Mizuho Financial Group Inc.

11/29/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 11/29/2024 05:08





Washington, D.C. 20549



PURSUANT TO RULE 13a-16 OR 15d-16


For the month of November 2024

Commission File Number 001-33098

Mizuho Financial Group, Inc.

(Translation of registrant's name into English)

5-5, Otemachi 1-chome

Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-8176


(Address of principal executive office)

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant files or will file annual reports under cover of Form 20-F or Form 40-F.

Form 20-F ☒ Form 40-F ☐



Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

Date: November 29, 2024
Mizuho Financial Group, Inc.

/s/ Takefumi Yonezawa

Name: Takefumi Yonezawa
Title: Senior Executive Officer / Group CFO



On November 29, 2024, we published our unaudited interim consolidated financial statements as of and for the six months ended September 30, 2024 prepared in accordance with Japanese GAAP as part of our interim securities report (hanki hokokusho) for the same period filed by us with the relevant Japanese authorities. We have included in this report on Form 6-K an English translation of the unaudited interim consolidated financial statements and the notes thereto included in such interim securities report. Japanese GAAP differs in certain respects from U.S. GAAP. For a description of certain differences between U.S. GAAP and Japanese GAAP, see "Item 5. Operating and Financial Review and Prospects-Reconciliation with Japanese GAAP" in our most recent annual report on Form 20-F filed with the U.S. Securities Exchange Commission.

- 1 -

Financial Information


Mizuho Financial Group, Inc. ("MHFG") is a specified business company under Article 18, Paragraph 2 of the Cabinet Office Ordinance on Disclosure of Corporate Information, etc. and prepares the interim consolidated financial statements.


The interim consolidated financial statements of MHFG are prepared in accordance with the "Ordinance on the Terminology, Forms, and Preparation Methods of Consolidated Financial Statements" (Ordinance of the Ministry of Finance No. 28 of 1976). The classification of assets and liabilities and that of income and expenses are in accordance with the "Ordinance for Enforcement of the Banking Act" (Ordinance of the Ministry of Finance No. 10 of 1982).

Additionally, MHFG is subject to a company listed in the upper column of No. 2 in the table of Article 24-5, Paragraph 1 of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, and prepares "dainishu" interim consolidated financial statements pursuant to Part 1 and Part 4 of the "Ordinance on the Terminology, Forms, and Preparation Methods of Consolidated Financial Statements."


Ernst & Young ShinNihon LLC conducted a semiannual audit on the interim consolidated financial statements of MHFG for the six months ended September 30, 2024, pursuant to Article 193-2, Paragraph 1 of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act.

- 2 -

I. Interim Consolidated Financial Statements

(1) Interim Consolidated Balance Sheet

(Millions of yen)

As of
March 31, 2024

As of
September 30, 2024


Cash and Due from Banks

*5 72,968,900 *5 71,620,559

Call Loans and Bills Purchased

1,259,964 1,121,682

Receivables under Resale Agreements

20,533,096 22,657,784

Guarantee Deposits Paid under Securities Borrowing Transactions

2,357,463 2,177,103

Other Debt Purchased

4,174,891 3,690,073

Trading Assets

*5 21,381,444 *5 21,567,775

Money Held in Trust

583,647 612,755


*1, *2, *3, *5, *12 38,245,422 *1, *2, *3, *5, *12 38,188,142

Loans and Bills Discounted

*3, *4, *5, *6 92,778,781 *3, *4, *5, *6 92,354,009

Foreign Exchange Assets

*3, *4 2,259,701 *3, *4 2,212,641

Derivatives other than for Trading Assets

2,606,667 2,845,012

Other Assets

*3, *5 7,364,363 *3, *5 6,379,668

Tangible Fixed Assets

*7, *8 1,139,470 *7, *8 1,093,441

Intangible Fixed Assets

725,142 755,656

Net Defined Benefit Asset

847,116 863,709

Deferred Tax Assets

135,428 83,115

Customers' Liabilities for Acceptances and Guarantees

*3 10,098,502 *3 9,861,424

Reserves for Possible Losses on Loans

(787,848 ) (729,659 )

Reserve for Possible Losses on Investments

(4 ) (5 )

Total Assets

278,672,151 277,354,891

- 3 -

(Millions of yen)

As of
March 31, 2024

As of
September 30, 2024



*5 159,854,668 *5 155,675,626

Negotiable Certificates of Deposit

11,590,532 12,193,562

Call Money and Bills Sold

1,660,682 2,819,989

Payables under Repurchase Agreements

*5 38,103,216 *5 38,716,833

Guarantee Deposits Received under Securities Lending Transactions

*5 1,306,422 *5 1,362,370

Commercial Paper

1,165,988 1,005,716

Trading Liabilities

13,836,028 13,690,008

Borrowed Money

*5, *9 5,449,852 *5, *9 5,689,002

Foreign Exchange Liabilities

900,034 1,122,353

Short-term Bonds

565,736 749,612

Bonds and Notes

       *10 11,999,712        *10 12,372,001

Due to Trust Accounts

983,877 1,033,963

Derivatives other than for Trading Liabilities

3,818,518 4,158,134

Other Liabilities

6,618,151 5,815,545

Reserve for Bonus Payments

185,977 123,860

Reserve for Variable Compensation

2,527 1,168

Net Defined Benefit Liability

67,151 67,502

Reserve for Director and Corporate Auditor Retirement Benefits

541 432

Reserve for Possible Losses on Sales of Loans

8,645 8,761

Reserve for Contingencies

19,321 16,461

Reserve for Reimbursement of Deposits

10,378 8,840

Reserve for Reimbursement of Debentures

25,125 23,718

Reserves under Special Laws

3,781 3,772

Deferred Tax Liabilities

27,058 26,497

Deferred Tax Liabilities for Revaluation Reserve for Land

*7 57,583 *7 46,410

Acceptances and Guarantees

10,098,502 9,861,424

Total Liabilities

268,360,016 266,593,572

Net Assets

Common Stock

2,256,767 2,256,767

Capital Surplus

1,129,730 1,129,731

Retained Earnings

5,538,891 5,990,738

Treasury Stock

(9,402 ) (9,539 )

Total Shareholders' Equity

8,915,987 9,367,698

Net Unrealized Gains (Losses) on Other Securities

929,815 947,280

Deferred Gains or Losses on Hedges

(298,280 ) (305,050 )

Revaluation Reserve for Land

*7 126,879 *7 101,564

Foreign Currency Translation Adjustments

344,250 372,540

Remeasurements of Defined Benefit Plans

214,337 198,141

Own Credit Risk Adjustments, Net of Tax

(452 ) (527 )

Total Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income

1,316,550 1,313,948

Stock Acquisition Rights

5 5

Non-controlling Interests

79,591 79,667

Total Net Assets

10,312,135 10,761,319

Total Liabilities and Net Assets

278,672,151 277,354,891

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(2) Interim Consolidated Statement of Income and Interim Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income

  Interim Consolidated Statement of Income

(Millions of yen)

For the six months ended
September 30, 2023

For the six months ended
September 30, 2024

Ordinary Income

 4,244,507    4,585,215

Interest Income

2,706,494 3,045,939

Interest on Loans and Bills Discounted

1,361,163 1,373,557

Interest and Dividends on Securities

293,228 431,507

Fiduciary Income

30,458 30,291

Fee and Commission Income

485,482 512,874

Trading Income

    725,069 558,460

Other Operating Income

194,063     228,699

Other Ordinary Income

*1 102,938 *1 208,950

Ordinary Expenses

3,670,413 3,838,136

Interest Expenses

2,251,880 2,563,082

Interest on Deposits

832,381 874,568

Fee and Commission Expenses

101,128 110,088

Trading Expenses

432,114 - 

Other Operating Expenses

43,524 182,395

General and Administrative Expenses

782,989 877,168

Other Ordinary Expenses

*2 58,775 *2 105,401

Ordinary Profits

574,093 747,079

Extraordinary Gains

*3 24,072 *3 49,527

Extraordinary Losses

*4 1,842 *4 5,447

Income before Income Taxes

596,323 791,158

Income Taxes:


134,897 187,649


43,760 35,483

Total Income Taxes

178,658 223,133


417,665 568,025

Profit Attributable to Non-controlling Interests

1,911 1,884

Profit Attributable to Owners of Parent

415,753 566,141

- 5 -

  Interim Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income

(Millions of yen)

For the six months ended
September 30, 2023

For the six months ended
September 30, 2024


    417,665     568,025

Other Comprehensive Income

139,992 23,813

Net Unrealized Gains (Losses) on Other Securities

(98,538 ) 18,120

Deferred Gains or Losses on Hedges

64,183 (6,897 )

Foreign Currency Translation Adjustments

182,210 18,117

Remeasurements of Defined Benefit Plans

(25,736 ) (15,925 )

Own Credit Risk Adjustments, Net of Tax

28 (75 )

Share of Other Comprehensive Income of Associates Accounted for Using Equity Method

17,844 10,474

Comprehensive Income

557,657 591,838


Comprehensive Income Attributable to Owners of Parent

552,666 588,854

Comprehensive Income Attributable to Non-controlling Interests

4,991 2,983

- 6 -

(3) Interim Consolidated Statement of Changes in Net Assets

  For the six months ended September 30, 2023

(Millions of yen)
Shareholders' Equity
Common Stock Capital Surplus Retained Earnings Treasury Stock Total


Balance as of the beginning of the period

2,256,767 1,129,267 5,093,911 (8,786 ) 8,471,160

Cumulative Effects of Changes in Accounting Policies

(1,883 ) (1,883 )

Balance as of the beginning of the period reflecting Changes in Accounting Policies

2,256,767 1,129,267 5,092,027 (8,786 ) 8,469,276

Changes during the period

Cash Dividends

(107,882 ) (107,882 )

Profit Attributable to Owners of Parent

415,753 415,753

Repurchase of Treasury Stock

(2,360 ) (2,360 )

Disposition of Treasury Stock

0 2,706 2,706

Transfer from Revaluation Reserve for Land

1,529 1,529

Changes in Retained Earnings by Decreasing of Equity Method Affiliates and Others

231 231

Net Changes in Items other than Shareholders' equity

Total Changes during the period

-  0 309,631 346 309,978

Balance as of the end of the period

2,256,767 1,129,267 5,401,659 (8,439 ) 8,779,254
Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income Stock
Total Net
Net Unrealized
Gains (Losses)
on Other
Deferred Gains
or Losses on

Reserve for
of Defined
Benefit Plans
Own Credit
Net of Tax

Balance as of the beginning of the period 

564,495 (358,102 ) 129,321 144,093 182,306 19 662,133 5 75,163 9,208,463

Cumulative Effects of Changes in Accounting Policies

-  (1,883 )

Balance as of the beginning of the period reflecting Changes in Accounting Policies

564,495 (358,102 ) 129,321 144,093 182,306 19 662,133 5 75,163 9,206,579

Changes during the period

Cash Dividends

(107,882 )

Profit Attributable to Owners of Parent


Repurchase of Treasury Stock

(2,360 )

Disposition of Treasury Stock


Transfer from Revaluation Reserve for Land


Changes in Retained Earnings by Decreasing of Equity Method Affiliates and Others


Net Changes in Items other than Shareholders' equity

(99,774 ) 63,815 (1,529 ) 198,790 (25,947 ) 28 135,382 -  1,475 136,857

Total Changes during the period

(99,774 ) 63,815 (1,529 ) 198,790 (25,947 ) 28 135,382 -  1,475 446,835

Balance as of the end of the period

464,720 (294,287 ) 127,792 342,883 156,359   48   797,516 5 76,638  9,653,415

- 7 -

  For the six months ended September 30, 2024

(Millions of yen)
Shareholders' Equity
Common Stock Capital Surplus Retained Earnings Treasury Stock Total


Balance as of the beginning of the period

2,256,767 1,129,730 5,538,891 (9,402 ) 8,915,987

Changes during the period

Cash Dividends

(139,610 ) (139,610 )

Profit Attributable to Owners of Parent

566,141 566,141

Repurchase of Treasury Stock

(2,772 ) (2,772 )

Disposition of Treasury Stock

1 2,636 2,637

Transfer from Revaluation Reserve for Land

25,315 25,315

Net Changes in Items other than Shareholders' equity

Total Changes during the period

-  1 451,846 (136 ) 451,710

Balance as of the end of the period

2,256,767 1,129,731 5,990,738 (9,539 ) 9,367,698
Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income Stock
Total Net
Net Unrealized
Gains (Losses)
on Other
Deferred Gains
or Losses on
Reserve for
of Defined
Benefit Plans
Own Credit
Net of Tax

Balance as of the beginning of the period 

929,815 (298,280 ) 126,879 344,250 214,337 (452 ) 1,316,550 5 79,591 10,312,135

Changes during the period

Cash Dividends

(139,610 )

Profit Attributable to Owners of Parent


Repurchase of Treasury Stock

(2,772 )

Disposition of Treasury Stock


Transfer from Revaluation Reserve for Land


Net Changes in Items other than Shareholders' equity

17,464 (6,770 ) (25,315 ) 28,290 (16,195 ) (75 ) (2,601 ) -  75 (2,526 )

Total Changes during the period

17,464 (6,770 ) (25,315 ) 28,290 (16,195 ) (75 ) (2,601 ) -  75 449,184

Balance as of the end of the period

947,280 (305,050 ) 101,564 372,540 198,141 (527 ) 1,313,948 5 79,667 10,761,319

- 8 -

(4) Interim Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows

(Millions of yen)
For the six months ended
September 30, 2023
For the six months ended
September 30, 2024

Cash Flow from Operating Activities

Income before Income Taxes

596,323 791,158


82,469 93,560

Losses on Impairment of Fixed Assets

321 1,564

Amortization of Goodwill

1,915 3,598

Equity in Loss (Gain) from Investments in Affiliates

(23,565 ) (27,771 )

Increase (Decrease) in Reserves for Possible Losses on Loans

(26,835 ) (56,765 )

Increase (Decrease) in Reserve for Possible Losses on Investments

1 0

Increase (Decrease) in Reserve for Possible Losses on Sales of Loans

(3,513 ) 115

Increase (Decrease) in Reserve for Contingencies

3,004 (2,842 )

Increase (Decrease) in Reserve for Bonus Payments

(49,854 ) (56,591 )

Increase (Decrease) in Reserve for Variable Compensation

(1,119 ) (1,359 )

Decrease (Increase) in Net Defined Benefit Asset

19,243 (32,099 )

Increase (Decrease) in Net Defined Benefit Liability

(1,730 ) (372 )

Increase (Decrease) in Reserve for Director and Corporate Auditor Retirement Benefits

(3 ) (109 )

Increase (Decrease) in Reserve for Reimbursement of Deposits

(1,534 ) (1,538 )

Increase (Decrease) in Reserve for Reimbursement of Debentures

(1,526 ) (1,407 )

Interest Income - accrual basis

(2,706,494 ) (3,045,939 )

Interest Expenses - accrual basis

2,251,880 2,563,082

Losses (Gains) on Securities

(57,339 ) (146,335 )

Losses (Gains) on Money Held in Trust

356 (514 )

Foreign Exchange Losses (Gains) - net

(940,408 ) 685,703

Losses (Gains) on Disposition of Fixed Assets

(3,769 ) (32,238 )

Losses (Gains) on Revision of Retirement Benefit Plan

-  (9,015 )

Losses (Gains) on Cancellation of Employee Retirement Benefit Trust

(18,782 ) (3,788 )

Decrease (Increase) in Trading Assets

(5,804,642 ) (560,035 )

Increase (Decrease) in Trading Liabilities

3,754,559 (35,999 )

Decrease (Increase) in Derivatives other than for Trading Assets

(1,586,509 ) (253,372 )

Increase (Decrease) in Derivatives other than for Trading Liabilities

2,212,090 353,337

Decrease (Increase) in Loans and Bills Discounted

252,728 (422,171 )

Increase (Decrease) in Deposits

(6,646,951 ) (3,419,380 )

Increase (Decrease) in Negotiable Certificates of Deposit

3,258,637 860,863

Increase (Decrease) in Borrowed Money (excluding Subordinated Borrowed Money)

628,542 250,345

Decrease (Increase) in Due from Banks (excluding Due from Central Banks)

102,408 (787 )

Decrease (Increase) in Call Loans, etc.

