01/10/2025 | News release | Distributed by Public on 01/10/2025 16:05
The 109th session of the Nebraska Legislature began this week in Lincoln. Much of the first few days were made up of legislative procedure and bill introduction. Seventeen new senators were sworn in, temporary rules were put in place, and new leaders and committee chairs were elected.
Nebraska Farm Bureau and the Foundation are excited to announce several new staff members. Joining the Public Policy Team are Elisabeth Hurst, director of state legislative affairs; Jessica Shelburn, director of grassroots engagement; Madison Stracke, assistant director of state legislative affairs; and Abygail Streff, economist/policy analyst. Joining the Nebraska Farm Bureau Foundation is Elizabeth Lipp, education specialist.
While we here at Nebraska Farm Bureau (NEFB) are definitely looking forward to the new year and all of the policy work there is to do in 2025, I'd be remiss if I didn't quickly review what happened right before the 118th Congress ended a few weeks ago. Senior Director of National Affairs Jordan Dux provides an update in this commentary.
Lawmakers have officially proposed a fix to the changes made during Nebraska's summer special session regarding a crucial property tax relief program, which had restricted certain tax benefits for residents of Nebraska. NEFB President Mark McHargue commented on the proposal.
Join us Feb. 7-8 for the 2025 Nebraska Young Farmer and Rancher Conference as we connect young farmers, ranchers, and agriculturalists together for a weekend of growth and exploration. Check out our line-up of world class speakers and innovative tours.
The Nebraska Farm Bureau Legislative Conference is back! Join us February 25, 2025, as we explore current policy issues impacting agriculture, visit with elected officials, and get the latest information on legislation in Lincoln and Washington, D.C. Cap off the day by socializing with fellow Farm Bureau members and elected officials at BBQ and Brews from 5-7 p.m.
As president of the Nebraska Farm Bureau, I've had the privilege of experiencing numerous "Ah Ha" moments in agriculture. As I reflect on the challenges and opportunities facing Nebraska agriculture, I am reminded of the crucial role that farmers and ranchers play in safeguarding our way of life.
The list of items on Nebraska Farm Bureau's state and national policy "to-do" list is long and complex. With a new president and new leadership in Congress, as well as senators assembling in Lincoln, NEFB is ready to get to work pushing policy that will better the economic future of Nebraska's farm and ranch families.
Join us once a month for a 30-minute update and discussion on the latest issues and policy actions that could impact your farm or ranch. Learn how Farm Bureau is advocating for you and how you can help us protect and support Nebraska farm and ranch families. All members welcome! Dial (402) 204-8272 at 12:30 p.m. CT to join our call. 2025 Dates: Jan. 15; Feb. 12; March 12; April 9; May 14; June 11; July 9; Aug. 13; Sept. 17; Oct. 8; Nov. 12; No Call in Dec. If you are on the county leader's call please stay on the call and do not hang up, that way you do not have to call back in.
Ten farmers, ranchers, and agribusiness professionals from across Nebraska have been selected for Nebraska Farm Bureau's 2025 Leadership Academy. They will begin a year-long program starting in January.
The latest Farm Journal Ag Economists' Monthly Monitor, a survey of nearly 70 agricultural economists from across the country, showed that 56% thought agriculture is already in a recession. This edition of Economic Tidbits digs into the contributing factors.
The Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy is offering a rebate opportunity through its ONE RED Program to help farmers transition from diesel-powered irrigation engines to all-electric equipment. Applications are due January 16.