01/20/2025 | News release | Distributed by Public on 01/21/2025 07:34
S. E. Mme Anne-Marie Boisbouvier, Ambassadeur Extraordinaire et Plénipotentiaire, Déléguée permanente de la Principauté de Monaco © Cyril Bailleul
On 16 January, the Permanent Delegations of Monaco, Greece, Egypt and Morocco hosted a special performance by Greek composer Evanthia Reboutsika titled "A Mediterranean Symphony" at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris. Introduced by the Greek actor of Greek origin Georges Corraface, the event drew a large audience in the auditorium of the Organization's headquarters.
Known as an ambassador of music and culture, Evanthia Reboutsika has dedicated her career to exploring the richness of Mediterranean cultures, united by a sea that connects the peoples of the southern regions of Europe from the Balkans to Africa, from Suez to Gibraltar.
"A Mediterranean Symphony" offers a unique music experience led by two singers from the Mediterranean Basin: one Greek, one Moroccan. This musical journey conveys a powerful message of peace that transcends linguistic and cultural boundaries through universal melody. Music becomes a vector of dialogue between nations.
Hosted the day following the announcement of a ceasefire in Gaza, the concert resonates as an anthem to the peaceful coexistence of nations.
Four Mediterranean countries joined forces for this cultural diplomacy event to celebrate unity in their region's diversity.
S. E. Monsieur Alaa Youssef, Ambassadeur Extraordinaire et Plénipotentiaire en France, Délégué Permanent de la République Arabe d'Egypte ; S. E. Mme Anne-Marie Boisbouvier, Ambassadeur Extraordinaire et Plénipotentiaire, Déléguée permanente de la Principauté de Monaco; Mme Stefania Giannini, Sous Directrice Générale de l'UNESCO pour l'Education, S.E. Monsieur Georgios Koumoutsakos, Délégué Permanent de la République hellénique auprès de l'UNESCO S. E. Monsieur Samir Addahre Ambassadeur, Délégué Permanent du Royaume du Maroc © Cyril Bailleul