(2,117,802 ) (2,011,283 )

Decrease (Increase) in Guarantee Deposits Paid under Securities Borrowing Transactions

79,157 180,360

Increase (Decrease) in Call Money, etc.

4,861,463 3,463,557

Increase (Decrease) in Commercial Paper

(438,587 ) (94,194 )

Increase (Decrease) in Guarantee Deposits Received under Securities Lending Transactions

333,499 55,948

Decrease (Increase) in Foreign Exchange Assets

29,605 (18,388 )

Increase (Decrease) in Foreign Exchange Liabilities

177,391 222,258

Increase (Decrease) in Short-term Bonds (Liabilities)

9,747 183,876

Increase (Decrease) in Bonds and Notes

85,465 70,696

Increase (Decrease) in Due to Trust Accounts

(450,758 )     50,086

Interest and Dividend Income - cash basis

  2,597,879 3,021,212

Interest Expenses - cash basis

(2,247,681 ) (2,696,385 )

Other - net

856,211 (1,159,212 )


(934,503 ) (1,238,572 )

Cash Refunded (Paid) in Income Taxes

(209,751 ) 16,420

Net Cash Provided by (Used in) Operating Activities

(1,144,255 ) (1,222,151 )

- 9 -

(Millions of yen)
For the six months ended
September 30, 2023
For the six months ended
September 30, 2024

Cash Flow from Investing Activities

Payments for Purchase of Securities

(45,547,491 ) (38,088,448 )

Proceeds from Sale of Securities

18,823,965 26,467,039

Proceeds from Redemption of Securities

20,695,428 11,964,533

Payments for Increase in Money Held in Trust

(47,958 ) (35,511 )

Proceeds from Decrease in Money Held in Trust

2,329 6,172

Payments for Purchase of Tangible Fixed Assets

(25,734 ) (31,440 )

Payments for Purchase of Intangible Fixed Assets

(78,099 ) (119,135 )

Proceeds from Sale of Tangible Fixed Assets

9,824 86,513

Payment from Sales of Stocks of Subsidiaries (affecting the scope of consolidation)

7,927 2,970

Net Cash Provided by (Used in) Investing Activities

(6,159,809 ) 252,694

Cash Flow from Financing Activities

Proceeds from Issuance of Subordinated Bonds

499,000 514,500

Payments for Redemption of Subordinated Bonds

(95,000 ) (135,000 )

Proceeds from Investments by Non-controlling Shareholders

23 341

Cash Dividends Paid

(107,843 ) (139,509 )

Cash Dividends Paid to Non-controlling Shareholders

(3,534 ) (3,289 )

Payments for Repurchase of Treasury Stock

(2,360 ) (2,772 )

Proceeds from Sale of Treasury Stock

2,706 2,637

Net Cash Provided by (Used in) Financing Activities

292,991 236,905

Effect of Foreign Exchange Rate Changes on Cash and Cash Equivalents

1,495,963 (556,569 )

Net Increase (Decrease) in Cash and Cash Equivalents

(5,515,109 ) (1,289,121 )

Cash and Cash Equivalents at the beginning of the period

65,825,681 71,165,815

Cash and Cash Equivalents at the end of the period

*1  60,310,571 *1  69,876,694

- 10 -

Notes to Interim Consolidated Financial Statements

Fundamental and Important Matters for the Preparation of Interim Consolidated Financial Statements


Scope of Consolidation


Number of consolidated subsidiaries: 226

Names of principal companies:

Mizuho Bank, Ltd.

Mizuho Trust & Banking Co., Ltd.

Mizuho Securities Co., Ltd.

Change in scope of consolidation

During the six months ended September 30, 2024, Mizuho Pochette Co., Ltd. and twenty-four other companies were newly included in the scope of consolidation as a result of establishment.

During the six months ended September 30, 2024, Mizuho EB Service, Ltd. and seventeen other companies were excluded from the scope of consolidation as a result of dissolution and other factors.


Number of non-consolidated subsidiaries: 0


Application of the Equity Method


Number of non-consolidated subsidiaries under the equity method: 0


Number of affiliates under the equity method: 26

Names of principal companies:

Custody Bank of Japan, Ltd.

Orient Corporation

Mizuho Leasing Company, Limited

Change in scope of equity method

During the six months ended September 30, 2024, Japan Blue M&A Advisory, Ltd. was newly included in the scope of equity method as a result of establishment.


Number of non-consolidated subsidiaries not under the equity method: 0


Affiliates not under the equity method:

Pec International Leasing Co., Ltd.

Affiliates not under the equity method are excluded from the scope of the equity method since such exclusion has no material effect on MHFG's interim consolidated financial statements in terms of Net Income (Loss) (amount corresponding to MHFG's equity position), Retained Earnings (amount corresponding to MHFG's equity position), Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income (amount corresponding to MHFG's equity position) and others.


Interim Balance Sheet Dates of Consolidated Subsidiaries


Interim balance sheet dates of consolidated subsidiaries are as follows:

June 30 42 companies
September 30 184 companies

Of the subsidiaries with an interim balance sheet date of June 30, 3 companies were consolidated based on its tentative interim financial statement as of and for the period ended the interim balance sheet date. Other consolidated subsidiaries were consolidated based on their interim financial statements as of and for the period ended their respective interim balance sheet dates.

The necessary adjustments have been made to the interim financial statements for any significant transactions that took place between their respective interim balance sheet dates and the date of the interim consolidated financial statements.

- 11 -


Standards of Accounting Method


Credited Loans pursuant to Trading Securities and Trading Income & Expenses

Credited loans held for the purpose of trading are, in line with trading securities, recognized on a trade date basis and recorded in Other Debt Purchased on the interim consolidated balance sheet. Other Debt Purchased related to the relevant credited loans is stated at fair value at the interim consolidated balance sheet date.

Interest received and the gains or losses on the sale of the relevant credited loans during the six months ended September 30, 2024, including the gains or losses resulting from any change in the value between the beginning and the end of the six months ended September 30, 2024, are recognized in Other Operating Income and Other Operating Expenses on the interim consolidated statement of income.


Trading Assets & Liabilities and Trading Income & Expenses

Trading transactions intended to take advantage of short-term fluctuations and arbitrage opportunities in interest rates, currency exchange rates, market prices of securities and related indices are recognized on a trade date basis and recorded in Trading Assets or Trading Liabilities on the interim consolidated balance sheet. Income or expenses generated on the relevant trading transactions are recorded in Trading Income or Trading Expenses on the interim consolidated statement of income.

Securities and other monetary claims held for trading purposes are stated at fair value at the interim consolidated balance sheet date. Derivative financial products, such as swaps, futures and option transactions, are stated at fair value, assuming that such transactions are terminated and settled at the interim consolidated balance sheet date.

Trading Income and Trading Expenses include the interest received and the interest paid during the six months ended September 30, 2024, the gains or losses resulting from any change in the value of securities and other monetary claims between the beginning and the end of the six months ended September 30, 2024, and the gains or losses resulting from any change in the value of financial derivatives between the beginning and the end of the six months ended September 30, 2024, assuming they were settled at the end of the six months ended September 30, 2024.

For financial derivatives, fair value is calculated on the basis of net assets or liabilities after offsetting financial assets and liabilities with respect to specific market risks and specific credit risk.




Bonds held to maturity are stated at amortized cost (straight-line method) and determined by the moving average method. Investments in affiliates not under the equity method are stated at acquisition cost and determined by the moving average method. Other Securities are stated at market price (cost of securities sold is calculated primarily by the moving average method). Stocks and others without a quoted market price are stated at acquisition cost and determined by the moving average method.

The net unrealized gains (losses) on Other Securities are included directly in Net Assets, net of applicable income taxes after excluding gains and losses as a result of the fair-value hedge method.


Securities which are held as trust assets in Money Held in Trust accounts are valued in the same way as described in (a) above.


Derivative Transactions

Derivative transactions (other than transactions for trading purposes) are valued at fair value.

Fair value is calculated on the basis of net assets or liabilities after offsetting financial assets and liabilities with respect to specific market risks and specific credit risk.


Depreciation of Fixed Assets


Tangible Fixed Assets (Except for Lease Assets)

Depreciation of buildings is computed mainly by the straight-line method, and that of others is computed mainly by the declining-balance method. The amount based on estimated annual depreciation expenses is allocated to each period.

- 12 -

The range of useful lives is as follows:


3 years to 50 years


2 years to 20 years

Intangible Fixed Assets (Except for Lease Assets)

Amortization of Intangible Fixed Assets is computed by the straight-line method. Development costs for internally-used software are capitalized and amortized over their estimated useful lives of mainly between five and ten years as determined by MHFG and consolidated subsidiaries.


Lease Assets

Depreciation of lease assets booked in Tangible Fixed Assets and Intangible Fixed Assets which are concerned with finance lease transactions that do not transfer ownership is mainly computed by the same method as the one applied to fixed assets owned by us.


Deferred Assets

Bond issuance costs are expensed as incurred.


Reserves for Possible Losses on Loans

Reserves for Possible Losses on Loans of major domestic consolidated subsidiaries are maintained in accordance with internally established standards for write-offs and reserve provisions.

For claims extended to obligors that are legally bankrupt under the Bankruptcy Law, Special Liquidation under the Company Law or other similar laws ("Bankrupt Obligors"), and to obligors that are effectively in similar conditions ("Substantially Bankrupt Obligors"), reserves are maintained at the amounts of claims net of direct write-offs described below and the expected amounts recoverable from the disposition of collateral and the amounts recoverable under guarantees. For claims extended to obligors that are not yet legally or formally bankrupt but are likely to be bankrupt ("Intensive Control Obligors"), reserves are maintained at the amounts deemed necessary based on overall solvency analyses of the amounts of claims net of expected amounts recoverable from the disposition of collateral and the amounts recoverable under guarantees.

For claims extended to Intensive Control Obligors and Obligors with Restructured Loans and others, if the exposure to an obligor exceeds a certain specific amount, reserves are provided as follows: (i) if future cash flows of the principal and interest can be reasonably estimated, the discounted cash flow method is applied, under which the reserve is determined as the difference between the book value of the loan and its present value of future cash flows discounted using the contractual interest rate before the loan was classified as a Restructured Loan, and (ii) if future cash flows of the principal and interest cannot be reasonably estimated, reserves are provided for the losses estimated for each individual loan.

For claims extended to other obligors, reserves for the next one year or three years are maintained at rates derived from historical credit loss experience or historical bankruptcy experience for one or three years and making necessary adjustments such as future prospects and others. Reserve for Possible Losses on Loans to Restructuring Countries is maintained in order to cover possible losses based on analyses of the political and economic climates of the countries.

All claims are assessed by each claim origination department in accordance with the internally established "Self-assessment Standard," and the results of the assessments are verified and examined by the independent examination departments.

In the case of claims to Bankrupt Obligors and Substantially Bankrupt Obligors, which are collateralized or guaranteed by a third party, the amounts deemed uncollectible (calculated by deducting the anticipated proceeds from the sale of collateral pledged against the claims and amounts that are expected to be recovered from guarantors of the claims) are written off against the respective claims balances. The total directly written-off amount was ¥109,419 million (¥107,611 million at the end of the fiscal year ended March 31, 2024).

- 13 -

Other consolidated subsidiaries provide the amount necessary to cover the loan losses based upon past experience and other factors for general claims and the assessment for each individual loan for other claims.

(Additional Information)

In light of the principles set forth in the report entitled "JFSA's supervisory approaches to lending business and loan loss provisioning" published by JFSA on December 18, 2019, we have reflected the potential impact of macroeconomic uncertainty and others on credit risks on Reserves for Possible Losses on Loans for some credit. More specifically, we estimate the expected losses using the assumptions adjusted for factors such as the trend in monetary policy and its spillover effects, the impact of prolonged Russia-Ukraine situation, and others. These assumptions include the forecasted GDP growth rate, energy prices, financial variables including interest rates and exchange rates, the future outlook of the business environment for specific portfolio segments, and increased rate of labor cost. There are no material changes in the methods of the above accounting estimates and the major assumptions used in the consolidated financial statements from those of the previous fiscal year.

In addition, expected losses which are assumed may occur in the future due to difficulties in foreign currency cash management influenced by economic sanctions against Russia, in claims for which transfer risk has not been avoided, are recognized as Reserve for Possible Losses on Loans to Restructuring Countries. The expected losses are calculated based on evaluation of Russian country risk and past defaults which are announced by external rating firms and others. The amount of Reserve for Possible Losses on Loans to Restructuring Countries for the six months ended September 30, 2024 is ¥27,075 million, which includes ¥25,495 million against claims related to Russia.


Reserve for Possible Losses on Investments

Reserve for Possible Losses on Investments is maintained to provide against possible losses on investments in securities, after taking into consideration the financial condition and other factors concerning the investee company.


Reserve for Bonus Payments

Reserve for Bonus Payments, which is provided for future bonus payments to employees, is maintained at the amount accrued at the end of the six months ended September 30, 2024, based on the estimated future payments.


Reserve for Variable Compensation

To prepare for the payments of performance payments and stock compensation to be paid as variable compensation within compensation for directors, executive officers and operating officers of Mizuho Financial Group, Inc., Mizuho Bank, Ltd., Mizuho Trust & Banking Co., Ltd., and Mizuho Securities Co., Ltd., the amount accrued at the end of the six months ended September 30, 2024 among the estimated payments based on the standard amount regarding variable compensation of the fiscal year ending March 31, 2024 is provided.


Reserve for Director and Corporate Auditor Retirement Benefits

Reserve for Director and Corporate Auditor Retirement Benefits, which is provided for future retirement benefit payments to directors, corporate auditors, and executive officers, is recognized at the amount accrued by the end of the six months ended September 30, 2024, based on the internally established standards.


Reserve for Possible Losses on Sales of Loans

Reserve for Possible Losses on Sales of Loans is provided for possible future losses on sales of loans at the amount deemed necessary based on a reasonable estimate of possible future losses.


Reserve for Contingencies

Reserve for Contingencies is maintained to provide against possible losses from contingencies which are not covered by other specific reserves. The balance is an estimate of possible future losses considered to require a reserve.

