City of Seagoville, TX

03/28/2023 | News release | Distributed by Public on 03/28/2023 12:23

Rioting Outbreak at Seagoville Trade Days Flea Market

SEAGOVILLE, TX- On Sunday, March 26, 2023, the Seagoville Trade Days flea market promoted a special concert event. Seagoville Trade Days is commonly referred to and advertised as La Pulga de Seagoville. Latin recording artist Lalo Mora headlined this concert on Sunday evening. Several thousand people were drawn to the flea market this particular day.

Near the end of this concert on Sunday evening, large fights broke out simultaneously within the concert venue area. Seagoville Police Officers inside the concert area immediately reacted and attempted to quell these disturbances. This quickly turned into a riot situation. Patrons commenced to throw bottles and cans amongst the crowd.

A Seagoville Police Officer was engaged with a combative aggressor when he was struck in the head with a thrown can. Other officers assisted in the apprehension of this aggressor and he was handcuffed and placed under arrest. He was escorted to and placed in the rear of a nearby marked Seagoville Police vehicle just outside of this event area.

The rioting was ongoing and onsite police officers continued their attempt to intervene inside the venue. The outbreak of numerous fights caused the performing band to stop and clear the stage for safety, as patrons continued to hurl bottles and cans.

Seagoville Police Officers requested an agency assist through the Kaufman County Sheriff's Department. Additional Seagoville Police Officers, Crandall Police Officers, Kaufman County Deputies and TXDPS Highway Patrol Troopers responded to assist. This concert area was eventually cleared out with the assistance of the additional police resources.

As the patrons cleared from the concert venue and entered into the parking lot, fighting continued. First Responders attempted to provide aide and emergency care to injured persons. People were leaving the flea market in masses.

During this time of chaos, it was found the handcuffed arrested individual escaped from the rear of the police vehicle. The Seagoville Police Department is aware of social media postings on the platform Tik Tok that documents individuals assisting and facilitating the escape of this arrested person. This is currently being investigated.

The Seagoville Police Department is also aware of a social media post that is circulating alleging a 17-year-old male was killed at the flea market as a result of these fights. At this time, the Seagoville Police Department has not been notified, nor received any formal reports of any deaths of any individuals that occurred at this event.

If anyone has any information regarding this allegation, you are asked to contact the Seagoville Police Department at (972) 287-2999.