Compagnie de Saint Gobain SA

05/16/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 05/16/2024 02:37

Launch of the new special edition of the magazine Constructing a Sustainable Future

This magazine highlights the challenges facing construction and its positive contribution to the major environmental and social issues of our time: climate crisis, energy urgency, rapid urbanization, access to decent housing, and the necessary protection of natural resources. It also explores innovative solutions and inspiring projects that advance sustainable construction worldwide and gives a voice to all those involved in the transition of the construction sector, around 6 key topics: Decarbonization, Circularity, Renovation, Quality of Life, Urbanization, and Politics & Economics.

The insights from our latest Sustainable Construction Barometer 2024 confirm this: raising awareness among all stakeholders and strengthening their collaboration are among the top three priority actions to accelerate the development of sustainable construction. That's why the theme of this new edition is: Cooperating, the key to sustainable construction.

This editorial project is also one of the three pillars of the Sustainable Construction Observatory, launched by the Group in 2023, a unique initiative to inform, listen, understand, and unite all stakeholders in sustainable construction. In addition to our magazine, this Observatory includes an annual Sustainable Construction Barometer- which provides an overview of the deployment of sustainable construction worldwide and identifies barriers and levers to accelerate its development - and Sustainable Construction Talks, regular meetings on the sidelines of major international events, bringing together building and construction professionals, institutional representatives, elected officials, the financial community, NGOs, and students to share our reflections and jointly develop new solutions.

Read the special issue

Click here to visit the digital magazine.