Office of the President of the Republic of Slovenia

09/25/2022 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/25/2022 07:03

Predsednik Pahor nagovoril množico na koncertu Global Citizen v New Yorku

New York City, 25. 9. 2022 | sporočila za javnost

Predsednik Republike Slovenije Borut Pahor je na povabilo organizatorjev nagovoril množico na koncertu Global Citizen v Central Parku v New Yorku.

V nadaljevanju je besedilo nagovora predsednika republike Boruta Pahorja. Velja govorjena beseda!

The world is in the grip of a catastrophic hunger crisis and we have to act NOW:

at this very moment, 828 million people do not know where their next meal is coming from and 50 million people in over 45 countries are on the brink of starvation.

Global Citizens,

Slovenia has heard your urgent calls to tackle food insecurity and provide immediate aid to those in need.

I am proud to announce that we have pledged 1.23 million euros in support of civil society organizations working to fight hunger across sub-Saharan Africa.

I call on leaders around the world to join us and make sure no one is left behind!

Foto: UPRS