
The Office of the Governor of the State of West Virginia

01/12/2025 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 01/12/2025 14:27

Gov. Justice orders flags to be flown at half-staff on Saturday, January 18, in honor of former Delegate Frank 'Bucky' Blackwell

CHARLESTON, WV - Gov. Jim Justice has ordered all United States and West Virginia flags at the Capitol Complex and state-owned facilities in Wyoming County to be displayed at half-staff from dawn to dusk on January 18, 2025, in commemoration of the distinguished life and service of former West Virginia Delegate, Frank "Bucky" Blackwell.

Blackwell began his career as an elementary school teacher, later becoming a principal and then Assistant Superintendent for 15 years. He served as the Superintendent of Wyoming County Schools for 34 years, making a lasting impact on local education.

In 1976, he was elected to the West Virginia House of Delegates and served three terms. In 2016, Gov. Earl Ray Tomblin appointed him to fill a vacant seat in the House.

After retiring from Wyoming County Schools, Gov. Justice appointed Blackwell as Executive Director of the West Virginia School Building Authority in 2017.