EAER - Federal Department of Economic Affairs, Education and Research of the Swiss Confederation

05/25/2023 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 05/25/2023 08:07

19 new professors appointed at ETH Zurich and EPFL

Board of the Swiss Federal Institutes of Technology

Berne/Zurich, 25.05.2023 - At its meeting of 24/25 May 2023 and upon application of the President of ETH Zurich, Professor Joël Mesot, and the President of EPFL, Professor Martin Vetterli, the ETH Board appointed a total of 7 women and 12 men as professors and awarded the title of professor to 6 individuals. It also took note of the resignations of 10 professors and thanked them for their services. In the last 12 months, the ETH Board has made a total of 24 new appointments for women and 33 for men; the proportion of women among these new appointments amounts to 42%.

New appointments at ETH Zurich

Dr Elsa Abreu (*1984), currently Senior Researcher at ETH Zurich, as Assistant Professor of Physics in the Department of Physics. Elsa Abreu's research concerns the application of intensive light pulses in the terahertz range to investigate materials with strong electronic correlations. She was awarded an SNSF Starting Grant in 2022 and has extensive teaching experience. Her appointment strengthens the department's expertise in ultrafast photonics and the study of quantum materials, as well as fostering interdepartmental relationships. It is also expected to lead to closer connections with the Department of Materials and the Department of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering, and strengthen links with the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI).

Dr Hedan Bai (*1993), currently Postdoctoral Researcher at Northwestern University, Illinois, USA, as Tenure Track Assistant Professor of Robotic Materials. The aim of Hedan Bai's research is to build soft robots that imitate the functions of living organisms, such as the ability to adapt to dynamic environments and react to them autonomously. In making this appointment, the department is strengthening the area of science-oriented technology. While exploiting the potential of materials science to develop the next generation of robots, Hedan Bai will offer attractive, project-oriented course components and promote research cooperations within ETH Zurich and Switzerland.

Dr Nina Cabezas Wallscheid (*1982), currently Group Leader at the Max Planck Institute of Immunobiology and Epigenetics in Freiburg, Germany, as Full Professor of Stem Cell Biology and Ageing in the Department of Health Sciences and Technology. Nina Cabezas Wallscheid investigates haemopoietic stem cell pools, with particular attention to the effects of different dietary habits. Her goal is to produce findings that can be used to combat human diseases such as leukaemia. She received an ERC Starting Grant in 2017 and serves on various committees. Her appointment includes a planned collaboration with Kantonsspital Baden, as well as with the departments of haematology, oncology and clinical nutrition at the University Hospitals of Zurich and Bern.

Professor Colette L. Heald (*1977), currently Full Professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, USA, as Full Professor of Atmospheric Chemistry in the Department of Environmental Systems Science. In her research, Colette L. Heald aims to understand the key chemical and physical processes that control the composition of the atmosphere, the effects of gases and particles in the atmosphere, and the impacts of the changing climate and biosphere at global level. Her work is an ideal complement to two existing professorships in the department. This internationally renowned researcher also has an impressive list of publications to her name and has won multiple awards.

Professor Martina Rau (*1984), currently Professor at the University of Wisconsin, USA, as Full Professor of Research on Learning and Instruction in the Department of Humanities, Social and Political Sciences. Martina Rau's research focuses on learning with multiple external representations in educational technologies, particularly in STEM subjects. She has won a number of awards for her research. Through this appointment, the department is strengthening its internal connections between the research areas of learning sciences, cognitive science and educational psychology. There will also be important interactions and synergies with the MINT Learning Centre, the Department of Computer Science and the Joint Doctoral Programme in the Learning Sciences at ETH Zurich and EPFL.

Professor Johanna Ziegel (*1981), currently Full Professor at the University of Bern, as Full Professor of Statistics in the Department of Mathematics. Johanna Ziegel's main focus is on statistical forecasting methods and their applications in risk management, meteorology and medicine. Her research has already led to important mathematical findings and she has developed innovative methodologies for practical use. She is a very successful and committed lecturer who has won awards for her teaching. With the appointment of Johanna Ziegel, the department has found an ideal way of strengthening the links between statistics, risk management and financial mathematics as well as interdisciplinary data sciences at ETH Zurich.

Dr Thomas H. Zurbuchen (*1968), currently a freelance consultant and international speaker, as Full Professor of Space Science and Technology in the Department of Earth Sciences. Thomas H. Zurbuchen was Associate Administrator for the Science Mission Directorate at NASA from 2016 to 2022, and is an internationally sought-after expert in innovation and entrepreneurship. He will head the ETH Zurich Space initiative, and plans to launch Switzerland's first Master's degree programme in space science and technology. The Department of Earth Sciences has been involved in several major space missions over the past 20 years, sometimes in a leading capacity. The appointment of Thomas H. Zurbuchen - a world-class scientist with exceptional links to NASA, the ESA, national space agencies and the space industry - provides the department and ETH Zurich with the opportunity to play a decisive role in numerous future missions and other research activities relating to space travel (e.g. satellite data).

Promotions at ETH Zurich

Professor Torbjörn Netland (*1980), currently Tenure Track Assistant Professor at ETH Zurich, as Full Professor of Production and Operations Management in the Department of Management, Technology and Economics. Torbjörn Netland's research focuses on improving the quality, productivity and other performance characteristics of operational processes in companies. He works closely with industry and has established a number of successful partnerships. "Advanced Manufacturing" is one of ETH Zurich's strategic focus areas, and Torbjörn Netland's work has helped shape it in numerous ways. He has received many prestigious awards for his innovative research and much-valued teaching.

Professor Jeremy Richardson (*1986), currently Tenure Track Assistant Professor at ETH Zurich, as Associate Professor of Theoretical Molecular Quantum Dynamics in the Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences. Jeremy Richardson's research focuses on the theoretical description of quantum dynamic processes in complex systems. His main interest lies in calculating thermal velocity constants with the help of ring-polymer instanton theory. He conducts fundamental research at the highest international level and without prejudice to the outcome, which offers opportunities for exploratory research. Jeremy Richardson has won several awards and is very influential in his field, as demonstrated by numerous invitations to lecture and participate in international conferences.

New appointments at EPFL

Dr Richard Irving Anderson (*1982), currently Research and Teaching Associate at EPFL, as Assistant Professor of Physics in the School of Basic Sciences. Richard Irving Anderson's work combines stellar astrophysics with observational cosmology. In particular he investigates stars that can be used to help measure astronomical distances: these are known as standard candles. The research undertaken by Richard Irving Anderson fits in with EPFL's strategic orientation in the field of imaging, and should facilitate interdisciplinary cooperations in the areas of image processing and computer vision. In 2020 he was awarded an ERC Starting Grant and an SNSF Eccellenza Professorial Fellowship.

Dr Andrés Cristi (*1992), currently Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Chile in Santiago de Chile, as Tenure Track Assistant Professor of Technology Management at the College of Management of Technology. Andrés Cristi's research lies at the intersection of operations research, economics and computer science. He has a particular interest in the interaction between probability theory and game theory, and in how these approaches can lead to new principles that help build a better society. His research on stable assignment problems has led to an improvement of Chile's nation-wide school admission system. A rising star in the field, he had visited numerous renowned institutes during his studies and earned the highly competitive Facebook PhD fellowship.

Dr Sangwoo Kim (*1985), currently Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of California, Santa Barbara, USA, as Tenure Track Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering in the School of Engineering. Sangwoo Kim is an expert in computational and theoretical biomechanics, with strong background in multiple domains of science, such as engineering, physics, applied mathematics and biology. His research focuses on how to model and explain emerging properties of developing biological tissues using modern techniques from non-equilibrium statistical mechanics and soft-matter physics. The impact of Sangwoo Kim's studies is relevant to the fundamental advance of scientific knowledge as well as to applications, such as the development of new biomaterials and the study of tumoral growth.

Dr Nicolas Thomä (*1971), currently Senior Group Leader at the Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research, Basel, as Full Professor of Life Sciences in the School of Life Sciences. Nicolas Thomä is an expert in structural biology and cryo-electron microscopy. In the course of his career he has made a series of groundbreaking discoveries in molecular structures and interactions. The work of this internationally acclaimed researcher is opening up new concepts in the area of drug development, among others. He is one of the few researchers to have received three consecutive grants from the European Research Council (an ERC Consolidator Grant in 2010 and an ERC Advanced Grant in both 2015 and 2020).

