IDGC of Centre JSC

12/12/2022 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 12/13/2022 04:34

Power engineers of 14 regions of the Central Federal District and Volga Federal District mobilized all forces to combat consequences of a cyclone

12 December 2022
Igor Makovskiy, General Director of Rosseti Centre, PJSC - the managing organization of Rosseti Centre and Volga region, PJSC, held a meeting of the Headquarters with directors of the branches in whose area of operational responsibility a powerful atmospheric cyclone passes.

The unfavourable forecast extends to the Voronezh, Ivanovo, Kaluga, Kirov, Kostroma, Kursk, Orel, Smolensk, Tambov, Tver, Tula and Yaroslavl regions. Heavy rainfall, gusty winds, and a decrease in temperature lead to snow and ice melting, and as a result, to breakage and cross whipping of power lines.

In the regions most affected by heavy precipitation - the Nizhny Novgorod and Vladimir regions, a large-scale rotation of forces and means was carried out. In addition, crews of power engineers from other subsidiaries of the Rosseti Group of Companies arrived in these regions.

"The power engineers of Rosseti Centre and Rosseti Centre and Volga region have been working for several weeks under conditions of unprecedented severity of the consequences of weather phenomena. In all areas of our responsibility, we constantly interact with local authorities, regional departments of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Unified Dispatch Centre and public utilities. Today, colleagues from other subsidiaries of the Rosseti Group of Companies came to our aid. We are preparing that such weather will continue, at least until Wednesday, we continue working in a special mode," stressed Igor Makovskiy.