Mitch McConnell

04/13/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 04/13/2024 20:45

Leader McConnell Statement on Iran Attack on Israel

Press Releases

WASHINGTON, D.C. -U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) released the following statement today regarding the latest strikes by Iran:

"In the face of Iran's significant military strikes on Israel, the United States must stand with our ally as Israel's national unity government takes necessary measures to defend its people and its sovereignty.

"President Biden has insisted that America's commitment to Israel's security is 'ironclad'. It is time for his Administration to match words with actions. President Biden must lead an international effort to impose sufficient costs on Tehran to compel an end to its aggression and terror, both on Israeli soil and - as demonstrated with today's IRGC assault on a commercial shipping vessel - around the region. Iran's leaders must know the things they value most are at risk.

"The President must also give Israel the time, space, and support it deserves to finish the job against Hamas. Tehran and its proxies are emboldened when they see divisions between the US and Israel.

"Congress must also do its part. The national security supplemental that has waited months for action will provide critical resources to Israel and our own military forces in the region. It will provide overdue lethal assistance to Ukraine and equip vulnerable allies and partners in Asia to deter the PRC. And it will make urgent investments in our own defense industrial base.

"We cannot hope to deter conflict without demonstrating resolve and investing seriously in American strength. The Commander-in-Chief and the Congress must discharge our fundamental duties without delay. The consequences of failure are clear, devastating, and avoidable."