PT Semen Baturaja (Persero) Tbk

05/30/2023 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 05/30/2023 20:17

Visiting the Baturaja Factory, SIG President Director Donny Arsal Invites SMBR Employees to Face Challenges with New Excellence

Visiting the Baturaja Factory, SIG President Director Donny Arsal Invites SMBR Employees to Face Challenges with New Excellence

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Palembang, 30 May 2023 - PT Semen Baturaja Tbk (SMBR) received a visit from the management of PT Semen Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (SIG) in Baturaja, Ogan Komering Ulu Regency, South Sumatra on Friday (26/5). This visit was in the context of friendly relations and strengthening post-integration synergies.

The visit was carried out by the Main Director of SIG, Donny Arsal, Director of SIG Supply Chain, Yosviandri, Director of Operations at SIG, Reni Wulandari, Director of Human Resources and General Affairs of SIG, Agung Wiharto and Director of Business and Marketing of SIG, Subhan and was received by the Main Director of SMBR, Daconi Khotob, Director of SMBR Operations Function, Suherman Yahya and Director of SMBR Finance & HR Function Rahmat Hidayat. In addition to strengthening post-integration synergies, this visit also saw reclamation and revegetation activities in the post-mining area of SMBR which was utilized as a habitat for Trigona bee colony cultivation.

The Main Director of SMBR Daconi Khotob in his remarks said, the joining of SMBR to SIG, is expected to improve operational performance to achieve company goals effectively and efficiently and provide quality products and good service not only for SMBR but also SIG as the holding.

"Not only that, the composition of SMBR's employees is mostly filled with millennials, which reaches 87 percent, meaning they are ready to be invited to run for the progress of the company and the holding," said Daconi.

Meanwhile, the Main Director of SIG, Donny Arsal expressed his gratitude for the welcome given by SMBR colleagues. As Holding, SIG really appreciates this activity. The challenges in 2023 will not be lighter. Therefore, the synergy between SIG and SMBR is expected to generate new advantages, better market coverage, and more efficient production costs which will ultimately improve the company's performance.
"This integration is a government program to unite cement BUMN clusters into one group to face competitive market conditions. Through this synergy, it is expected to provide benefits to all stakeholders, including employees," said Donny Arsal.

At the event, the management of SIG and SMBR also planted New Crystal longan tree seeds (Dimocarpus longan) as an effort to protect the environment and reduce carbon emissions. Then proceed with visiting the SMBR mining area where reclamation and revegetation activities have been carried out using a silvicultural system, which is an innovation from the SMBR Beeyond Team in managing ecosystems in the post-mining land area as a habitat for Trigona bee colonies.

The green area resulting from the reclamation program grows many types of plants. The 30.14 hectare land in the post-mining area is a habitat for fruit trees, flowering ornamental plants, and plants with medium to tall trees. This type of ornamental plant which contains a lot of nectar and pollen is what bee colonies like very much, so the idea of using this plant as a habitat for Trigona beekeeping emerged.

Trigona bees or often referred to as kelulut bees, clancing, klenceng, or bells are one of the largest stingless bee genera. Trigona is a type of honey bee that is mostly kept traditionally by rural communities around forest areas.

Currently, SMBR's Trigona beekeeping is 45 bee colony boxes and Alhamdulillah, Trigona honey production has reached 10-12 liters per 2-3 month period of harvest.
SMBR plans to empower experienced local beekeepers in the Baturaja area to develop this innovation. So that it is expected to be able to educate other communities to participate in beekeeping independently, and can become one of the activities that support the company's Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).

May 30, 2023/0 Comments/by Admin SMBR