- 14 -


Reserve for Reimbursement of Deposits

Reserve for Reimbursement of Deposits is provided against the losses for the deposits derecognized from liabilities at the estimated amount of future claims for withdrawal by depositors.


Reserve for Reimbursement of Debentures

Reserve for Reimbursement of Debentures is provided for the debentures derecognized from liabilities at the estimated amount for future claims.


Reserve under Special Laws

Reserve under Special Laws is Reserve for Contingent Liabilities from Financial Instruments and Exchange.

This is the reserve pursuant to Article 46-5 of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Law and Article 175 of the Cabinet Office Ordinance regarding Financial Instruments Business, etc. to indemnify the losses incurred from accidents in the purchase and sale of securities, other transactions or derivative transactions.


Accounting Method for Retirement Benefits

In calculating retirement benefit obligations, a benefit formula basis is used as a method of attributing expected retirement benefits to the period up to the end of the six months ended September 30, 2024.

Unrecognized prior service cost and unrecognized actuarial differences are recognized as follows:

Unrecognized prior service cost: Recognized mainly as income or expenses in the period of occurrence.

Unrecognized actuarial difference: Recognized as income or expenses from the following fiscal year under the straight-line method over a certain term within the average remaining service period of the employees (mainly 10 years) of the respective fiscal years.

Certain consolidated subsidiaries apply the simplified method that assumes the amount required for voluntary resignation at the end of the six months ended September 30, 2024 to be retirement benefit obligations in computing net defined benefit liability and retirement benefit expenses.



Securities-related business fees mainly consist of brokerage fees and commissions, and asset-based revenues. Brokerage fees and commissions include fees earned from the execution of customer transactions and sales commissions of stocks, bonds and investment trusts, which are recognized at the point in time on the transaction date with the customer. Asset-based revenues include fees received from investment trust management companies in return for administration services, such as record keeping services, of investment trusts, which are recognized over time in the period when the related service is provided.

Deposits and Lending business fees consist of Deposit-related fees and Lending-related fees. Deposit related fees are within the scope of "Accounting Standard for Revenue Recognition," while most of Lending-related fees such as commitment fees and arrangement fees are not. Deposit-related fees include account transfer fees, which are recognized at the point in time on the transaction date with the customer or at the point in time when the related service is provided.

Remittance business fees include service charges for domestic and international funds transfers and collections, which are recognized at the point in time when the related service is provided.

Trust-related business fees mainly consist of brokerage commissions of real estate property, consulting fees of real estate property and charged of stock transfer agent services. Brokerage commissions of real estate property are commissions that are received as consideration for services related to real estate brokerage, and are recognized in principle at the time of the conclusion of a sales contract for the subject real estate or trust beneficiary rights. Consulting fees of real estate property are commissions that are received as consideration for services related to real estate consulting, which are recognized at the point in time when the related service is provided or over time in the period when the related service is provided. Stock transfer agent service fees are commissions that are received as consideration for services related to transfer agent business and associated services, which are recognized at the point in time when the related service is provided or over time in the period when the related service is provided.

- 15 -

Agency business fees mainly consist of administration service fees related to MHFG Group's agency business such as Japan's principal public lottery program and revenues from standing proxy services related to stocks and others, which are recognized at the point in time when the related service is provided or over time in the period when the related service is provided.

Fees for other customer services include various revenues such as sales commissions of life insurance, service charges for electronic banking, financial advisory fees, and service charges for software development.

Sales commissions of life insurance are received in return for selling insurance products and recognized mainly at the point in time on the transaction date with the customer. Service charges for electronic banking are mainly monthly basic usage fees and recognized over time in the period when the related service is provided.

Financial advisory fees are received as consideration for services supporting market research and business strategy planning, which are recognized over time in the period when the related service is provided. Service charges for software development are recognized mainly over time in the period when the related service is provided.

Fiduciary income mainly consists of trust fees earned through fiduciary asset management and administrative service, which are recognized at the point on creation of the trust or completion date specified in the contract, or over time in the period when the related service is provided.

Part of other ordinary income include underwriting fees from trading securities, credit card interchange fees and asset management business fees which are within the scope of "Accounting Standard for Revenue Recognition." Underwriting fees are recognized at the point on the date which all the consideration of the transaction are fixed. Credit card interchange fees are recognized at the point on the settlement of the credit card payment transactions. Asset management business fees consist of investment trust management fees and investment advisory fees for investment trusts, which are recognized over time in the period when the related service is provided.


Assets and Liabilities denominated in foreign currencies

Assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies and accounts of overseas branches of domestic consolidated banking subsidiaries and a domestic consolidated trust banking subsidiary are translated into Japanese yen primarily at the exchange rates in effect at the interim consolidated balance sheet date, with the exception of the investments in affiliates not under the equity method, which are translated at historical exchange rates.

Assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies of the consolidated subsidiaries, except for the transactions mentioned above, are translated into Japanese yen primarily at the exchange rates in effect at the respective interim balance sheet dates.


Hedge Accounting


Interest Rate Risk

The deferred method, the fair-value hedge method or the exceptional accrual method for interest rate swaps are applied as hedge accounting methods.

The portfolio hedge transaction for a large volume of small-value monetary claims and liabilities of domestic consolidated banking subsidiaries and domestic consolidated trust banking subsidiaries is accounted for in accordance with the method stipulated in the "Accounting and Auditing Treatment relating to Adoption of Accounting Standards for Financial Instruments for Banks" (JICPA Industry Committee Practical Guideline No.24, March 17, 2022).

The effectiveness of hedging activities for the portfolio hedge transaction for a large volume of small-value monetary claims and liabilities is assessed as follows:


as for hedging activities to offset market fluctuation risks, the effectiveness is assessed by bracketing both the hedged instruments, such as deposits and loans, and the hedging instruments, such as interest-rate swaps, in the same maturity bucket.

- 16 -


as for hedging activities to fix the cash flows, the effectiveness is assessed based on the correlation between a base interest rate index of the hedged instrument and that of the hedging instrument.

The effectiveness of the individual hedge is assessed based on the comparison of the fluctuation in the market or of cash flows of the hedged instruments with that of the hedging instruments.


Foreign Exchange Risk

Domestic consolidated banking subsidiaries and domestic consolidated trust banking subsidiaries apply the deferred method of hedge accounting to hedge foreign exchange risks associated with various financial assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies as stipulated in the "Accounting and Auditing Treatment relating to Adoption of Accounting Standards for Foreign Currency Transactions for Banks" (JICPA Industry Committee Practical Guideline No.25, October 8, 2020). The effectiveness of the hedge is assessed by confirming that the amount of the foreign currency position of the hedged monetary claims and liabilities is equal to or larger than that of currency-swap transactions, exchange swap transactions, and similar transactions designated as the hedging instruments of the foreign exchange risk.

In addition to the above methods, these subsidiaries apply the deferred method or the fair-value hedge method to portfolio hedges of the foreign exchange risks associated with investments in subsidiaries and affiliates in foreign currency and Other Securities in foreign currency (except for bonds) identified as hedged items in advance, as long as the amount of foreign currency payables of spot and forward foreign exchange contracts exceeds the amount of acquisition cost of the hedged foreign securities in foreign currency.


Inter-company Transactions

Inter-company interest rate swaps, currency swaps and similar derivatives among consolidated companies or between trading accounts and other accounts, which are designated as hedges, are not eliminated, and related gains and losses are recognized in the statement of income or deferred under hedge accounting, because these inter-company derivatives are executed according to the criteria for appropriate outside third-party cover operations which are treated as hedge transactions objectively in accordance with JICPA Industry Committee Practical Guideline No. 24 and 25.

As for certain assets and liabilities of MHFG and its consolidated subsidiaries, the deferred method, the fair-value hedge method or the exceptional accrual method for interest rate swaps are applied.


Scope of Cash and Cash Equivalents on Interim Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows

In the interim consolidated statements of cash flows, Cash and Cash Equivalents consist of cash and due from central banks included in "Cash and Due from Banks" on the interim consolidated balance sheet.

Additional Information

The Board Benefit Trust ("BBT") Program

Since MHFG operates its business to contribute to the creation of value for diverse stakeholders and realize improved corporate value through the continuous and stable growth of the MHFG Group pursuant to MHFG's basic management policy defined under the Mizuho Financial Group's Corporate Identity, MHFG has introduced a stock compensation program using a trust (the "Program") that functions as an incentive for each director, executive officer, operating officer, and others (the "Officers") to exert maximum effort in performing his or her duties, and also as consideration for such exertion of effort.


Outline of the Program

The Program has adopted the Board Benefit Trust ("BBT") framework. MHFG's shares on the stock market will be acquired through a trust established based on the underlying funds contributed by MHFG, and MHFG's shares will be distributed to each of the Officers of MHFG, Mizuho Bank, Ltd., Mizuho Trust & Banking Co., Ltd., and Mizuho Securities Co., Ltd. and other entities set forth in the Rules on Distribution of Shares to be prescribed in advance. The framework consists of the stock compensation program based on the Officers' responsibilities in their respective company ("Stock Compensation I"), the stock compensation program based on the performance evaluation of the MHFG Group ("Stock Compensation II") and the stock benefit program based on the Officers' responsibilities in their respective company and the performance evaluation of the MHFG Group, which distributes MHFG's shares ("Stock Benefit").

- 17 -

Stock Compensation I will be paid at the time of retirement in the form of shares of MHFG calculated based on the Officers' responsibilities. A system is adopted which enables a decrease or forfeiture of the amount depending on the performance of the company or the individual.

Stock Compensation II will be paid in the form of shares of MHFG and will be deferred over three years, which is calculated based on the status of achieving financial-related indicators and evaluation of stakeholder-related indicators that the MHFG Group regard as important in order to improve corporate value over the medium to long term. A system is adopted which enables a decrease or forfeiture of the amount of the deferred portion depending on the performance of the company or the individual.

Stock Benefit will be paid in the collective form of MHFG's share which is based on responsibilities in their respective company and the performance evaluation of the MHFG Group. Reduction and forfeit of the benefit can occur in the program.

Upon the payment of stock compensation under the Program, MHFG may, for a certain portion, pay a monetary amount equivalent to the market value of its stock in lieu of stock compensation set forth in the Rules on Distribution of Shares.

Voting rights related to MHFG's shares belonging to the trust assets under the trust shall not be exercised.


MHFG's Shares Outstanding in the Trust

MHFG's shares outstanding in the trust are recognized as Treasury Stock under Net Assets at the carrying amount (excluding the amount of incidental expenses) in the trust. The carrying amount of such Treasury Stock as of September 30, 2024 was ¥5,035 million for 2,377 thousand shares (the carrying amount as of March 31, 2024 was ¥5,359 million for 2,910 thousand shares).


The Scope of the Officers Eligible to Receive Beneficiary Rights and Other Rights under This Program

The Officers of MHFG and certain consolidated subsidiaries who have satisfied the requirements for benefits set forth in the Rules on Distribution of Shares.

- 18 -

Notes to Interim Consolidated Balance Sheet


The total amount of shares and investments in affiliates

(Millions of yen)
As of March 31, 2024 As of September 30, 2024


    581,642     624,571


598 585

Unsecured and Secured loaned securities, which are included in Japanese Government Bonds under Securities, are as follows:

(Millions of yen)
As of March 31, 2024 As of September 30, 2024
     59,786     108,243

In certain transactions, MHFG has the right to sell or repledge the following unsecured borrowed securities, securities purchased under resale agreements and securities borrowed with cash collateral.

(Millions of yen)
As of March 31, 2024 As of September 30, 2024

Securities repledged

 26,742,449  26,258,594

Securities neither repledged nor re-loaned at the end of the period/the fiscal year

3,710,470 5,076,807

Claims based on Banking Act and the Act on Emergency Measures for the Revitalization of Financial Functions are as follows. The claims consist of those included in the accounts of bonds included in "Securities" (its principal's redemption and interest payments are guaranteed, in whole or in part, and the corporate bonds issue is limited to a private placement of the securities (Article 2, Paragraph 3 of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act.)), "Loans," "Foreign Exchanges Assets," accrued interest and suspense payment in "Other Assets" and "Customers' Liabilities for Acceptances and Guarantees" in the interim consolidated balance sheet, and securities in the notes in case they are loans (limited to those under a loan for use or lease agreement).

(Millions of yen)
As of March 31, 2024 As of September 30, 2024

Claims against Bankrupt and Substantially Bankrupt Obligors

36,497 37,193

Claims with Collection Risk

700,730 649,996

Claims for Special Attention

515,503 477,898

Loans Past Due for 3 Months or More

456 756

Restructured Loans

515,046 477,141


1,252,731 1,165,088

Normal Claims

105,380,865 104,592,752


106,633,596 105,757,840

- 19 -

Claims against Bankrupt and Substantially Bankrupt Obligors are claims against debtors in bankruptcy due to the commencement of bankruptcy procedures, the commencement of reorganization proceedings, the petition for the commencement of rehabilitation proceedings, and claims equivalent to these.

Claims with Collection Risk are claims that the debtor is not yet in a state of bankruptcy, but its financial position and business performance have deteriorated, and it is highly probable that principal's collection and interest on claims in accordance with the terms of the contract will not be received. These claims do not fall under the category of Claims against Bankrupt and Substantially Bankrupt Obligors.

Loans Past Due for 3 Months or More are loans on which payments of principal and/or interest have not been made for a period of three months or more since the next day following the first due date, and which are not included in Claims against Bankrupt and Substantially Bankrupt Obligors, or Claims with Collection Risk.

Restructured Loans represent loans whose contracts were amended in favor of obligors (e.g. reduction of, or exemption from, stated interest, deferral of interest payments, extension of maturity dates and renunciation of claims) in order to assist or facilitate the restructuring of the obligors. Claims against Bankrupt and Substantially Bankrupt Obligors, Claims with Collection Risk and Loans Past Due for 3 Months or More are not included.

Normal Claims are deemed to have no particular problem with the obligor's financial position and business performance and are classified as other than Claims against Bankrupt and Substantially Bankrupt Obligors, Claims with Collection Risk, Loans Past Due for 3 Months or More and Restructured Loans.

The amounts given in above are gross amounts before deduction of amounts for the Reserves for Possible Losses on Loans.


