01/21/2025 | News release | Distributed by Public on 01/21/2025 12:48
The Maine Department of Education's (DOE) Maine Learning Technology Initiative (MLTI) is excited to announce a T-shirt design competition for the 22nd annual MLTI Student Conference on May 22, 2025. All students in MLTI schools are invited to unleash their creativity and design the official T-shirt for this in-person event, which will be held at the University of Maine. The theme for this conference is #LetsDiriGo!
Every year, this competition gives student designers a unique opportunity to see their work come to life beyond a computer screen. Last year's winning designs came from Maranacook Community Middle School in Readfield (for the MLTI Student Conference) and the Samuel L. Wagner Middle School in Winterport (for the MLTI Maine Winter Classic). Other recent winners have included students from Gray-New Gloucester High School, Waterville Junior High School, and Southern Aroostook Community School.
The Maine DOE is, once again, looking forward to selecting a student design for these T-shirts, which will also be available in youth sizes this year. Please review eligibility and submission guidelines for the 2025 MLTI Student Conference T-shirt design competition here. You may submit your entry using thissubmission form.
Upcoming Competition Dates:
If you have questions about this contest or need assistance, please contact MLTI Project Manager Bethany Billinger at [email protected].
The Maine Learning Through Technology Initiative (MLTI) is part of the Maine DOE Office of Teaching and Learning. For more information about the MLTI Student Conference, please email [email protected].