PRH - National Board of Patents and Registration of Finland

01/10/2025 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 01/10/2025 01:33

Enter the Nordic innovation competition

The Finnish Patent and Registration Office (PRH) and the other Nordic patent and trademark offices are holding a new competition called the Nordic Innovation Award, which rewards sustainable innovations protected by intellectual property rights (IPR).

The competition aims to increase awareness of the benefits of patents, trademarks and other intellectual property rights (IPR) in business and support sustainable development and responsible solutions.

Award criteria

The competition rewards responsible and sustainable innovations. Their characteristics include the following:

  • The innovation reduces resource consumption (e.g., energy, water, materials).
  • The innovation minimises its environmental impacts (such as carbon dioxide emissions or waste).
  • The innovation contributes to positive social development (e.g., by improving quality of life or community health).

The innovation is also economically viable, making the solution scalable and accessible for broader use.

One candidate will be selected from each of the five Nordic countries for the final, which will take place in Copenhagen, Denmark, on 10 April 2025. Additionally, the Finnish jury will award two honourable mentions.

How to enter the competition

All Finnish small and medium-sized enterprises operating in Finland with fewer than 250 employees can enter the competition.

The competition is open for applications until 3 February 2025. You can participate by filling in the entry form on the competition page. Participation is free of charge.

In Finland, the competition is managed by the Finnish Patent and Registration Office.

Read more about the competition and the award criteria on the competition page.