In accordance with Committee Practical Guideline No. 24, bills discounted are accounted for as financing transactions. The banking subsidiaries have rights to sell or pledge these commercial bills, foreign exchange bills purchased and others. The face values of these bills are as follows:

(Millions of yen)
As of March 31, 2024 As of September 30, 2024
  1,256,485   1,111,921

- 20 -


Breakdown of assets pledged as collateral is as follows:

(Millions of yen)
As of March 31, 2024 As of September 30, 2024

The following assets are pledged as collateral

Trading Assets

6,053,914 6,740,394


14,741,743 14,214,989

Loans and Bills Discounted

8,368,476 8,628,379


 29,164,134  29,583,763

The following liabilities are collateralized by the above assets:


216,990 931,660

Payables under Repurchase Agreements

17,553,436 19,023,415

Guarantee Deposits Received under Securities Lending Transactions

644,522 1,265,262

Borrowed Money

4,027,173 4,266,718

In addition to the above, the following items are pledged as collateral in connection with the settlement accounts of foreign and domestic exchange transactions or derivatives transactions and others or as a substitute for margins for futures transactions and others:

(Millions of yen)
As of March 31, 2024 As of September 30, 2024

Cash and Due from Banks

92,232 18,330

Trading Assets

427,431 512,133


  5,188,391   4,364,346

Loans and Bills Discounted

65,029 43,717

In addition, the following item is pledged as collateral under general collateral repurchase agreements using the subsequent collateral allocation method:

(Millions of yen)
As of March 31, 2024 As of September 30, 2024


    960,000     480,000

Other Assets includes margins for futures transactions, guarantee deposits, and collateral pledged for financial instruments and others as follows:

(Millions of yen)
As of March 31, 2024 As of September 30, 2024

Margins for Futures Transactions

240,463 256,299

Guarantee Deposits

88,907 86,706

Collateral Pledged for Financial Instruments and Others

  2,060,097   1,404,870

- 21 -


Overdraft protection on current accounts and contracts of the commitment line for loans are contracts by which banking subsidiaries are bound to extend loans up to a prearranged amount, at the request of customers, unless the customer is in breach of contract conditions. The unutilized balance of these contracts amounts is as follows:

(Millions of yen)
As of March 31, 2024 As of September 30, 2024

Unutilized balance

119,772,942 120,309,706

Amount relating to contracts of which the original contractual maturity is one year or less, or which are unconditionally cancelable at any time

80,473,318 80,897,148

Since many of these contracts expire without being exercised, the unutilized balance itself does not necessarily affect future cash flows. A provision is included in many of these contracts that entitles the banking subsidiaries to refuse the execution of loans, or reduce the maximum amount under contracts when there is a change in the financial situation, necessity to preserve a claim or other similar reasons. The banking subsidiaries require collateral such as real estate and securities when deemed necessary at the time the contract is entered into. In addition, they periodically monitor customers' business conditions in accordance with internally established standards and take necessary measures to manage credit risks such as amendments to contracts.


In accordance with the Land Revaluation Law (Proclamation No. 34 dated March 31, 1998), land used for business operations of domestic consolidated banking subsidiaries was revalued. The applicable income taxes on the entire excess of revaluation are included in Deferred Tax Liabilities for Revaluation Reserve for Land under Liabilities, and the remainder, net of applicable income taxes, is stated as Revaluation Reserve for Land included in Net Assets.

Revaluation date: March 31, 1998

Revaluation method as stated in Article 3, Paragraph 3 of the above law: Land used for business operations was revalued by calculating the value on the basis of the valuation by road rating stipulated in Article 2, Paragraph 4 of the Enforcement Ordinance relating to the Land Revaluation Law (Government Ordinance No. 119 promulgated on March 31, 1998) with reasonable adjustments to compensate for sites with long depth and other factors, and also on the basis of the appraisal valuation stipulated in Paragraph 5.


Accumulated Depreciation of Tangible Fixed Assets

(Millions of yen)
As of March 31, 2024 As of September 30, 2024

Accumulated Depreciation

    808,472     757,505

Borrowed Money includes subordinated borrowed money with a covenant that performance of the obligation is subordinated to that of other obligations.

(Millions of yen)
As of March 31, 2024 As of September 30, 2024

Subordinated Borrowed Money

    204,000     204,000

Bonds and Notes includes subordinated bonds.

(Millions of yen)
As of March 31, 2024 As of September 30, 2024

Subordinated Bonds

   3,258,450    3,622,935

- 22 -


The principal amounts of money trusts with contracts indemnifying the principal amounts, which are entrusted to domestic consolidated trust banking subsidiaries, are as follows:

(Millions of yen)
As of March 31, 2024 As of September 30, 2024

Money trusts

    801,632     763,345

Liabilities for guarantees on corporate bonds included in "Securities," which are issued by private placement (Article 2, Paragraph 3 of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act)

(Millions of yen)
As of March 31, 2024 As of September 30, 2024
  1,031,181     887,939

- 23 -

Notes to Interim Consolidated Statement of Income


Other Ordinary Income includes the following:

(Millions of yen)
For the six months ended
September 30, 2023
For the six months ended
September 30, 2024

Gains on Sales of Stocks

     65,680     152,045

Share of profit of entities accounted for using equity method

23,565 27,771

Other Ordinary Expenses includes the following:

(Millions of yen)
For the six months ended
September 30, 2023
For the six months ended
September 30, 2024

Losses on Sales of Stocks

     11,659      65,576

Extraordinary Gains includes the following:

(Millions of yen)
For the six months ended
September 30, 2023
For the six months ended
September 30, 2024

Gains on Disposition of Fixed Assets

      5,290      36,122

Accumulation (Amortization) of Unrecognized Prior Service Cost

-  9,015

"Accumulation (Amortization) of Unrecognized Prior Service Cost" resulted from prior service cost incurred in connection with the revision of the retirement benefit plan.


Extraordinary Losses is as follows:

(Millions of yen)
For the six months ended
September 30, 2023
For the six months ended
September 30, 2024

Losses on Disposition of Fixed Assets

      1,520       3,883

Losses on Impairment of Fixed Assets

321 1,564

- 24 -

Notes to Interim Consolidated Statement of Changes in Net Assets

For the six months ended September 30, 2023


Types and number of issued shares and of treasury stock are as follows:

(Thousands of shares)
As of
April 1, 2023
Increase during
the period
Decrease during
the period
As of
September 30, 2023

Issued Shares

Common Stock

2,539,249 -  -  2,539,249


2,539,249 -  -  2,539,249

Treasury Stock

Common Stock

5,027 983 1,584 4,425 (Note )


5,027 983 1,584 4,425
(Note) Increases are due to acquisition of treasury stock by BBT trust account (670 thousand shares) and repurchase of shares constituting less than one unit and other factors (313 thousand shares). Decreases are due to distribution and sale of treasury stock through BBT trust account (1,296 thousand shares), and repurchase of shares constituting less than one unit and other factors (288 thousand shares). The number of shares as of September 30, 2023 includes the number of treasury stock held by BBT trust account (2,604 thousand shares).

Stock acquisition rights and treasury stock acquisition rights are as follows:



of stock



Class of shares
to be issued or

transferred upon
exercise of
stock acquisition
Number of shares to be issued or transferred upon
exercise of stock acquisition rights (Shares)
Balance as of
September 30,

(Millions of yen)
As of
April 1,
during the
during the
As of
September 30,


Stock acquisition rights (Treasury stock acquisition rights) - 















Stock acquisition rights as stock option -  5

Consolidated subsidiaries (Treasury stock acquisition rights)








- 25 -


Cash dividends distributed by MHFG are as follows:


Cash dividends paid during the six months ended September 30, 2023



Cash Dividends

(Millions of yen)



per Share


Record Date

Effective Date

May 15, 2023

The Board of Directors

Common Stock 107,882 42.50 March 31, 2023 June 6, 2023
(Note) Cash dividends based on the resolution of the Board of Directors held on May 15, 2023 include ¥137 million of cash
dividends on treasury stock held by BBT trust account.

Cash dividends with record dates falling in the six months ended September 30, 2023 and effective dates coming after the end of the period



Cash Dividends

(Millions of yen)

Resource of



per Share


Record Date

Effective Date

November 13, 2023

The Board of Directors

Common Stock 126,919 Retained Earnings 50.00 September 30, 2023 December 6, 2023


Cash dividends based on the resolution of the Board of Directors held on November 13, 2023 include ¥130 million of cash
dividends on treasury stock held by BBT trust account.

- 26 -

For the six months ended September 30, 2024


Types and number of issued shares and of treasury stock are as follows:

(Thousands of shares)
As of
April 1, 2024
Increase during
the period
Decrease during
the period
As of
September 30, 2024

Issued Shares

Common Stock

2,539,249 -  -  2,539,249


2,539,249 -  -  2,539,249

Treasury Stock

Common Stock

4,739 834 1,283 4,291 (Note )


4,739 834 1,283 4,291
(Note) Increases are due to acquisition of treasury stock by BBT trust account (522 thousand shares) and repurchase of shares constituting less than one unit and other factors (312 thousand shares). Decreases are due to distribution and sale of treasury stock through BBT trust account (1,055 thousand shares), and repurchase of shares constituting less than one unit and other factors (228 thousand shares). The number of shares as of September 30, 2024 includes the number of treasury stock held by BBT trust account (2,377 thousand shares).

Stock acquisition rights and treasury stock acquisition rights are as follows:



of stock



Class of shares
to be issued or

transferred upon
exercise of
stock acquisition
Number of shares to be issued or transferred upon
exercise of stock acquisition rights (Shares)
Balance as of
September 30,

(Millions of yen)
As of
April 1,
during the
during the
As of
September 30,


Stock acquisition rights

(Treasury stock

acquisition rights)
















Stock acquisition rights
as stock option
-  5

Consolidated subsidiaries (Treasury stock acquisition rights)








- 27 -


Cash dividends distributed by MHFG are as follows:


Cash dividends paid during the six months ended September 30, 2024



Cash Dividends

(Millions of yen)


per Share


Record Date

Effective Date

May 15, 2024

The Board of Directors

Common Stock 139,610 55.00 March 31, 2024 June 6, 2024
(Note) Cash dividends based on the resolution of the Board of Directors held on May 15, 2024 include ¥160 million of cash
dividends on treasury stock held by BBT trust account.

Cash dividends with record dates falling in the six months ended September 30, 2024 and effective dates coming after the end of the period



Cash Dividends

(Millions of yen)

Resource of


per Share


Record Date

Effective Date

November 14, 2024

The Board of Directors

Common Stock 164,993 Retained Earnings 65.00 September 30, 2024 December 6, 2024


Cash dividends based on the resolution of the Board of Directors held on November 14, 2024 include ¥154 million of cash
dividends on treasury stock held by BBT trust account.

- 28 -

Notes to Interim Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows


Cash and Cash Equivalents at the end of the period on the Interim Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows reconciles to Cash and Due from Banks on the Interim Consolidated Balance Sheet as follows:

(Millions of yen)
For the six months ended
September 30, 2023
For the six months ended
September 30, 2024

Cash and Due from Banks

61,662,312 71,620,559

Due from Banks excluding central banks

(1,351,740 ) (1,743,865 )

Cash and Cash Equivalents

60,310,571 69,876,694

- 29 -

Lease Transactions

Operating Leases

The future lease payments subsequent to the end of the fiscal year for non-cancelable operating lease transactions are summarized as follows:



(Millions of yen)
As of March 31, 2024 As of September 30, 2024

Due in One Year or Less

46,208 44,894

Due after One Year

278,753 267,352


324,962 312,246


(Millions of yen)
As of March 31, 2024 As of September 30, 2024

Due in One Year or Less

1,574 1,629

Due after One Year

2,933 3,271


 4,508  4,900

- 30 -

Financial Instruments


Matters relating to fair value of financial instruments and breakdown of fair value by level

The following are the interim consolidated balance sheet amounts (the consolidated balance sheet amounts), fair values, differences between them and breakdown of fair values by level. Stocks and others without a quoted market price and Investments in Partnerships and others are excluded from the table below (see (Note 3)). In addition, notes concerning Cash and Due from Banks, Call Loans and Bills Purchased, Receivables under Resale Agreements, Guarantee Deposits Paid under Securities Borrowing Transactions, Foreign Exchange (assets / liabilities), Call Money and Bills Sold, Payables under Repurchase Agreements, Guarantee Deposits Received under Securities Lending Transactions, and Due to Trust Accounts are omitted since these instruments are mainly settled in the short term and the fair values approximate the book values.

Fair values of financial instruments are categorized into three levels as below on the basis of the observability and the materiality of the valuation inputs used in fair value measurements.

Fair values of Level 1: Fair values measured by quoted prices of the assets or liabilities being measured which are given in active markets among observable valuation inputs

Fair values of Level 2: Fair values measured by inputs other than inputs included within Level 1 among observable valuation inputs

Fair values of Level 3: Fair values measured by unobservable valuation inputs

When several inputs that have significant impact on fair value measurement are used and those inputs are categorized into different levels, the fair value is categorized into the lowest priority level for fair value measurement among the levels in which each of the inputs belongs.

- 31 -


Financial instruments recorded at fair value in the interim consolidated balance sheet (the consolidated balance sheet)

As of March 31, 2024

(Millions of yen)
Consolidated Balance Sheet Amount


Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total

Other Debt Purchased

-  78,091 7,638 85,729

Trading Assets

Trading Securities

Japanese Government Bonds

1,231,186 5,334 -  1,236,521

Japanese Local Government Bonds

-  133,783 -  133,783

Japanese Corporate Bonds

-  664,841 5,000 669,841


800,806 -  48 800,855


2,281,560 5,121,839 121,147 7,524,547

Money Held in Trust

-  552,843 5 552,849


Other Securities


3,092,558 -  10,102 3,102,660

Japanese Government Bonds

10,562,257 412,135 -  10,974,393

Japanese Local Government Bonds

-  583,738 -  583,738

Japanese Corporate Bonds

-  2,652,135 156,107 2,808,242

Foreign Bonds

4,214,340 7,983,161 95,914 12,293,417

Other (*1)

1,209,546 1,510,105 17,864 2,737,516

Total Assets

23,392,258 19,698,009 413,828 43,504,096

Trading Liabilities

Securities Sold, Not yet Purchased

3,445,024 557,815 36 4,002,876

Bonds and Notes

-  534,787 818 535,606

Other Liabilities

Short Positions In Bonds

-  1,700,345 -  1,700,345

Total Liabilities

3,445,024 2,792,949 855 6,238,828

Derivative Transactions (*2,3)

Interest Rate and Bond-Related Transactions

28,586 23,206 30,375 82,168

Currency-Related Transactions

-  34,750 (6,357 ) 28,393

Stocks-Related Transactions

(17,698 ) 10,412 (6,373 ) (13,659 )

Commodity-Related Transactions

7,728 (8,086 ) (339 ) (697 )

Credit Derivative Transactions

-  38,757 (4,655 ) 34,101

Total Derivative Transactions

    18,616     99,041     12,648    130,306

The investment trusts accounted for under Article 24-3 and 24-9 of "Implementation Guidance on Accounting Standard for Fair Value Measurement" (ASBJ Guidance No.31, June 17, 2021) are regarded to have fair value equal to their net asset value, and therefore are not included in the above table. The relevant investment trusts in Article 24-3 and 24-9 are ¥13,468 million and ¥50,329 million, respectively, in the consolidated balance sheet.


Derivative Transactions recorded in Trading Assets, Trading Liabilities, Derivatives other than for Trading Assets, Derivatives other than for Trading Liabilities, and others are presented as a lump sum. Net claims and debts that arose from derivative transactions are presented on a net basis, and the item that is net debts in total is presented in brackets.


Derivative Transactions applying for hedge accounting are ¥(1,029,922) million in the consolidated balance sheet. The deferred method is mainly applied. "Treatment of Hedge Accounting for Financial Instruments that Reference LIBOR" (ASBJ Practical Solutions No.40, March 17, 2022) is applied to these hedge transactions.

- 32 -

As of September 30, 2024

(Millions of yen)
Interim Consolidated Balance Sheet Amount


Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total

Other Debt Purchased

-  62,637 6,881 69,519

Trading Assets

Trading Securities

Japanese Government Bonds

1,442,033 6,876 -  1,448,910

Japanese Local Government Bonds

-  104,468 -  104,468

Japanese Corporate Bonds

-  1,083,144 4,409 1,087,553


844,055 -  0 844,055


1,789,500 5,634,112 97,124 7,520,737

Money Held in Trust

-  584,050 5 584,056


Other Securities


2,886,128 -  10,231 2,896,360

Japanese Government Bonds

10,047,185 447,904 -  10,495,089

Japanese Local Government Bonds

-  597,326 -  597,326

Japanese Corporate Bonds

-  2,397,632 126,232 2,523,865

Foreign Bonds

6,927,758 6,698,068 89,612 13,715,438

Other (*1)

426,779 1,638,050 19,268 2,084,098

Total Assets

24,363,441 19,254,273    353,767 43,971,481

Trading Liabilities

Securities Sold, Not yet Purchased

3,734,588 649,292 30 4,383,912

Bonds and Notes

-  977,488 808 978,297

Other Liabilities

Short Positions In Bonds

-  626,392 -  626,392

Total Liabilities

3,734,588 2,253,174 839 5,988,601

Derivative Transactions (*2,3)

Interest Rate and Bond-Related Transactions

4,069 260,910 18,688 283,668

Currency-Related Transactions

-  (363,139 ) 11,211 (351,928 )

Stocks-Related Transactions

(11,058 ) 31,508 (56,238 ) (35,788 )

Commodity-Related Transactions

(3,712 ) 5,260 1,878 3,426

Credit Derivative Transactions

-  21,238 (6,151 ) 15,087

Total Derivative Transactions

(10,701 ) (44,222 ) (30,611 ) (85,535 )

The investment trusts accounted for under Article 24-3 and 24-9 of "Implementation Guidance on Accounting Standard for Fair Value Measurement" (ASBJ Guidance No.31, June 17, 2021) are regarded to have fair value equal to their net asset value, and therefore are not included in the above table. The relevant investment trusts in Article 24-3 and 24-9 are ¥16,669 million and ¥54,465 million, respectively, in the interim consolidated balance sheet.


Derivative Transactions recorded in Trading Assets, Trading Liabilities, Derivatives other than for Trading Assets, Derivatives other than for Trading Liabilities, and others are presented as a lump sum. Net claims and debts that arose from derivative transactions are presented on a net basis, and the item that is net debts in total is presented in brackets.


Derivative Transactions applying for hedge accounting are ¥(999,485) million in the interim consolidated balance sheet. The deferred method is mainly applied.

- 33 -


Financial instruments other than financial instruments recorded at fair value in the interim consolidated balance sheet (the consolidated balance sheet)

As of March 31, 2024

(Millions of yen)
Fair Value Consolidated

Sheet Amount


Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total

Other Debt Purchased

-  -  4,089,162 4,089,162 4,089,162 - 

Money Held in Trust

-  -  25,960 25,960 25,960 - 


Bonds Held to Maturity

Japanese Government Bonds

512,020 -  -  512,020 519,397 (7,377 )

Foreign Bonds

-  3,350,903 -  3,350,903 3,525,737 (174,833 )

Loans and Bills Discounted


Reserves for Possible Losses on Loans (*)

(708,720 )
-  5,088 93,437,406 93,442,494 92,070,060 1,372,433

Total Assets

    512,020 3,355,991  97,552,528 101,420,540 100,230,317   1,190,223


-  159,805,074 -  159,805,074 159,854,668 (49,594 )

Negotiable Certificates of Deposit

-  11,589,336 -  11,589,336 11,590,532 (1,196 )

Borrowed Money

-  5,326,076 110,572 5,436,648 5,449,852 (13,203 )

Bonds and Notes

-  10,280,735 812,202 11,092,937 11,464,105 (371,167 )

Total Liabilities

-  187,001,221 922,775 187,923,996 188,359,159 (435,162 )

General and specific reserves for possible losses on loans relevant to Loans and Bills Discounted are excluded. Items other than Loans and Bills Discounted are recorded at the consolidated balance sheet amounts due to immateriality of their reserves.

As of September 30, 2024

(Millions of yen)
Fair Value Interim

Sheet Amount


Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total

Other Debt Purchased

-  -  3,618,366 3,618,366 3,618,366 - 

Money Held in Trust

-  -  24,157 24,157 24,157 - 


Bonds Held to Maturity

Japanese Government Bonds

450,587 -  -  450,587 459,436 (8,849 )

Foreign Bonds

-  3,500,303 -  3,500,303 3,602,525 (102,222 )

Loans and Bills Discounted


Reserves for Possible Losses on Loans (*)

(665,369 )
-  68,750 92,953,827 93,022,578 91,688,640 1,333,937

Total Assets

    450,587 3,569,054  96,596,350 100,615,991 99,393,126   1,222,865


-  155,621,268 -  155,621,268 155,675,626 (54,357 )

Negotiable Certificates of Deposit

-  12,192,367 -  12,192,367 12,193,562 (1,194 )

Borrowed Money

-  5,568,075 102,901 5,670,977 5,689,002 (18,025 )

Bonds and Notes

-  10,455,337 750,599 11,205,936 11,393,704 (187,767 )

Total Liabilities

-  183,837,049 853,501 184,690,550 184,951,894 (261,344 )

General and specific reserves for possible losses on loans relevant to Loans and Bills Discounted are excluded. Items other than Loans and Bills Discounted are recorded at the interim consolidated balance sheet amounts due to immateriality of their reserves.

- 34 -

(Note 1)

Explanation of valuation techniques and valuation inputs used in fair value measurements


Other Debt Purchased

Fair values of securitized products of Other Debt Purchased are based on the values deemed as market prices obtained by the model such as those obtained from brokers and financial information vendors and are categorized as Level 3 when significant unobservable valuation inputs are used for the obtained price and as Level 2 when other inputs are used.

With respect to Other Debt Purchased other than those described above, when the present values of the expected future cash flows are considered to be fair values, those Other Debt Purchased are mainly categorized as Level 3 since the discount rate and other significant valuation inputs are unobservable. When those are short term in nature and the book values are considered to be fair values, those Other Debt Purchased are categorized as Level 3.

Trading Assets

Fair values of Trading Assets for which unadjusted quoted market prices in active markets are available are categorized as Level 1, which includes mainly government bonds.

In the case the market is inactive even if the quoted market price is available, those Trading Assets are categorized as Level 2, which includes mainly local government bonds and corporate bonds.

When fair values are measured at the discounted cash flow method and others using significant unobservable inputs, those Trading Assets are categorized as Level 3.

Money Held in Trust

With respect to securities managed as trust assets in a directed money trust for separate investment with the management of securities as its primary purpose, fair values of stocks are measured at the price in stock exchanges and bonds are measured at market price or valuation price obtained from brokers or financial information vendors and are categorized as Level 2 or Level 3 based on the level of components.

The notes to Money Held in Trust based on holding purpose are stated in (Money Held in Trust.)


Fair values of Securities for which unadjusted quoted market prices in active markets are available are categorized as Level 1 which includes mainly stocks and government bonds. In the case the market is inactive even if the quoted market price is available, those Securities are categorized as Level 2, which includes mainly local government bonds and corporate bonds.

Fair values of investment trusts are measured at the market price or the disclosed net asset value and others. Those for which unadjusted quoted market prices in active markets are available are categorized as Level 1 and that are not available as Level 2. Additionally the investment trusts for which there are no transaction prices in markets with no significant limitations from market participants to demand compensation for the risk are valued using net asset value and are categorized as Level 2.

Fair values of private placement bonds are measured by discounting the total amount of principal and interest and others at interest rates based on the discount rate reflecting expected loss and various risk factors to market yield by categories based on the internal ratings and terms and are categorized as Level 3 when the impact from unobservable valuation inputs is significant and as Level 2 when it is not significant.

Fair values of securitized products are based on valuations obtained from brokers and others, and on model-based prices based on the reasonable estimates of our management. These are categorized as Level 3 when significant unobservable valuation inputs are used and as Level 2 when other inputs are used. In deriving model-based prices based on the reasonable estimates of our management mentioned above, we used the discounted cash flow method. The price decision variables include default rates, recovery rates, prepayment rates, and discount rates.

The notes to Securities based on holding purpose are stated in (Securities).

- 35 -

Loans and Bills Discounted

Fair values of Loans and Bills Discounted are mainly measured by discounting the total amount of principal and interest and others at interest rates based on the discount rate reflecting expected loss and various risk factors by categories according to the types, internal ratings and terms of the Loans and Bills Discounted and are categorized as Level 3 since the discount rate is unobservable.

In addition, fair values of claims against bankrupt obligors, substantially bankrupt obligors, and intensive control obligors whose bad debts are mainly measured at the present value of the expected future cash flows or the estimated amounts calculated based on the recoverability from collateral and guarantees approximate the amount of claims and others minus the amount of reserves for possible losses on loans in the consolidated balance sheet as of the consolidated balance sheet date and those amounts are considered to be fair values which are categorized as Level 3.

Among the Loans and Bills Discounted, for those without a fixed maturity due to loan characteristics such as limiting loans to within the value of pledged assets, book values are considered to be fair values since fair values are expected to approximate book values based on the estimated loan periods, interest rates and other conditions. Fair values of those Loans and Bills Discounted are categorized as Level 3.


Deposits and Negotiable Certificates of Deposit

For demand deposits, the payment amounts required on the consolidated balance sheet date (i.e., book values) are considered to be fair values.

In addition, fair values of time deposits and Negotiable Certificates of Deposits are calculated by classifying them based on their terms and by discounting the future cash flows. The discount rates used in such calculations are the market interest rates. Since fair values of those whose deposit terms are short (i.e., within six months) approximate book values, the book values are considered to be fair values and those fair values are categorized as Level 2.

Trading Liabilities and Other Liabilities

Fair values of Trading Liabilities and short positions in bonds included in Other Liabilities for which unadjusted quoted market prices in active markets are available are categorized as Level 1, which includes mainly listed stocks and government bonds.

In the case the market is inactive even if the quoted market price is available, those Trading Liabilities are categorized as Level 2, which includes mainly corporate bonds.

When significant unobservable inputs are used, those Trading Liabilities are categorized as Level 3.

Borrowed Money

Fair values of Borrowed Money are measured mainly by discounting the total amount of the principal and interest of such Borrowed Money classified by period lengths at the interest rates considered to be applicable to similar loans and are categorized as Level 3 when the impact from unobservable valuation inputs is significant and as Level 2 when it is not significant.

Bonds and Notes

With respect to Bonds and Notes issued by MHFG and its consolidated subsidiaries, fair values of Bonds and Notes with market prices are measured at the market prices and fair values of those without market prices are calculated by discounting the total amount of the principal and interest at the interest rates considered to be applicable to similar Bonds and Notes. Bonds and notes with market prices are categorized as Level 2. Those without market prices are categorized as Level 3 when the impact from unobservable valuation inputs is significant and as Level 2 when it is not significant.

Certain foreign subsidiaries have adopted the fair value option to Bonds and Notes issued by themselves, and the fair value is calculated based on the valuation model. When unobservable inputs are not used or the impact of unobservable inputs is not material, those Bonds and Notes are categorized as Level 2. When significant unobservable inputs are used, those Bonds and Notes are categorized as Level 3.

- 36 -

Derivative Transactions

Derivative transactions that can be measured at unadjusted quoted prices in active markets are categorized as Level 1, which includes such transactions as bonds futures and interest rate futures.

However, since most derivative transactions are over-the-counter transactions and there are no quoted market prices, market values are measured using valuation techniques such as the discounted cash flow method and the Black-Scholes model, depending on the type of transaction and the maturity period. The main inputs which are used in those valuation techniques are interest rate, currency rate, volatility and others. In addition, price adjustments based on credit risk of counterparty and credit risk of consolidated subsidiaries themselves and price adjustments for unsecured funding are made. When unobservable inputs are not used or impact of unobservable inputs are not material, those derivative transactions are categorized as Level 2, which includes such transactions as plain vanilla interest rate swaps and foreign exchange forwards. When significant unobservable inputs are used, those derivative transactions are categorized as Level 3, which includes transactions such as commodity related transactions.

- 37 -

(Note 2)

Information relating to fair values of Level 3 among the financial instruments are recorded at fair value in the interim consolidated balance sheet (the consolidated balance sheet),


Quantitative information of significant unobservable valuation inputs

As of March 31, 2024


Principal valuation

Significant unobservable
valuation input

Range of valuation

Weighted average

Other Debt Purchased

Securitized products

Discounted cash flow method Prepayment rate 0.3% - 6.1% 3.8%
Discount rate 0.3% - 0.6% 0.4%

Trading Assets

Trading Securities

Discounted cash flow method Discount rate 0.3% - 1.8% 0.6%


Japanese Corporate Bonds

Private placement bonds

Discounted cash flow method Discount rate 0.4% - 5.7% 2.0%

Foreign Bonds

Securitized products

Discounted cash flow method Prepayment rate 3.1% 3.1%
Default rate 0.4% 0.4%
Recovery rate 36.9% 36.9%
Discount rate 0.5% 0.5%

Derivative Transactions

Interest Rate and Bond-Related Transactions

Option valuation model IR - IR correlation 23.1% - 100.0% - 

Currency-Related Transactions

Option valuation model FX - IR correlation 5.4% - 72.5% - 
FX - FX correlation 39.0% - 64.7% - 

Stocks-Related Transactions

Option valuation model Equity - IR correlation 25.0% - 
Equity - FX correlation (17.8)% - 93.2% - 
Equity correlation 32.2% - 100.0% - 
Equity volatility 9.7% - 121.7% - 

Commodity-Related Transactions

Option valuation model Commodity volatility 0.0% - 27.6% - 

Credit Derivative Transactions

Discounted cash flow method Default rate 0.0% - 9.4% - 

- 38 -

As of September 30, 2024


Principal valuation

Significant unobservable
valuation input

Range of valuation

Weighted average

Other Debt Purchased

Securitized products

Discounted cash flow method Prepayment rate 0.3% - 5.6% 3.8%
Discount rate 0.3% - 0.5% 0.3%

Trading Assets

Trading Securities

Discounted cash flow method Discount rate 0.4% - 1.4% 0.7%


Japanese Corporate Bonds

Private placement bonds

Discounted cash flow method Discount rate 0.4% - 5.7% 1.9%

Foreign Bonds

Securitized products

Discounted cash flow method Prepayment rate 3.3% 3.3%
Default rate 0.3% 0.3%
Recovery rate 36.9% 36.9%
Discount rate 0.5% 0.5%

Derivative Transactions

Interest Rate and Bond-Related Transactions

Option valuation model IR - IR correlation 23.1% - 100.0% - 

Currency-Related Transactions

Option valuation model FX - IR correlation 5.4% - 72.5% - 

Stocks-Related Transactions

Option valuation model Equity - IR correlation 25.0% - 
Equity - FX correlation (17.8)% - 93.2% - 
Equity correlation 32.4% - 100.0% - 
Equity volatility 10.0% - 120.6% - 