Dr Christian Wäckerlin (*1983), currently Research and Teaching Associate at EPFL and Project Leader at the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI), as Assistant Professor of Physics in the School of Basic Sciences. Christian Wäckerlin's research focuses on nanoscience and quantum engineering. Understanding and controlling quantum phenomena is of great importance to the development of the information processing devices of the future. In this regard, he and his team concentrate mainly on investigating polymers with weak intermolecular bonds. Christian Wäckerlin has been awarded an SNSF Eccellenza Professorial Fellowship for his innovative research project. He will carry out this project in close collaboration with PSI.

Dr Valerio Zerbi (*1983), currently Scientist at EPFL, as Assistant Professor of Neurotechnology in the School of Engineering. Valerio Zerbi is a pioneering scientist in the field of preclinical magnetic resonance imaging. He develops magnetic resonance imaging techniques and uses them in combination with neuromodulation approaches, rodent models, machine-learning algorithms, electrophysiology and behavioral tests. His research aims at describing and understanding network signatures underpinning the pathophysiology of different neurological and psychiatric conditions, including autism, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's. He was awarded an SNSF Eccellenza Professorial Fellowship in 2022.

Promotions at EPFL

Professor Felix Naef (*1971), currently Associate Professor at EPFL, as Full Professor of Life Sciences in the School of Life Sciences. Felix Naef's specialist area is chronobiology, a field in which he is one of the world's leading researchers. He has made important discoveries about how circadian rhythms affect gene expression. After originally focusing on pure computational biology, his laboratory expanded its research to include experimental work acquiring its own data. As an independent Group Leader, Felix Naef has led an extremely successful research programme in an area of great importance for biology and medicine. He is also highly committed to his teaching and administrative duties at EPFL, as well as serving on many committees and other bodies.

Professor João Penedones (*1980), currently Tenure Track Assistant Professor at EPFL, as Associate Professor of Theoretical Physics in the School of Basic Sciences. João Penedones works in the field of quantum field theory and quantum gravity. He is an internationally acknowledged expert on the bootstrapping procedure. His excellent teaching is reflected not only in very good evaluations from students, but also in the decisive part he played in setting up an internationally recognised course on high energy physics that attracts scientists from throughout the world. João Penedones currently runs the Fields and Strings Laboratory while also taking a leading role in the new Bernoulli Centre.

Professor Mahmut Selman Sakar (*1983), currently Tenure Track Assistant Professor at EPFL, as Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering in the School of Engineering. Mahmut Selman Sakar is an international expert in the field of micro- and nanorobotics, with focus on micromechanics applied to cellular tissues. His research on new propulsion systems for microrobots has received international acclaim. Among other grants, he was awarded an ERC Starting Grant in 2017 and an ERC Proof of Concept Grant in 2020. Through generations of students, his highly innovative research and a wide network of collaborations, Mahmut Selman Sakar contributes to developing, at EPFL, the future of his field.

Professor Carmela Troncoso (*1982), currently Tenure Track Assistant Professor at EPFL, as Associate Professor of Computer Science and Communication Systems in the School of Computer and Communication Sciences. Carmela Troncoso's research focuses on developing improved data protection technologies for inclusion in the design of complex computer systems. She runs the Security and Privacy Engineering Laboratory at EPFL, is internationally acclaimed for her expertise in security and data protection technology, and has won a number of awards. In addition, she is a member of the key academic bodies and committees in this area as well as serving on organisational committees for conferences. Carmela Troncoso is highly regarded for her teaching and for her commitment in areas outside of EPFL.

Award of the title of Professor

Dr Frédéric Blanc (*1969), currently Senior Scientist at EPFL's School of Basic Sciences, as Adjunct Professor at EPFL. Frédéric Blanc is a particle physicist who has devoted much of his career to developing, improving and analysing data from the Large Hadron Collider beauty (LHCb), one of the four main LHC experiments at CERN and one in which he has played a leading role. However, he also applies his expertise to other projects in areas such as medical physics.

Dr Giovanni Boero (*1969), currently Senior Scientist in the School of Engineering at EPFL, as Adjunct Professor at EPFL. Giovanni Boero is an international expert in the field of magnetic and electron resonance spectroscopy. The results of his research have applications in the field of physics, microtechnology, electronics, as well as life sciences and chemistry. He contributes to strengthening EPFL through important academic and industrial collaborations, quality teaching and innovative research.

