAZALAC es conocedor de cómo apoyar la gestión del agua en zonas de escasez permanente y, por lo tanto, invita a dirigir las miradas a los logros, conocimientos y tecnologías que los expertos y profesionales de las zonas áridas del continente han generado para salvaguardar el bienestar de los habitantes y ecosistemas de estas regiones.