Commodity-Related Transactions

Option valuation model Commodity volatility 0.0% - 36.1% - 

Credit Derivative Transactions

Discounted cash flow method Default rate 0.0% - 7.2% - 

- 39 -


Adjustment sheet from beginning balance to ending balance as of interim period (ending balance as of period) and unrealized gains (losses) recognized as gains (losses) for the period

As of March 31, 2024

(Millions of yen) 

Gains (losses) for the period/other
comprehensive income

Net amount
of purchase,
sale, issue,
Transfer to
fair values
of Level 3

Transfer from
fair values of
Level 3
balance as of
gains (losses) 
on financial 
assets and 
held as of 
the consolidated 
balance sheet 
date among 
the amount 
recorded to 
gains (losses) 
for the period 
Recorded to
gains (losses) for
the period (*1)
Recorded to other

Other Debt Purchased

13,071 (111 ) 6 (5,328 ) -  -  7,638 - 

Trading Assets

Trading Securities

Japanese Corporate Bonds

0 -  -  5,000 -  -  5,000 - 


16 44 -  (12 ) -  -  48 44


27,461 7,689 -  84,775 4,018 (2,797 ) 121,147 4,535

Money Held in Trust

4 0 -  0 -  -  5 - 


Other Securities


9,962 -   90 49 -  -  10,102 - 

Japanese Corporate Bonds

194,367 (3,996 ) 6,466 (13,520 ) 36,036 (63,246 ) 156,107 - 

Foreign Bonds

80,134 12,144 541 (7,244 ) 12,578 (2,239 ) 95,914 - 


16,404 86 1,165 218 -  (10 ) 17,864 12

Trading Liabilities

Securities Sold, Not yet Purchased

378 (12 ) -  (329 ) -  -  36 (17 )

Bonds and Notes

1,334 (515 ) -  -  -  -  818 (139 )

Derivative Transactions

Interest Rate and Bond-Related Transactions

106,340 (77,905 ) -  73,003 -  (71,062 ) 30,375 (4,089 )

Currency-Related Transactions

16,041 (7,425 ) -  (15,164 )  73 117 (6,357 ) (9,954 )

Stocks-Related Transactions

52,615 (80,547 ) -  22,551 -  (993 ) (6,373 ) 112,221

Commodity-Related Transactions

 2,223 (1,722 ) -  (841 ) -  -  (339 ) (1,520 )

Credit Derivative Transactions

1,785 (9,404 ) -  3,233 (190 ) (79 ) (4,655 ) (6,095 )

Those amounts are mainly included in Trading Income, Trading Expenses, Other Operating Income and Other Operating Expenses in the consolidated statement of income.


Those amounts are included in Net Unrealized Gains (Losses) on Other Securities of Other Comprehensive Income in the consolidated statement of comprehensive income.


Those are the transfers from Level 2 to Level 3, due to changes in observability of valuation inputs which are used in fair value measurements based on market liquidity. The transfer was made at the beginning of the accounting period.


Those are the transfers from Level 3 to Level 2, mainly due to the fact that the discount rate which is used in fair value measurement of the private placement bonds was determined to be immaterial by quantitative sensitivity analysis and the fact that the inputs which are used in fair value measurement of derivatives were determined to be immaterial by quantitative sensitivity analysis. The transfer was made at the beginning of the accounting period.

- 40 -

As of September 30, 2024

(Millions of yen) 

Gains (losses) for the period/other
comprehensive income

Net amount
of purchase,
sale, issue,
Transfer to
fair values
of Level 3
Transfer from
fair values of
Level 3

as of interim
gains (losses) 
on financial 
assets and 
held as of 
the interim 
balance sheet 
date among 
the amount 
recorded to 
gains (losses) 
for the period 
Recorded to
gains (losses) for
the period (*1)
Recorded to other


Other Debt Purchased

7,638 (0 ) (8 ) (747 ) -  -  6,881 - 

Trading Assets

Trading Securities

Japanese Corporate Bonds

5,000 (8 ) -  (582 ) -  -  4,409 (8 )


48 (44 ) -  (2 ) -  -  0 (103 )


121,147 (1,887 ) -  (19,815 ) 425 (2,744 ) 97,124   2,179

Money Held in Trust

5 (0 ) -  0 -  -  5 - 


Other Securities


10,102 41 127 (38 ) -  -  10,231 - 

Japanese Corporate Bonds

156,107 (251 ) 1,702 (21,052 ) 20,515 (30,788 ) 126,232 - 

Foreign Bonds

95,914 (2,462 ) (54 ) (3,785 ) -  -  89,612 - 


17,864 (752 ) 2,266 (110 ) -  -  19,268 (116 )

Trading Liabilities

Securities Sold, Not yet Purchased

36 (5 ) -  -  -  -  30 (5 )

Bonds and Notes

818 (10 ) -  -  -  -  808 (10 )

Derivative Transactions

Interest Rate and Bond-Related Transactions

30,375 (13,559 ) -  1,872 -  -  18,688 (17,945 )

Currency-Related Transactions

(6,357 ) 15,449 -  1,972 -  146 11,211 17,113

Stocks-Related Transactions

(6,373 ) (60,298 ) -  10,433 -  -  (56,238 ) (53,564 )

Commodity-Related Transactions

(339 ) 1,833 -  384 -  -  1,878 2,034

Credit Derivative Transactions

(4,655 ) (358 ) -  (1,108 ) (28 ) -  (6,151 ) (1,480 )

Those amounts are mainly included in Trading Income, Trading Expenses, Other Operating Income and Other Operating Expenses in the interim consolidated statement of income.


Those amounts are included in Net Unrealized Gains (Losses) on Other Securities of Other Comprehensive Income in the interim consolidated statement of comprehensive income.


Those are the transfers from Level 2 to Level 3, due to changes in observability of valuation inputs which are used in fair value measurements based on market liquidity. The transfer was made at the beginning of the accounting period.


Those are the transfers from Level 3 to Level 2, mainly due to the fact that the discount rate which is used in fair value measurement of the private placement bonds was determined to be immaterial by quantitative sensitivity analysis. The transfer was made at the beginning of the accounting period.

- 41 -


Explanation of the process of fair value measurement

In MHFG, middle-offices and back-offices have established policies and procedures related to the measurement of fair values and procedures related to usage of the valuation model. For the fair values and the level categories, the validity of the valuation techniques and valuation inputs used in fair value measurement are verified.

In fair value measurement, valuation models in which the nature, characteristics and risks of individual assets are most appropriately reflected are used. In addition, when quoted prices obtained from third parties are used, the validity of the prices is verified by appropriate methods such as confirmation of valuation techniques and used valuation inputs and comparison with the fair values of similar financial instruments.


Explanation of the impact on fair values in the case where significant unobservable inputs are varied

Prepayment rate

The prepayment rate is the estimated rate at which voluntary unscheduled repayments of the principal of the underlying assets are expected to occur. The movement of the prepayment rate is generally negatively correlated with borrower delinquency. A significant change in the prepayment rate would generally significantly impact the valuation of the fair values of financial instruments either positively or negatively, depending on the structure of financial instruments.

Default rate

The default rate is an estimate of the likelihood of not collecting contractual payments. A significant increase (decrease) in the default rate would generally be accompanied by a decrease (increase) in the recovery rate and an increase (decrease) in the discount rate. It would also generally significantly impact the valuation of the fair values of financial instruments negatively (positively).

Recovery rate

The recovery rate is an estimate of the percentage of contractual payments that would be collected in the event of a default. A significant increase (decrease) in recovery rate would generally be accompanied by a decrease (increase) in the default rate. It would also generally significantly impact the valuation of the fair values of financial instruments positively (negatively).

Discount rate

The discount rate is an adjustment rate to a benchmark market interest rate such as TIBOR or swap rates. It primarily consists of a risk premium component which is the amount of compensation that market participants require due to the uncertainty inherent in the financial instruments' cash flows resulting from credit risk. A significant increase (decrease) in discount rate would generally significantly impact the valuation of the fair values of financial instruments negatively (positively).


Correlation is the likelihood of the movement of one input relative to another based on an established relationship. A significant change in correlation would significantly impact the valuation of derivatives either positively or negatively, depending on the nature of the underlying assets.


Volatility is a measure of the expected change in variables over a fixed period of time. Some financial instruments benefit from an increase in volatility and others benefit from a decrease in volatility. Generally, a significant increase (decrease) in volatility would result in a significant increase (decrease) in option values and, for a long position in an option, it would result in a significant increase (decrease) in the fair values of financial instruments.

- 42 -

(Note 3)

The following are the interim consolidated balance sheet amounts (the consolidated balance sheet amounts) of Stocks and others without a quoted market price, and Investments in Partnerships and others. These amounts are not included in Money Held in Trust and Other Securities in the tables disclosed in the Matters relating to fair value of financial instruments and breakdown of fair value by level.

(Millions of yen)


As of March 31, 2024 As of September 30, 2024

Stocks and others without a quoted market price (*1)

525,813 527,489

Investments in Partnerships and others (*2)

533,303 594,759

Stocks and others without a quoted market price include unlisted stocks and others and in accordance with Article 5 of "Implementation Guidance on Disclosures about Fair Value of Financial Instruments" (ASBJ Guidance No.19, March 31, 2020), these items are not subject to disclosure of the fair value.


Investments in Partnerships and others are mainly silent partnership, investment partnership, and money held in trust with the investment in a silent partnership as the component of the trust property. In accordance with Article 24-16 of "Implementation Guidance on Accounting Standard for Fair Value Measurement" (ASBJ Guidance No.31, June 17, 2021), these items are not subject to disclosure of the fair value.


During the fiscal year ended March 31, 2024, the amounts of impairment (devaluation) was ¥2,522 million on a consolidated basis. During the six months ended September 30, 2024, the amount of impairment (devaluation) was ¥1,382 million on a consolidated basis.

- 43 -


In addition to "Securities" on the interim consolidated balance sheet (the consolidated balance sheet), Negotiable Certificates of Deposit in "Cash and Due from Banks," certain items in "Other Debt Purchased" and certain items in "Other Assets" are also included.


Bonds Held to Maturity

As of March 31, 2024

(Millions of yen)


Consolidated Balance
Sheet Amount

Fair Value


Bonds Whose Fair Values Exceed the Consolidated Balance Sheet Amount

Japanese Government Bonds 100,005 100,213 207 

Foreign Bonds

1,249,993 1,258,574 8,581 


1,349,998 1,358,787 8,789 

Bonds Whose Fair Values Do Not Exceed the Consolidated Balance Sheet Amount

Japanese Government Bonds 419,391 411,807 (7,584)

Foreign Bonds

2,275,744 2,092,329 (183,414)


2,695,135 2,504,136 (190,999)


4,045,134 3,862,923 (182,210)

 As of September 30, 2024

(Millions of yen)


Interim Consolidated
Balance Sheet Amount

Fair Value


Bonds Whose Fair Values Exceed the Interim Consolidated Balance Sheet Amount

Japanese Government Bonds 40,000 40,034 33 
Foreign Bonds 2,440,441 2,471,205 30,764 


2,480,441 2,511,239 30,797 

Bonds Whose Fair Values Do Not Exceed the Interim Consolidated Balance Sheet Amount

Japanese Government Bonds 419,435 410,553 (8,882)
Foreign Bonds 1,162,084 1,029,097 (132,986)


1,581,520 1,439,650 (141,869)


4,061,962 3,950,890 (111,071)

- 44 -


Other Securities

As of March 31, 2024

(Millions of yen)


Consolidated Balance
  Sheet Amount  
Acquisition Cost Difference

Other Securities Whose Consolidated Balance Sheet Amount Exceeds Acquisition Cost

Stocks 3,066,155 875,694 2,190,460


2,572,092 2,553,976 18,115

Japanese Government Bonds

1,602,553 1,593,227 9,326

Japanese Local Government Bonds

19,197 19,102 94

Japanese Corporate Bonds

950,341 941,647 8,694


4,718,924 4,588,115 130,809

Foreign Bonds

3,077,106 3,056,773 20,332

Other Debt Purchased

3,555 3,526 29


1,638,262 1,527,815 110,446


 10,357,172   8,017,786   2,339,385

Other Securities Whose Consolidated Balance Sheet Amount Does Not Exceed Acquisition Cost

Stocks 36,505 41,250 (4,744 )


11,794,282 11,840,911 (46,629 )

Japanese Government Bonds

9,371,839 9,374,918 (3,078 )

Japanese Local Government Bonds

564,541 572,115 (7,573 )

Japanese Corporate Bonds

1,857,901 1,893,878 (35,977 )


10,543,550 11,504,687 (961,137 )

Foreign Bonds

9,216,310 9,948,275 (731,964 )

Other Debt Purchased

27,827 28,594 (766 )


1,299,411 1,527,818 (228,406 )


22,374,338 23,386,850 (1,012,512 )


32,731,510 31,404,636 1,326,873

Unrealized Gains (Losses) includes ¥53,159 million which was recognized in the statement of income by applying the fair-value hedge method and others.

- 45 -

As of September 30, 2024

(Millions of yen)


Interim Consolidated
Balance Sheet Amount
Acquisition Cost Difference

Other Securities Whose Interim Consolidated Balance Sheet Amount Exceeds Acquisition Cost

Stocks 2,836,477 819,543 2,016,934


2,839,751 2,831,654 8,097

Japanese Government Bonds

2,024,113 2,023,641 471

Japanese Local Government Bonds

18,056 17,990 65

Japanese Corporate Bonds

797,582 790,022 7,559


7,312,879 7,244,488 68,390

Foreign Bonds

6,362,836 6,324,835 38,001

Other Debt Purchased

1,949 1,928 20


948,092 917,724 30,368


12,989,108  10,895,686   2,093,422

Other Securities Whose Interim Consolidated Balance Sheet Amount Does Not Exceed Acquisition Cost

Stocks 59,882 67,637 (7,754 )


10,776,530 10,828,942 (52,411 )

Japanese Government Bonds

8,470,976 8,474,865 (3,889 )

Japanese Local Government Bonds

579,270 588,810 (9,540 )

Japanese Corporate Bonds

1,726,283 1,765,265 (38,982 )


8,796,924 9,479,012 (682,088 )

Foreign Bonds

7,352,602 7,843,911 (491,309 )

Other Debt Purchased

20,909 21,459 (549 )


1,423,413 1,613,641 (190,228 )


19,633,338 20,375,592 (742,254 )


32,622,446 31,271,278 1,351,167

Unrealized Gains (Losses) includes ¥41,969 million which was recognized in the statement of income by applying the fair-value hedge method and others.

- 46 -


Impairment ("Devaluation") of Securities

Certain Securities other than Trading Securities (excluding Stocks and others without a quoted market price and Investments in Partnerships and others) are devalued to the fair value, and the difference between the acquisition cost and the fair value is treated as a loss for the six months ended September 30, 2024 (the fiscal year ended March 31, 2024). If the fair value has significantly deteriorated compared with the acquisition cost (including amortized cost), the difference is treated as impairment (devaluation) unless it is deemed that there is a possibility of a recovery in the fair value.

The amount of impairment (devaluation) for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2024 was ¥1,897 million.

The amount of impairment (devaluation) for the six months ended September 30, 2024 was ¥2,359 million.

