U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

04/06/2023 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 04/06/2023 16:51

The Return of Midway Atoll’s Albatross

From the depths of the ocean floor, to tropical rainforests on some of the highest peaks on earth and from remote Pacific islands all the way to the sagebrush sagebrush
The western United States' sagebrush country encompasses over 175 million acres of public and private lands. The sagebrush landscape provides many benefits to our rural economies and communities, and it serves as crucial habitat for a diversity of wildlife, including the iconic greater sage-grouse and over 350 other species.

Learn more about sagebrush
deserts, here in the Pacific Region, we are privileged to protect some of the most varied landscapes and wildlife throughout the Fish and Wildlife Service. In addition to the incredible passion and dedication of our workforce, one of the most powerful tools we depend on to do this important work is the Endangered Species Act, a landmark act that turns 50 this year.

2023 marks the golden anniversary of the ESA, a law that has been a powerful catalyst for conservation of America's most treasured fish, wildlife, plants and their habitats for five decades. People power the mission of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Here in the Pacific Region, Tribal, federal and state partners, local supporters, and you, our dedicated staff, are the driving force behind the successes we share and the strength ensuring we can continue to face the challenges ahead.

Throughout this year-long celebration, We invite you to celebrate this milestone with us as we reflect on past successes, assess current challenges, and envision an equally bright future for the next 50 years and beyond.

Enjoy this great story below as we celebrate together.

Happy 50th birthday to the Endangered Species Act, and here's to the next 50 years and more!

The first of the albatrosses started to arrive this past week on both Sand and Eastern Island. A pair of Black-footed albatross was first seen flying over Midway Atoll National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) this weekend, and since then their numbers on the ground have been slowly increasing. Several individuals of Laysan albatross and one Short-tailed albatross were spotted.

The bi-monthly Laysan duck survey was conducted on both Sand and Eastern Island this week, resulted in a count of over 200 ducks on Midway Atoll NWR. During the survey, multiple vagrant Ring Necked ducks were also observed, along with many Northern Pintails, which have been seen regularly over the past few weeks.

The Volunteer Field Crew completed a sizeable outplanting at the Cable House site. A total of 301 plants including kāwelu (Eragrostisvariabilis), kūnānā pepperwort (Lepidium bidentatum), mau'u 'aki'aki (Fimbristylis cymosa), and 'āweoweo (Chenopodium oahuense) were successfully planted. To further combat weed infiltration and expansion, these native plant species were outplanted in high density areas. Kūnānā pepperwort and alena seeds were also collected from Ash Island and Plateau restoration sites in order to keep the Midway Atoll NWR Seed Library stocked and ready for more propagation endeavors.

The week ended with marine debris sorting. New methods of organization are being tested in hopes of developing more efficient packing and recycling techniques.

In honor of President Roosevelt's birthday, various island residents picked their favorite "Teddy" quotes. "Do what you can where you are with what you have". Happy birthday Teddy!

Article by Laura Brazier, a Midway Atoll National Wildlife Refuge volunteer with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's Pacific Region.


The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service works with others to conserve, protect, and enhance fish, wildlife, plants, and their habitats for the continuing benefit of the American people. For more information, visit www.fws.gov/pacificislands, or connect with us through any of these social media channels at https://www.facebook.com/PacificIslandsFWS, www.flickr.com/photos/usfwspacific/, https://medium.com/usfwspacificislands or www.twitter.com/USFWSPacific.