UNESCO - United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

03/27/2023 | News release | Distributed by Public on 03/28/2023 00:18

UNAIDS and UNESCO promote workshop to strengthen civil society in Boa Vista, Roraima

To contribute to the response to HIV in Boa Vista, the capital of Roraima (a Brazilian state in the Amazonian Region), the Joint United Nations Program on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) promoted, in February 2023, a Workshop to Strengthen the Management Capacity of CSOs (Civil Society Organizations).

The workshop sought to strengthen the sustainability of participating CSOs that provide services to people living with HIV/AIDS and other key HIV populations, such as sex workers, the LGBTQIA+ population, and the migrant and refugee population.

The organizations Associação de Bem com a Vida (ABV), Association of Transvestites and Transsexuals of the State of Roraima (ATERR), Grupo Sabá (formerly Associação de Luta pela Vida), Valentes pela Vida and Roraimense Association for Sexual Diversity in Roraima (Grupo DiveRRsidade) promote prevention, counselling, information, testing and linking to the Unified Health System (SUS) network and are often people's first contact with health services in the region.

The representative of Grupo Sabá, Sandra Gomez, from Grupo DiveRRsidade, Silvia Reis, Bianca Rinald and Joelma Santana, from ATERR, participated in the workshop.

"Partnerships with local CSOs aim to support the sustainability of their operations, as well as activities aimed at confronting prejudice, stigma and discrimination and promoting combined HIV prevention", explains Paulo Meireles, HIV Consultant for the R4V Roraima Initiative.

AIDS detection in Roraima

According to the 2022 HIV/AIDS Epidemiological Bulletin, Roraima has the second highest AIDS detection rate in Brazil, reaching 29.3 per 100 thousand inhabitants. In the country, this rate is 16.5 per 100 thousand inhabitants.

"We need to strengthen communities so that the local response to HIV is equitable and no one is left behind. The work of CSOs is a fundamental part of this aspect", says Mariana Medeiros, program assistant at UNAIDS Brazil.

During the two-day workshop, topics such as financial management related to identifying fundraising opportunities, preparation and submission of project proposals, relationship with funding agents, communication with the target audience and a transversal approach to the gender issue in organizations, projects and actions.

The workshop also had the support of UN Women, the Roraima State Health Secretariat (SESAU/RR), the Federal University of Roraima and the Impulse Programme from the GRPCOM Institute.

Source: UNAIDS Brazil

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