The criteria for determining whether a security's fair value has "significantly deteriorated" are outlined as follows:

Securities whose fair value is 50% or less of the acquisition cost

Securities whose fair value exceeds 50% but is 70% or less of the acquisition cost and the quoted market price maintains a certain level or lower

- 47 -

Money Held in Trust


Money Held in Trust Held to Maturity

There was no Money Held in Trust held to maturity.


Other in Money Held in Trust (other than for investment purposes and held to maturity purposes)

As of March 31, 2024

(Millions of yen)
Balance Sheet
Acquisition Cost Difference Other in Money
Held in Trust
Balance Sheet
Amount Exceeds
Acquisition Cost
Other in Money
Held in Trust
Balance Sheet
Amount Does Not
Acquisition Cost

Other in Money Held in Trust

30,298 30,298 -  -  - 

"Other in Money Held in Trust Whose Consolidated Balance Sheet Amount Exceeds Acquisition Cost" and "Other in Money Held in Trust Whose Consolidated Balance Sheet Amount Does Not Exceed Acquisition Cost" are components of "Difference."

As of September 30, 2024

(Millions of yen)
Balance Sheet 
Acquisition Cost Difference Other in Money
Held in Trust
Whose Interim
Balance Sheet
Amount Exceeds
Acquisition Cost
Other in Money
Held in Trust
Whose Interim
Balance Sheet
Amount Does Not
Acquisition Cost

Other in Money Held in Trust

28,198 28,198 -  -  - 

"Other in Money Held in Trust Whose Interim Consolidated Balance Sheet Amount Exceeds Acquisition Cost" and "Other in Money Held in Trust Whose Interim Consolidated Balance Sheet Amount Does Not Exceed Acquisition Cost" are components of "Difference."

- 48 -

Unrealized Gains (Losses) on Other Securities

Details of Unrealized Gains (Losses) on Other Securities on the interim consolidated balance sheet (consolidated balance sheet) are as follows:

As of March 31, 2024

(Millions of yen)

Difference between Acquisition Cost and Fair Value


Other Securities


(-) Deferred Tax Liabilities


Difference between Acquisition Cost and Fair Value, net of Taxes (Before adjusting for amount corresponding to Non-controlling Interests)


(-) Amount Corresponding to Non-controlling Interests


(+) Amount Corresponding to Net Unrealized Gains (Losses) on Other Securities Owned by Affiliated Companies, which is attributable to MHFG


Net Unrealized Gains (Losses) on Other Securities



1. The difference between acquisition cost and fair value excludes ¥53,159 million in gains which were recognized in the statement of income for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2024 by applying the fair-value hedge method and others.


"Other Securities" includes translation differences regarding Stocks and others without a quoted market price and Investments in Partnerships and others.

As of September 30, 2024

(Millions of yen)

Difference between Acquisition Cost and Fair Value


Other Securities


(-) Deferred Tax Liabilities


Difference between Acquisition Cost and Fair Value, net of Taxes (Before adjusting for amount corresponding to Non-controlling Interests)


(-) Amount Corresponding to Non-controlling Interests


(+) Amount Corresponding to Net Unrealized Gains (Losses) on Other Securities Owned by Affiliated Companies, which is attributable to MHFG


Net Unrealized Gains (Losses) on Other Securities



1. The difference between acquisition cost and fair value excludes ¥41,969 million in gains which were recognized in the statement of income for six months ended September 30, 2024 by applying the fair-value hedge method and others.
2. "Other Securities" includes translation differences regarding Stocks and others without a quoted market price and Investments in Partnerships and others.

- 49 -

Derivatives Information

Derivative Transactions not Qualifying for Hedge Accounting

With regard to derivative transactions not qualifying for hedge accounting, contract value or contractual principal equivalents, fair values and unrealized gains (losses) by type of transaction as of the interim consolidated balance sheet date (consolidated balance sheet date) are as follows. Contract value amounts do not indicate the market risk related to derivative transactions.


Interest Rate and Bond-Related Transactions

As of March 31, 2024

(Millions of yen)



Contract Value Fair Value Unrealized Gains
Total Over One Year


Interest Rate Futures


37,788,349 21,238,205 53,396 53,396


28,970,907 12,283,860 (24,529 ) (24,529 )
Interest Rate Options


44,319,173 -  (4,492 ) 1,696


50,624,457 -  3,759 (2,209 )
Bond Futures


659,736 -  (794 ) (794 )


221,669 -  446 446
Bond Futures Options


4,163 -  (14 ) (14 )


8,924 -  9 7




42,030,457 191,224 (81,481 ) (81,481 )


39,284,809 -  64,006 64,006
Interest Rate Swaps

Receive Fixed /Pay Float

891,314,616 668,357,022 (5,427,344 ) (5,427,344 )

Receive Float /Pay Fixed

876,119,658 660,917,661 5,372,001 5,372,001

Receive Float / Pay Float

179,929,271 114,586,338 87,907 87,907

Receive Fixed / Pay Fixed

558,272 533,640 15,187 15,187
Interest Rate Options


46,889,271 22,316,809 (110,642 ) (110,642 )


43,926,246 22,527,951 178,845 178,845
Bond Options


587,447 -  (972 ) 382


587,447 -  1,111 (211 )
Bond Other


9,573 910 (15 ) (15 )


19,683 -  89 89

Inter-Company or Internal Transactions

Interest Rate Swaps

Receive Fixed /Pay Float

7,861,942 7,436,205 (134,156 ) (134,156 )

Receive Float /Pay Fixed

12,214,796 9,458,212 454,543 454,543


-  -  446,860 447,112


The above transactions are marked to market, and changes in unrealized gains (losses) are included in the consolidated statement of income.

- 50 -

As of September 30, 2024

(Millions of yen)



Contract Value Fair Value Unrealized Gains
Total Over One Year


Interest Rate Futures


8,372,767 1,715,317 (13,352 ) (13,352 )


7,226,561 1,175,452 16,303 16,303
Interest Rate Options


4,249,582 186,247 (2,421 ) 1,458


5,404,319 186,733 3,784 (1,013 )
Bond Futures


920,701 33,968 (430 ) (430 )


460,264 30,774 242 242
Bond Futures Options


3,814 -  (5 ) (4 )


1,982 -  2 0




37,845,137 81,734 46,860 46,860


35,428,617 -  (50,276 ) (50,276 )
Interest Rate Swaps

Receive Fixed / Pay Float

1,024,968,155 663,859,980 (4,280,350 ) (4,280,350 )

Receive Float / Pay Fixed

1,009,988,203 647,376,955 4,473,113 4,473,113

Receive Float / Pay Float

200,919,834 107,656,782 83,330 83,330

Receive Fixed / Pay Fixed

564,116 482,592 13,935 13,935
Interest Rate Options


46,463,697 24,964,764 (114,310 ) (114,310 )


45,513,416 26,137,230 169,828 169,828
Bond Options


522,055 -  (1,168 ) 463


522,055 -  1,029 (596 )
Bond Other


30,297 2,472 (3,889 ) (3,889 )


12,849 -  3,785 3,785

Inter-Company or Internal Transactions

Interest Rate Swaps

Receive Fixed / Pay Float

7,346,909 6,771,628 66,733 66,733

Receive Float / Pay Fixed

13,647,293 10,827,048 170,749 170,749


-  -  583,491 582,578


The above transactions are marked to market, and changes in unrealized gains (losses) are included in the interim consolidated statement of income.

- 51 -


Currency-Related Transactions

As of March 31, 2024

(Millions of yen)



Contract Value Fair Value Unrealized Gains
Total Over One Year




50,203 9,319 -  - 


197,127 20,544 -  - 


Swaps 120,636,212 90,244,387 219,374 296,610


108,089,971 6,525,763 (1,412,278 ) (1,412,278 )


52,762,441 2,917,497 1,229,165 1,229,165


6,472,703 2,667,359 (228,129 ) (154,368 )


6,241,773 2,660,018 94,730 16,244

Inter-Company or Internal Transactions

Swaps 4,487,905 2,236,392 764,453 33,291


54,520 -  561 561


-  -  667,878 9,226


The above transactions are marked to market, and changes in unrealized gains (losses) are included in the consolidated statement of income.

As of September 30, 2024

(Millions of yen)



Contract Value Fair Value Unrealized Gains
Total Over One Year




68,656 11,404 -  - 


252,306 37,125 -  - 


Swaps 129,073,779 96,722,928 70,015 236,094


107,471,834 7,834,037 629,356 629,356


56,210,688 4,291,762 (835,321 ) (835,321 )


6,394,961 3,091,659 (183,277 ) (108,172 )


6,244,143 2,834,130 79,131 302

Inter-Company or Internal Transactions

Swaps 3,937,720 1,713,001 586,113      29,744


48,879 -  (600 ) (600 )


-  -      345,417 (48,595 )


The above transactions are marked to market, and changes in unrealized gains (losses) are included in the interim consolidated statement of income.

- 52 -


Stock-Related Transactions

As of March 31, 2024

(Millions of yen)



Contract Value Fair Value Unrealized Gains
Total Over One Year


Index Futures


1,373,470 3,962 (24,620 ) (24,620 )


205,661 41,837 9,427 9,427
Index Futures Options


2,134,813 200,019 (183,910 ) (136,894 )


2,329,869 153,231 206,211 166,508


Equity Linked Swaps 1,118,853 368,154 (19,243 ) (19,243 )


3,815,757 1,173,442 (478,553 ) (478,553 )


3,519,093 1,353,344 426,937 426,937


70,643 49,431 47 47


358,529 174,217 75,788 75,788


-  -  12,085 19,399


The above transactions are marked to market, and changes in unrealized gains (losses) are included in the consolidated statement of income.

As of September 30, 2024

(Millions of yen)



Contract Value Fair Value Unrealized Gains
Total Over One Year


Index Futures


1,488,084 5,510 (12,654 ) (12,654 )


163,021 85,109 (1,872 ) (1,872 )
Index Futures Options


2,538,800 354,452 (183,334 ) (115,477 )


2,375,139 308,816 169,291 114,546


Equity Linked Swaps 1,216,313 484,920 26,189 26,189


3,756,725 1,298,253 (436,432 ) (436,432 )


3,736,906 1,476,066 326,640 326,640


77,218 56,299 389 389


535,868 160,884 78,310 78,310


-  -  (33,471 ) (20,359 )


The above transactions are marked to market, and changes in unrealized gains (losses) are included in the interim consolidated statement of income.

- 53 -


Commodity-Related Transactions

As of March 31, 2024

(Millions of yen)



Contract Value Fair Value Unrealized Gains

Over One Year




202,317 40,848 (12,931 ) (12,931 )


292,908 91,358 20,660 20,660


757 -  (6 ) 18


757 -  6 (18 )




324,193 121,411 (19,500 ) (19,500 )


211,965 60,889 11,074 11,074


-  -  (697 ) (698 )
(Notes) 1. The above transactions are marked to market, and changes in unrealized gains (losses) are included in the consolidated statement of income.
2. Commodities include oil, copper, aluminum and others.

As of September 30, 2024

(Millions of yen)



Contract Value

Fair Value Unrealized Gains


Over One Year




182,521 63,184 12,800 12,800


264,067 106,965 (16,512 ) (16,512 )


-  -  -  - 


-  -  -  - 




298,874 112,024 5,726 5,726


194,626 58,429 1,412 1,412


-  -  3,426 3,426
(Notes) 1. The above transactions are marked to market, and changes in unrealized gains (losses) are included in the interim consolidated statement of income.
2. Commodities include oil, copper, aluminum and others.

- 54 -


Credit Derivative Transactions

As of March 31, 2024

(Millions of yen)



Contract Value Fair Value Unrealized Gains
Total Over One Year


Credit Derivatives


10,144,977 8,890,776 146,809 146,809


13,004,033 10,668,499 (112,708 ) (112,708 )


-  -  34,101 34,101
(Notes) 1. The above transactions are marked to market, and changes in unrealized gains (losses) are included in the consolidated statement of income.
2. "Sold" and "Bought" indicate assumption and cession of credit risk, respectively.

As of September 30, 2024

(Millions of yen)



Contract Value Fair Value Unrealized Gains
Total Over One Year


Credit Derivatives


10,566,454 9,259,777 173,892 173,892


12,986,078 11,034,224 (158,805 ) (158,805 )


-  -  15,087 15,087
(Notes) 1. The above transactions are marked to market, and changes in unrealized gains (losses) are included in the interim consolidated statement of income.
2. "Sold" and "Bought" indicate assumption and cession of credit risk, respectively.

- 55 -

Revenue recognition


Revenue breakdown information

(Millions of yen)
For the six months ended
September 30, 2023
For the six months ended
September 30, 2024

Ordinary Income

4,244,507 4,585,215

Fee and Commission Income

485,482 512,874

Deposits and Lending business (1)

163,103 161,834

Securities-related business

118,986 122,086

Remittance business

51,901 50,010

Trust-related business

33,795 35,503

Guarantee-related business (2)

20,979 21,913

Agency business

18,615 19,940

Fees for other customer services

78,101 101,585

Fiduciary Income

30,458 30,291

Other Ordinary Income (1)

3,728,566 4,042,050



Part of these amounts are considered to be revenues from contracts that are within the scope of "Accounting Standard for Revenue Recognition."


These amounts are revenues from contracts that do not meet the scope of "Accounting Standard for Revenue Recognition."


In the above table, revenues that are within the scope of "Accounting Standard for Revenue Recognition" are mainly generated from "Retail & Business Banking Company," "Corporate & Investment Banking Company" and "Global Corporate & Investment Banking Company."


Contract assets, contract liabilities and receivables from contracts with customers

The balances of contract assets, contract liabilities and receivables from contracts with customers are included in other assets and other liabilities in the interim consolidated balance sheet. The balance of contract assets, contract liabilities and receivables from contracts with customers at the current and previous interim consolidated balance sheet date are immaterial.


Price allocated to remaining performance obligations

The amount of revenue expected to be recognized in subsequent fiscal years is not material in terms of amount for the six months ended September 30, 2024 and September 30, 2023. Contracts with a term of up to one year and contracts for which revenue can be recognized at the amount our group has the right to claim are not included as a subject in this note.

- 56 -

Business Segments Information, etc.

Business Segments Information


Summary of reportable segments

MHFG has introduced an in-house company system based on the group's diverse customer segments. The aim of this system is to leverage MHFG's strengths and competitive advantage, which is the seamless integration of MHFG's banking, trust and securities functions under a holding company structure, to speedily provide high-quality financial services that closely match customer needs.

Specifically, the company system is classified into the following five in-house companies, each based on a customer segment: the Retail & Business Banking Company (RBC), the Corporate & Investment Banking Company (CIBC), the Global Corporate & Investment Banking Company (GCIBC), the Global Markets Company (GMC), and the Asset Management Company (AMC).

The services that each in-house company is in charge of are as follows:


Services for individual customers, small and medium-sized enterprises and middle market firms in Japan


Services for large corporations, financial institutions and public corporations in Japan


Services for Japanese overseas affiliated corporate customers and non-Japanese corporate customers, etc.


Investment services with respect to interest rates, equities and credits, etc. and other services


Development of products and provision of services that match the asset management needs of its wide range of customers from individuals to institutional investors

The reportable segments information, set forth below, is derived from the internal management reporting systems used by management to measure the performance of the Group's operating segments. Management measures the performance of each of the operating segments in accordance with internal managerial accounting rules and practices.


Calculating method of Gross Profits (excluding the amounts of credit costs of trust accounts) + Net Gains (Losses) related to ETFs and others, Net Business Profits (excluding the amounts of credit costs of trust accounts, before reversal of (provision for) general reserve for losses on loans) + Net Gains (Losses) related to ETFs and others, and Fixed Assets by reportable segment

The following information of reportable segments are based on internal management reporting.

Gross Profits (excluding the amounts of credit costs of trust accounts) + Net Gains (Losses) related to ETFs and others is the total amount of Interest Income, Fiduciary Income, Fee and Commission Income, Trading Income, Other Operating Income and Net Gains (Losses) related to ETFs and others.

Net Business Profits (excluding the amounts of credit costs of trust accounts, before reversal of (provision for) general reserve for losses on loans) + Net Gains (Losses) related to ETFs and others is the amount of which General and administrative Expenses (excluding Non-Recurring Losses and others), Equity in Income from Investments in Affiliates, and Amortization of Goodwill and others (including Amortization of Intangible Assets) are deducted from, or added to, Gross Profits (excluding the amounts of credit costs of trust accounts) + Net Gains (Losses) related to ETFs and others.

Gross Profits (excluding the amounts of credit costs of trust accounts) + Net Gains (Losses) related to ETFs and others relating to transactions between segments is based on the current market price.

Fixed Assets disclosed as asset information by segment are the total amount of Tangible Fixed Assets and Intangible Fixed Assets. Fixed Assets pertaining to Mizuho Bank, Ltd., Mizuho Trust & Banking Co., Ltd., and Mizuho Securities Co., Ltd. have been allocated to each segment.

- 57 -


Gross Profits (excluding the amounts of credit costs of trust accounts) + Net Gains (Losses) related to ETFs and others, Net Business Profits (excluding the amounts of credit costs of trust accounts, before reversal of (provision for) general reserve for losses on loans) + Net Gains (Losses) related to ETFs and others, and Fixed Assets by reportable segment

For the six months ended September 30, 2023

(Millions of yen)
MHFG (Consolidated)
(Note 2)

Gross Profits: (excluding the amounts of credit costs of trust accounts) + Net Gains (Losses) related to ETFs and others

347,965 261,694 344,458 285,131 27,590 64,421 1,331,259

General and Administrative Expenses (excluding Non-Recurring Losses and others)

308,739 104,051 178,129 153,814 17,121 34,328 796,182

Equity in Income from Investments in Affiliates

5,774 3,865 13,212 -  (957 ) 1,671 23,565

Amortization of Goodwill and others

3 407 432 -  3,237 164 4,243

Net Business Profits (excluding the amounts of credit costs of trust accounts, before reversal of (provision for) general reserve for losses on loans) + Net Gains (Losses) related to ETFs and others

44,997 161,101 179,109 131,317 6,275 31,600 554,399

Fixed Assets

498,991 152,359 188,913 86,423 -  781,949 1,708,635
(Notes) 1. "Gross Profits (excluding the amounts of credit costs of trust accounts) + Net Gains (Losses) related to ETFs and others" is reported instead of sales reported by general corporations. Net Gains (Losses) related to ETFs and others amounted to ¥18,339 million, of which ¥17,213 million is included in the GMC.
2. "Others" includes items which should be eliminated as internal transactions between each segment on a consolidated basis.
3. "Others" in Fixed Assets includes assets of headquarters that have not been allocated to each segment, Fixed Assets pertaining to consolidated subsidiaries that are not subject to allocation, consolidated adjustments, and others. Among Fixed Assets that have not been allocated to each segment, some related expenses are allocated to each segment using reasonable criteria of allocation.
4. Following the change in allocation method for transactions between each segment and "Others" made in April 2024, reclassification was made on the above table to reflect the relevant change.

- 58 -

For the six months ended September 30, 2024

(Millions of yen)
MHFG (Consolidated)
(Note 2)

Gross Profits: (excluding the amounts of credit costs of trust accounts) + Net Gains (Losses) related to ETFs and others

379,877 301,244 385,139 401,311 29,573 64,448 1,561,592

General and Administrative Expenses (excluding Non-Recurring Losses and others)

343,622 116,679 217,163 168,028 18,270 22,024 885,786

Equity in Income from Investments in Affiliates

4,291 5,860 13,457 -  240 3,923 27,771

Amortization of Goodwill and others

3 412 3,187 -  3,058 290 6,950

Net Business Profits (excluding the amounts of credit costs of trust accounts, before reversal of (provision for) general reserve for losses on loans) + Net Gains (Losses) related to ETFs and others

40,543 190,013 178,246 233,283 8,485 46,056 696,626

Fixed Assets

549,265 150,555 188,313 87,803 -  873,161 1,849,097


1. "Gross Profits (excluding the amounts of credit costs of trust accounts) + Net Gains (Losses) related to ETFs and others" is reported instead of sales reported by general corporations. Net Gains (Losses) related to ETFs and others amounted to ¥40,893 million, of which ¥37,242 million is included in the GMC.
2. "Others" includes items which should be eliminated as internal transactions between each segment on a consolidated basis.
3. "Others" in Fixed Assets includes assets of headquarters that have not been allocated to each segment, Fixed Assets pertaining to consolidated subsidiaries that are not subject to allocation, consolidated adjustments, and others. Among Fixed Assets that have not been allocated to each segment, some related expenses are allocated to each segment using reasonable criteria of allocation.

- 59 -


The difference between the total amounts of reportable segments and the recorded amounts in the Interim Consolidated Statement of Income, and the contents of the difference (Matters relating to adjustment to difference)

The above amount of Gross Profits (excluding the amounts of credit costs of trust accounts) + Net Gains (Losses) related to ETFs and others and that of Net Business Profits (excluding the amounts of credit costs of trust accounts, before reversal of (provision for) general reserve for losses on loans) + Net Gains (Losses) related to ETFs and others derived from internal management reporting by reportable segment are different from the amounts recorded in the Interim Consolidated Statement of Income.

The contents of the difference for the period are as follows:


The total of Gross Profits (excluding the amounts of credit costs of trust accounts) + Net Gains (Losses) related to ETFs and others of Segment Information and Ordinary Profits

(Millions of yen)
For the six months ended
September 30, 2023
For the six months ended
September 30, 2024

Gross Profits: (excluding the amounts of credit costs of trust accounts) + Net Gains (Losses) related to ETFs and others

1,331,259 1,561,592

Net Gains (Losses) related to ETFs and others

(18,339 ) (40,893 )

Other Ordinary Income

102,938 208,950

General and Administrative Expenses

(782,989 ) (877,168 )

Other Ordinary Expenses

(58,775 ) (105,401 )

Ordinary Profits

574,093 747,079

The total of Net Business Profits (excluding the amounts of credit costs of trust accounts, before reversal of (provision for) general reserve for losses on loans) + Net Gains (Losses) related to ETFs and others of Segment Information and Income before Income Taxes recorded in the Interim Consolidated Statement of Income

(Millions of yen)
For the six months ended
September 30, 2023
For the six months ended
September 30, 2024

Net Business Profits (excluding the amounts of credit costs of trust accounts, before reversal of (provision for) general reserve for losses on loans) + Net Gains (Losses) related to ETFs and others

554,399 696,626

General and Administrative Expenses (Non-Recurring Losses)

17,436 15,568

Expenses related to Portfolio Problems (including reversal of (provision for) general reserve for losses on loans)

(10,287 ) (10,966 )

Gains on Reversal of Reserves for Possible Losses on Loans, and others

(781 ) 25,653

Net Gains (Losses) related to Stocks - Net Gains (Losses) related to ETFs and others

16,257 39,062

Net Extraordinary Gains (Losses)

22,229 44,079


(2,930 ) (18,865 )

Income before Income Taxes recorded in the Interim Consolidated Statement of Income

596,323 791,158

- 60 -

Related Information

For the six months ended September 30, 2023


Information about Geographic Areas


Ordinary Income

(Millions of yen)
Japan Americas Europe Asia/Oceania
excluding Japan
1,193,566 2,089,928 416,185 544,827 4,244,507
(Notes) 1. The above table shows Ordinary Income in lieu of sales of non-financial companies.
2. Ordinary income is segmented by country and region based on the location of our group office in consideration of geographical proximity, similarity of economic activities, and interrelationship of business activities.
3. In Americas, the U.S. accounted for ¥2,032,681 million for the six months ended September 30, 2023.

Tangible Fixed Assets

Information on tangible fixed assets by geographical areas as of September 30, 2023 is not disclosed since tangible fixed assets in Japan accounted for more than 90% of tangible fixed assets.


Information about Major Customers

Information about major customers is not disclosed since there are no outside customers that accounted for more than 10% of Ordinary Income of the Company.

For the six months ended September 30, 2024


Information about Geographic Areas


Ordinary Income

(Millions of yen)
Japan Americas Europe Asia/Oceania
excluding Japan
1,926,063 1,706,658 437,401 515,092 4,585,215
(Notes) 1. The above table shows Ordinary Income in lieu of sales of non-financial companies.
2. Ordinary income is segmented by country and region based on the location of our group office in consideration of geographical proximity, similarity of economic activities, and interrelationship of business activities.
3. In Americas, the U.S. accounted for ¥ 1,572,479 million for the six months ended September 30, 2024.

Tangible Fixed Assets

(Millions of yen)
Japan Americas Europe Asia/Oceania
excluding Japan
  971,269    85,597   9,651  26,923 1,093,441

Information about Major Customers

Information about major customers is not disclosed since there are no outside customers that accounted for more than 10% of Ordinary Income of the Company.

- 61 -

Information about Impairment Loss on Tangible Fixed Assets by Reportable Segment

For the six months ended September 30, 2023

(Millions of yen)
MHFG (Consolidated)

Impairment Loss

198     53     13   8    -      49    321

For the six months ended September 30, 2024

(Millions of yen)
MHFG (Consolidated)

Impairment Loss

197     50     48  11    -   1,258  1,564

Information about Amortization and Unamortized Balance of Goodwill by Reportable Segment

For the six months ended September 30, 2023

(Millions of yen)
MHFG (Consolidated)

Amortization of Goodwill

3 407 152 -  1,902 (548 ) 1,915

Unamortized Balance of Goodwill

 58 10,088  3,422 -  34,682     0 48,250

Following the change in allocation method for transactions between each segment and "Others" made in April 2024, reclassification was made on the above table to reflect the relevant change.

For the six months ended September 30, 2024

(Millions of yen)
MHFG (Consolidated)

Amortization of Goodwill

3 412 1,746 -  1,334    103 3,598

Unamortized Balance of Goodwill

 53  9,265 67,670 -  32,014 (0 ) 109,001

Information about Gain on Negative Goodwill Incurred by Reportable Segment

For the six months ended September 30, 2023

There is no applicable information.

For the six months ended September 30, 2024

There is no applicable information.

- 62 -

Per Share Information


Net Assets per Share of Common Stock and its basis used for calculation

  As of March 31, 2024   As of September 30, 2024

Net Assets per Share of Common Stock

Yen 4,037.28 4,213.73

(The basis used for calculating Net Assets per Share of Common Stock)

Total Net Assets

Millions of yen 10,312,135 10,761,319

Deductions from Total Net Assets

Millions of yen 79,597 79,672

Stock Acquisition Rights

Millions of yen 5 5

Non-Controlling Interests

Millions of yen 79,591 79,667

Net Assets related to Common Stock at the end of the period/the fiscal year

Millions of yen 10,232,538 10,681,646

Outstanding Shares of Common Stock, based on which Total Net Assets per Share of Common Stock was calculated, at the end of the period/the fiscal year

Thousands of shares 2,534,510 2,534,958

- 63 -


Net Income per Share of Common Stock and Diluted Net Income per Share of Common Stock are based on the following information:

For the six months ended
September 30, 2023
For the six months ended
September 30, 2024

(1)   Net Income per Share of Common Stock

Yen 164.03 223.35

(The basis used for calculating Net Income per Share of Common Stock)

Profit Attributable to Owners of Parent

Millions of yen 415,753 566,141

Amount not attributable to Common Stock

Millions of yen -  - 

Profit Attributable to Owners of Parent related to Common Stock

Millions of yen 415,753 566,141

Average Outstanding Shares of Common Stock (during the period)

Thousands of shares 2,534,579 2,534,759

(2)   Diluted Net Income per Share of Common Stock

Yen 164.03 223.35

(The basis used for calculating Diluted Net Income per Share of Common Stock)

Adjustment to Profit Attributable to Owners of Parent

Millions of yen -  - 

Increased Number of Shares of Common Stock

Thousands of shares 2 2

Stock Acquisition Rights

Thousands of shares 2 2

Description of dilutive securities which were not included in the calculation of Diluted Net Income per Share of Common Stock as they have no dilutive effects

-  - 
(Note) In the calculation of Net Assets per share, MHFG shares outstanding in BBT trust account that were recognized as Treasury Stock in Shareholders' Equity are included in Treasury Stock shares deducted from the total number of issued shares at the end of the period/the fiscal year. The number of such Treasury Stock shares deducted at the end of the previous fiscal year (March 31, 2024) was 2,910 thousand, and the number of such Treasury Stock shares deducted at the end of the period (September 30, 2024) was 2,377 thousand.
In the calculation of Net Income per Share of Common Stock and Diluted Net Income per Share of Common Stock, such Treasury Stock shares are included in Treasury Stock shares deducted in the calculation of the Average Outstanding Shares of Common Stock during the period. The average number of such Treasury Stock shares deducted during the six months ended September 30, 2023 was 2,860 thousand, and the average number of such Treasury Stock shares deducted during the six months ended September 30, 2024 was 2,618 thousand.

- 64 -

II. Others

There is no applicable information.

- 65 -

Subsequent Events

MHFG resolved at the meeting of its Board of Directors held on November 14, 2024 to repurchase its common stock pursuant to the provisions of Article 156, Paragraph 1 of the Companies Act and in accordance with the provisions of Article 459, Paragraph 1 of the Companies Act and Article 47 of its Articles of Incorporation, and cancel the repurchased common stock pursuant to Article 178 of the Companies Act.


Reason for the Repurchase and cancellation of Common Stock

MHFG maintains a capital policy of pursuing the optimum balance between capital adequacy, growth investment and enhancement of shareholder returns. In accordance with this initiative, MHFG set forth its shareholder return policy pursuant to which progressive dividends are its principal approach while also executing flexible and intermittent share buybacks considering our business results and capital adequacy, our stock price and the opportunities for growth investment.


Outline of Repurchase

i. Stock to be repurchased: MHFG common stock
ii. Aggregate shares to be repurchased: Up to a maximum of 50,000,000shares
(1.9% of the number of issued shares excluding treasury stock as of September 30, 2024)
iii. Aggregate amount of repurchase price: Up to a maximum of ¥100,000,000,000
iv. Repurchase period: From November 15, 2024 to February 28, 2025
v. Repurchase method: Market purchase utilizing trust method

Outline of Cancellation

i. Type of stock to be cancelled: MHFG common stock
ii. Number of shares to be cancelled: All of the common stock repurchased as stated in item 2 above
iii. Scheduled cancellation date: March 21, 2025

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