01/13/2025 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 01/13/2025 02:31
Production Sharing Contract (PSC) TL-OT-21-17 ("the PSC")
Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo (ANP) and TIMOR GAP Pualaca Block Unipessoal Lda. (TGPB), a subsidiary of TIMOR GAP E.P. and the sole Operator for the PSC TL-OT-21-17 which covers the Municipalities of Manatuto, Viqueque and Manufahi, are pleased to announce the launching of the "Kafé" 2D Seismic survey on 11th January 2025. The launching paves the way for the Operator to carry out 2D Seismic acquisition in the Contract Area.
In accordance with the Minimum Work Program under Article 4.4 of the PSC, TGPB is committed to acquire a minimum of 100-line kilometers of 2D seismic data in the Second year of the Initial Exploration period. Thus, TGPB with its sub-contractor BGP Inc, China National Petroleum Corporation (R.P), a well-known seismic service company, proceed with the acquisition of the 266-line kilometers of the "Kafé" 2D seismic in the Contract Area, which will be followed by processing and interpretation. Drilling of one exploration well in the Third year of the First Exploration period has been foreseen in the PSC
With the launching of "Kafé" 2D Seismic acquisition survey, it has shown that, as State owned company, TGPB is committed to exploring the hydrocarbon in onshore area and contributes to the development of the Oil and Gas industry of the Onshore Timor-Leste.
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Kontratu Fahe Produsaun (KFP) TL-OT-21-17 ("KFP")
Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo (ANP) no TIMOR GAP Pualaca Block Unipessoal Lda. (TGPB), subsidiariu husi TIMOR GAP E.P. no hanesan Operador ba KFP TL-OT-21-17 ne'ebé kobre Munisipiu Manatuto, Viqueque no Manufahi, ho kontente hakarak anunsia ba públiku lansamentu peskiza Seismiku "Kafé" 2D iha 11 Janeiru 2025. Lansamentu ne'e loke dalan ba Operador atu hala'o akizisaun seismiku 2D iha Area Kontratu.
Tuir programa servisu esplorasaun mínimu iha Artigu 4.4 KFP nian, TGPB iha kompromisu atu hala'o peskiza dadus Seismiku ho mínimu kilómetru 100 iha tinan darua, primeiru periodu esplorasaun nian. Ho nune'e, TGPB ho nia sub-kontrator BGP Inc, China National Petroleum Corporation (R.P), kompañia seismiku ida-ne'ebé koñesidu, kontinua hala'o akizisaun 266 kilómetru liña dadus Seismiku "Kafé" 2D iha Area Kontratu, no tuir kedas ho prosesamentu, interpretasaun. Perfurasaun ba posu esplorasaun 1 sei akontese iha tinan datoluk, primeiru periodu esplorasaun nian hanesan komitmentu ne'ebe prevee ona iha KFP.
Ho lansamentu peskiza akizisaun Seismiku "Kafé" 2D nian, hatudu katak, TGPB nu'udar empreza Estadu nian, , iha kompromisu atu esplora idrokarbonu iha área rai maran no kontribui ba dezenvolvimentu indústria petróleu no gás iha Timor-Leste.
Atu hetan informasaun liután kona-ba konteúdu anúnsiu públiku ne'e favór kontaktu [email protected] no [email protected].