Dr Johannes Lengler (*1981), currently Lecturer in the Department of Computer Science at ETH Zurich, as Adjunct Professor at ETH Zurich. As a leading theoretical computer scientist, Johannes Lengler undertakes a broad range of research, ranging from pure mathematics to the neurosciences.In addition to his work on random network theory, he has also become a driving force behind the theory of nature-inspired search heuristics, to which he makes important contributions thanks to his background in mathematics.

Dr Cristina Müller (*1975), currently Private Lecturer in the Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences at ETH Zurich and Group Leader at the Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI), as Adjunct Professor at ETH Zurich. Cristina Müller conducts research in the field of radiodiagnostics with particular reference to radio-labelled small molecules that target tumour-associated structures in ovarian and prostate cancer cells. She is an internationally acclaimed scientist who carries out world-class radiopharmaceutical research, for which she has received a number of awards.

Dr Paolo Perona (*1971), currently Academic Director in the School of Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering at EPFL, as Adjunct Professor at EPFL. Paolo Perona works in the areas of fluvial hydraulics, ecomorphodynamics and applied hydrodynamics, with focus to sustainable management concepts. His international reputation in these highly topical research areas is also demonstrated by numerous partnerships in the public and private sectors, as well as with universities and research centres throughout the world.

Dr Jérôme Scherer (*1969), currently Senior Scientist at EPFL's School of Basic Sciences, as Adjunct Professor at EPFL. Jérôme Scherer's research area is pure mathematics, particularly topology and algebra, with a focus on homotopy theory, homological algebra and semi-abelian categories. His work is published in leading journals and is frequently cited. This internationally recognised researcher makes a substantial contribution to EPFL.

Departures from ETH Zurich

Professor Kay W. Axhausen (*1958), currently Full Professor of Transport Planning in the Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering, is to retire at the end of January 2024. Kay W. Axhausen joined ETH Zurich as a full professor in 1999. His research has a particular focus on measuring and modelling traffic behaviour and analysing transport decisions made by individuals and institutions. Of the studies he has conducted, the most influential were on the value of reducing travel time. This work led to the definition of the official values used for cost-benefit analysis in Switzerland and Germany. Kay W. Axhausen has an impressive list of publications to his name and has won many prestigious awards. He has also served on numerous commissions, committees and boards.

Professor Lucas Bretschger (*1958), currently Full Professor of Economics in the Department of Management, Technology and Economics, is to retire at the end of January 2024. Lucas Bretschger joined ETH Zurich as a full professor in 2003. His research interests are in the field of dynamic economic theory. Over the past few decades he has made a significant contribution to the development of resource economics, environmental economics and sustainability economics worldwide. In 2019 he was awarded the highest honour in this discipline, that of EAERE Fellow. He also co-founded and helped develop the new Department of Management, Technology and Economics (D-MTEC), of which he was director from 2005 to 2007. He also initiated and organised the EAERE-ETH Winter School.

Professor Giovanni Felder (*1958), currently Full Professor of Mathematics in the Department of Mathematics, will retire at the end of January 2024. Giovanni Felder obtained his doctorate at ETH Zurich in 1986 before working there as a senior researcher and assistant professor. After then taking up positions at other universities, he returned to ETH Zurich as a full professor in 1996. His research concerns mathematical physics and related areas. He is a distinguished researcher who has received numerous awards, including seven SNSF Grants. His reputation is also demonstrated by frequent invitations to participate in national and international conferences, workshops and colloquia. The posts in which Giovanni Felder has served at ETH Zurich include those of founding director of the ETH Institute for Theoretical Studies and co-director of the National Centre of Competence in Research SwissMAP.

Professor Juraj Hromkovič (*1958), currently Full Professor of Computer Science (Information Technology and Education) in the Department of Computer Science, is to retire at the end of January 2024. Juraj Hromkovič joined ETH Zurich as a full professor in 2004. He enjoys a top-class international reputation for his mathematical contributions to solving previously intractable fundamental problems. In addition, he has placed considerable focus on the teaching of computer science. In order to promote the introduction of computer science as a school subject in Switzerland, he founded the Centre for Computer Science Education (ABZ) at ETH Zurich and runs the teacher education programme for the teaching diploma in computer science. He thus succeeded in creating a central hub at ETH Zurich for computer science education in Switzerland and throughout German-speaking Europe.

