
Roger Marshall

01/10/2025 | Press release | Archived content

Senator Marshall Reacts to Treasury Guidance on 45Z Clean Fuel Production Credit

Washington, D.C. - U.S. Senator Roger Marshall, M.D. issued the following statement after the Biden Administration released new guidance on the Section 45Z Clean Fuel Production Credit that failed to fully address the needs of American farmers and ethanol producers.

"As his term ends, undoing the damage of the Biden Administration on American Agriculture remains my top priority. I sat down with President Trump just a few days ago to discuss how Joe Biden has neglected our agricultural producers over the past four years. While we support efforts to prevent foreign entities, like China, from unfairly benefiting from this 45Z tax credit through imported used cooking oil, the Biden Administration's policies once again are ambiguous at best and fail to prioritize American agriculture. Based upon my discussions with the nominees for Secretary of Agriculture and Treasury, the Trump Administration is well aware of the complexities of this issue and its impact on rural America."

Senator Marshall has been a leader on this issue in Congress, fighting for the U.S. Treasury Department to restrict the eligibility of the 45Z Tax Credit to renewable fuels made only from domestically sourced feedstocks, like Kansas soybean oil and corn oil.

Read more about the Senator's Leadership on this issue below: