Alaska Department of Commerce, Community & Economic Development

10/31/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 10/31/2024 12:09

Alcoholic Beverage Control Board Meeting - Hybrid in Anchorage Alcoholic Beverage Control Board MeetingPUBLIC NOTICEALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE CONTROL BOARD MEETINGNovember 19,[...]

Alcoholic Beverage Control Board Meeting - Hybrid in Anchorage

Alcoholic Beverage Control Board Meeting

November 19, 2024

Hybrid in Anchorage

Atwood Building, 550 W 7th Avenue, First Floor

Anchorage, AK

Third Judicial District

Pursuant to Alaska Statutes 04.06.050, the Alcoholic Beverage Control Board is holding its meeting on November 19, 2024, to consider its agenda covering liquor license applications, enforcement matters, ongoing and proposed regulations projects, and other matters that may come before it.

The board may hold hearings to ascertain the reaction of the public and a local governing body to license applications pursuant to AS 04.11.510 when required by AS 04.11.470, AS 04.11.480, or on the board's own initiative.

The board will hold a public hearing as required by AS 04.11.405(b) on the petition by Haines Borough for additional restaurant or eating place licenses under AS 04.1.405.

On regulations projects where written public comment was received in response to a Notice of Proposed Changes and during the opened public comment period, the board will review the written public comment but will not take oral public comments on the regulations project at this meeting.

The meeting will begin at 9:30 a.m. on November 19, 2024, and will be held in the first floor meeting room at the Attwood Building, 550 West 7th Avenue, Anchorage, AK 99501.

The meeting is open to the public to attend at any time during the meeting.

Zoom Meeting Information for November 19, 2024

Meeting ID: 871 5641 4083
Passcode: 363042
Telephone: 1-253-215-8782. Password 87156414083#

The State of Alaska Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development and the Alcoholic Beverage Control Board comply with Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Individuals with disabilities who may need auxiliary aids or services or special modifications to participate in this public meeting should contact the Alcohol and Marijuana Control Office by email at [email protected] by November 15, 2024, to make any necessary arrangements.

Lizzie Kubitz, Acting Director (907) 269-0350