Professor Simon Lilly (*1959), currently Full Professor of Astrophysics in the Department of Physics, is to retire at the end of January 2024. Simon Lilly joined ETH Zurich as a full professor in 2002. He is acknowledged as one of the world's leading scientists in the fields of observational cosmology and galaxy development, and has a special focus on studying the formation and evolution of galaxies during the early history of the universe. Simon Lilly has been honoured with some of the most prestigious awards in his field, and has an impressive list of publications to his name. As co-founder of the Institute of Astronomy, Simon Lilly also helped turn Zurich into an internationally important centre for studying the formation and development of galaxies by using major redshift surveys.

Professor Dimos Poulikakos (*1955), currently Full Professor of Thermodynamics in the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, is to retire at the end of January 2024. Dimos Poulikakos joined ETH Zurich as a full professor in 1996. His research focuses on interfacial transport phenomena, thermodynamics, and nanotechnology in relation to materials. He has gained considerable international attention and recognition for his work, as demonstrated by the many prestigious awards he has received, including an ERC Advanced Grant. Dimos Poulikakos has made an outstanding contribution to ETH Zurich, not only as a popular lecturer but also by holding a variety of offices and serving on different committees, including as Vice President for Research on the Executive Board from 2005 to 2007.

Professor Christoph Schär (*1958), currently Full Professor of Climate and Water Cycle in the Department of Environmental Systems Science, is to retire at the end of January 2024. Christoph Schär joined ETH Zurich as an assistant professor in 1992. He is one of the foremost researchers in climate modelling, and was one of the first to use the latest generation of supercomputers for this purpose. Many of his research findings have long been recognised as standard results. He has made a substantial contribution to ETH Zurich, such as by playing a major part in founding the Centre for Climate Systems Modelling, of which he was the first Scientific Director. In addition, he was instrumental in setting up the Institute for Atmospheric and Climate Science, of which he was Director (2001-2006 and 2014-2018).

Professor Emo Welzl (*1958), currently Full Professor of Computer Science in the Department of Computer Science, is to retire at the end of January 2024. Emo Welzl joined ETH Zurich as a full professor in 1996. He is a world leader in the field of algorithmic geometry. Not only has he represented his specialist field through his participation in international bodies and academies, but he has also shared his expertise via prestigious international journals and made a contribution to ETH Zurich that goes far beyond the requirements of his chair. He has, for example, served as head and deputy head of the Department of Computer Science, as well as head and deputy head of the Institute of Theoretical Computer Science on several occasions. Emo Welzl was also a member of the Research Commission from 2019 to 2022 and of the Teaching Commission from 2002 to 2012.

Professor Lutz Wingert (*1958), currently Full Professor of Philosophy, Practical Philosophy in particular, in the Department of Humanities, Social and Political Sciences, is to retire at the end of January 2024. Lutz Wingert joined ETH Zurich as a full professor in 2007. He works on a wide range of philosophical topics, ranging from epistemology and political philosophy to social philosophy, ethics and philosophy of mind. Lutz Wingert studied under Jürgen Habermas and is regarded as a representative of the "third generation" of the Frankfurt School. He has won multiple awards for his research. Not only is he appreciated for his teaching, but he has also made a substantial contribution to ETH Zurich. Lutz Wingert's commitment to the Ethics Commission of ETH Zurich, which he has chaired since 2008, is worthy of special note.

Departure from EPFL

Professor James Larus (*1958), currently Full Professor of Computer Science and Communication Systems in the School of Computer and Communication Sciences, is to retire at the end of September 2023. James Larus joined EPFL as a full professor in 2013, serving as Dean from that date until 2021. His research interests cover programming languages, compilers, programme analysis and computer architecture, and have led to remarkable results. He has an impressive list of publications to his name and his work is frequently cited. His management skills and his experience as a manager in the private sector have also proved immensely valuable. James Larus played a decisive role in helping develop the School, and he has also made a substantial contribution to numerous projects both inside and outside EPFL.

The ETH Board would like to thank the departing professors for their services to science and teaching, as well as their commitment to their institution.

Address for enquiries

Gian-Andri Casutt
Head of Communication of the ETH Board
Häldeliweg 15, 8092 Zurich
Hirschengraben 3, Bern
[email protected]
+41 44 632 20 03


Board of the Swiss Federal Institutes of Technology