Verdantix Ltd.

04/25/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 04/25/2024 07:54

3E Insight Advances Proactive Regulatory Monitoring

3E Insight Advances Proactive Regulatory Monitoring

Through the November 2023 acquisition of Chemycal, a regulatory news and chemical information provider, 3E has continued to integrate chemical legislation into its platform, complementing its existing regulatory solution, 3E Insight. At the 3E Engage Event in Lisbon, Verdantix heard how 3E Insight supports thousands of regulatory lists, compliance guides, product and substance legislation for 150 countries, chemical property data for 650,000 substances, and industry-specific content. The addition of Chemycal also provides 3E with unique content on chemical regulations in France, and increases its European presence.

The quickly evolving chemical regulatory landscape makes it difficult for product stewards, industrial hygienists and safety professionals to stay up to speed with key compliance requirements. For example, in the US, approximately 200 PFAS bills were considered by lawmakers across different states over the last year alone, each with different requirements, language and adoption processes.

To stay abreast of fast-moving regulatory changes, the 3E Insight tool supports a transition to more proactive risk management by helping manufacturers monitor the status and iterations of regulatory drafts and proposals. It also integrates key stakeholder discussions - from scientific bodies, NGOs, and industry and peer organizations - to harmonize noise surrounding changes to regulations. Horizon scanning provides product stewards with advance warning so they can work with their teams to assess the implications for their firm and create plans to manage the risk.

3E supports customers with the challenges they face in their everyday operations. For example, chemical manufacturers must consider how regulatory changes may impact formulation, supplier selection and safety handling. This can be supported by task assignment for internal stakeholders to test resilience to these changes ahead of time, streamlining communications in one platform. Organizations also want to provide feedback to regulatory changes through consultation processes. 3E Insight supports this with regulatory deadline updates, providing critical airtime for firms to voice concerns over the implication of rule changes. Manufacturers can also utilize product, material and substance regulations for different levels of analysis.

Additionally, 3E is enlarging the scope of its monitoring through greater GenAI application such as web-scraping capabilities, predictive modelling to assess how changes to regulations may occur, and by enhancing user experience through InsightGPT, a regulatory chatbot. The model is trained on a closed database of 3E's regulatory content to reduce hallucinations and misinformation, and provides users the ability to quickly query regulations - starting with US PFAS - on requirements, chemicals and specific limits. Verdantix views the application of GenAI for these use cases as beneficial for efficiency and accuracy in compliance, and is monitoring other use cases for sustainability as they emerge.

With fast-paced changes to regulations, increasing litigation risk and heightened scrutiny by third parties - including insurers and customers - organizations are desperate for information that helps them get out in front of substance bans, new chemical limits or additional information requirements. Tools that provide foresight on these amendments, such as 3E Insight, Enhesa Regulatory Intelligence and Compliance and Risks's C2P Regulatory Compliance Management, are valuable for investment planning in solutions, risk assessments and target-setting.

Guy Lewis

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Industry Analyst

Guy is an Industry Analyst in the Verdantix ESG & Sustainability practice. He currently leads research on circular economy software and services and supports research across several other ESG and sustainability themes. Prior to joining Verdantix, Guy was an energy specialist helping to optimize member experience, through which he gained knowledge of both operations and smart technologies. Guy holds a BA in Geography from the University of Manchester, with a placement year at the University of Queensland.