U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Ways and Means

09/26/2022 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/26/2022 07:44

Democrats Are Intent On Undermining And Destabilizing Medicare

Democrats Are Intent On Undermining And Destabilizing Medicare

Democrats' harmful policies undermine Medicare - Republicans want to save and strengthen it.

Democrats' policies destabilize Medicare, at the detriment of beneficiaries.

Democrats' wasteful spending risks destabilizing Medicare, putting existing enrollees at risk.

  • Democrats have proposed to add even more costs l to the tune of $358 billion over 10 years in reckless spending even though 90 percent of Medicare Advantage plans already offer those benefits.
  • Democrats' plan to lower the eligibility age for Medicare, destabilizing the Medicare trust fund for existing enrollees.

Democrats have harmed Medicare beneficiaries' access to new and innovative treatments and cures with their socialist drug pricing proposals.

  • Democrats' price-fixing scheme will kill up to 342 cures over the next two decades, according to a study done by the University of Chicago.

  • If the Democrats' price control system had been in place last decade, only six of 110 currently approved therapies would have made it to patients.
  • Democrats' drug pricing law has increased premiums for beneficiaries in Medicare Part D, and spends $40 billion just to keep them from growing faster than 6 percent each year.

Taxpayers will be on the hook to pay for Obamacare subsidies, benefiting wealthy Americans.

  • Democrats recently cut over $300 billion out of Medicare and instead of reinvesting that in the program they gave insurance companies a hand out to boost Obamacare.

President Biden isn't just allowing Medicare to fall into insolvency - he's pushing it over a cliff.

  • Without changes, working Americans could face a hike in Medicare payroll taxes by 26 percent.
  • Biden ignored his obligation to send Congress recommendations on Medicare solvency two weeks after submitting his budget that was triggered by the Trustees Report and its Medicare funding warning.

Democrats want to cut the overwhelmingly popular Medicare Advantage program.

  • A new report on Medicare shows that enrollment in the popular Medicare Advantage (MA) program has grown across the board, showing that more seniors are choosing privately-run, innovative options every year. The report comes from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS).
  • Despite Medicare Advantage's (MA) growing popularity, the Biden Administration targets this program in an effort to move us backwards towards a socialist single-payer model that will limit patient choice and increase costs.

READ: Democrats Want to Cut Overwhelmingly Popular Medicare Advantage Program