Kansas Corporation Commission

01/16/2025 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 01/16/2025 10:30

25 CONS 3180 CEXC ...Application Berexco LLC...In the matter of the application of Berexco LLC for an exception to the 10 year time limitation of K.A.R. 82 3 111 for its Arroyo[...]

Docket Number: 25-CONS-3180-CEXCDate Opened: 12/02/2024Status: OpenDescription:

Application - Berexco LLC

Synopsis: In the matter of the application of Berexco LLC for an exception to the 10-year time limitation of K.A.R. 82-3-111 for its Arroyo #22-5 well located in the S2 NE NW of Sec 22, T29S, R41W, Stanton County, Kansas. Companies Involved: