
WFDSA - World Federation of Direct Selling Association

10/08/2021 | Press release | Archived content

Award Ceremony

WFDSA Code of Ethics Initiative Multi Year Platinum Participant Award

WFDSA recognized the DSA of Ecuador, Peru, Russia, Thailand and Ukraine with the WFDSA Multi Year Platinum Participant Award for leading the way in implementing the above initiative and requalifying each year. Thanks to all DSAs and members who participate / requalify in the program on an annual basis!

WFDSA Code Administrator Award

The WFDSA Code Administrators Award was presented to Diana Sork, Russian DSA Code Administrator. The award is presented every three years to those individual whose passion and dedication to promoting the highest ethical standards and ensuring compliance is exemplary. Congratulations Diana!

WFDSA Global Service Award

The WFDSA Global Service Award which is presented on occasion was given to Tim Samson Co-Chair of the WFDSA Global Research Sub-Committee (Herbalife) for continually challenging the status quo with strategically driven research and who has gone above and beyond, to gather, consolidate and analyze data which is essential to predict trends and plan for the future. Congratulations Tim!

Distinguished Service Award

WFDSA Distinguished Service Award is given to individuals at World Congress for their service to the global direct service industry. It was presented to Scott Balfour, the Vice President and Deputy General Counsel-Lead Regional Counsel for the Asia and Greater China Regions, Amway and Philippe Jacquelinet, former WFDSA Ethics Committee Chair and the CEO of Captain Torture.

Scott has proudly served the WFDSA over two decades by actively participating on the various WFDSA committees traveled throughout Asia with representatives of the WFDSA and other direct selling companies in support of critical direct selling issues. Scott contributed greatly to the global direct selling industry, and he will be missed as he announced his retirement.

Philippe Jacquelinet, Co-founder and President, Captain Tortue and the former two term WFDSA Ethics Committee Chairman led the revisions of the WFDSA Global Code of Ethics among other initiatives and helping to raise the bar on ethics globally.

Lifetime Achievement Award

The WFDSA Lifetime Achievement Award was given to Doug DeVos, past WFDSA Chairman and Former CEO of Amway for his invaluable contributions to the global direct selling industry. Congratulations Doug! You are a true icon for our industry!