12/10/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 12/10/2024 07:57
Employees in non-academic offices who wish to request an administrative graduate assistant for AY 2025-2026 should complete the Administrative Graduate Assistant Request Form on or before Dec. 15, 2024. To submit a request, click here or visit the Graduate Assistants web page to access the form and see other important facts on graduate assistants.
If your area received an administrative graduate assistant allocation previously, you are still required to apply each year. This application does not relate to academic departments or graduate degree programs that have a "regular," state-funded graduate assistant allocation, but rather to non-academic offices that typically hire or would want to hire an administrative graduate assistant for various administrative tasks. The stipend for an administrative graduate assistant must be paid out of the hiring department's budget. Stipend amounts will often vary according to the hiring area. In the past, the common pay for an administrative graduate assistant was $2,315 per semester. Some stipends were higher and others lower.
Review and notification:
Requests will be reviewed by the Graduate School, and email notifications of decision will be sent in January 2025. If approved, the deadline to hire an administrative graduate assistant is September 2025.