UNHCR - Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees

06/19/2021 | News release | Distributed by Public on 06/19/2021 07:54

Live Blog 2021: This World Refugee Day, we are stronger together

By UNHCR | 19 June 2021 | Español | Français | عربي

Welcome to the World Refugee Day 2021 Live Blog! This year, we are highlighting events and stories from around the world that showcase refugees as well as the countries, organizations and communities that support and welcome them.

Each World Refugee Day, 20 June, UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, joins with others around the world to honour the more than 80 million people who have been forced to flee war, conflicts and persecution and rebuild their lives far from home. We also celebrate the people who have opened their countries, communities and even their homes to those who seek safety and peace.

The COVID-19 pandemic has strained our health-care systems, forced children out of school and sometimes kept us from those we love. Refugees have stepped up despite the challenges they face - working on the front lines as nurses and doctors, inventing ways to keep people from spreading germs in close quarters, distributing information on how to stay healthy and safe and more.

Given the chance, refugees will continue to contribute to a stronger, safer and more vibrant world. Together #withrefugees we can achieve anything.

Bangkok, Thailand

This might be the first-ever World Refugee Day boat!

Meet our first #worldrefugeeday boat proudly navigating in front of Wat Arun in Thailand to remind people of the importance of standing together pic.twitter.com/IMUlvo9Mki

- Pauline Eluère (@Pauline_Eluere) June 17, 2021

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Celebrations have begun in Addis Ababa, where UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador Betty G and young refugees gathered to discuss. - and sing about- the life changing power of education.

Thank you @ItsBettyG - UNHCRs Goodwill Ambassador - for her strong dedication & support for #refugees ... and for her beautiful song today at our #WorldRefugeeDay event in Addis Ababa, co-hosted with @EthRefugee@JesuitRefugee#WISE@tellingthereal#WithRefugeespic.twitter.com/Ok9TA5fTcT

- UNHCR Ethiopia (@UNHCREthiopia) June 18, 2021

Tokyo, Japan

For the second year in a row, UNIQLO is running its global World Refugee Day campaign online and in retail stores worldwide. The week long campaign starts today and includes social media posts, posters and a WRD website, as well as a donation of two million AIRism masks to UNHCR to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 to people forced to flee.

#UNIQLOxUNHCR#世界難民の日 キャンペーン】

ユニクロは先行して寄贈を進めている100万枚のマスクに加え200万枚のマスクと10万米ドルの寄付を発表。@UNIQLO_jp#難民とともに 誰一人取り残さない世界を一緒につくっていきませんか。イベントも盛りだくさんです!


- UNHCR駐日事務所 (@UNHCR_Tokyo) June 18, 2021

Melbourne, Australia

Mimi Kayeye - a participant in UNHCR's Journalist Mentorship Programme for Refugees - has written a powerful account for Harper's Bazar UK of her experience twice fleeing her home in Burundi before settling in Australia as a refugee.

What does it really mean to live as a refugee? Read this moving piece by @MimiMirka for @BazaarUK to find out. https://t.co/zEgXrbRgsC

- Kristy Siegfried (@klsiegfried) June 18, 2021

New York, USA

In the lead up to WRD, UN High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi joined US Permanent Representative to the United Nations Linda Thomas-Greenfield and former refugees Bahati Ernestine Hategekimana, Daniela María Pérez Obando and Abdallah Al-Obaidi for a virtual panel on the importance of acceptance and inclusion.

'I was 6 when a bomb went off @ my school and I found myself hiding in an empty fridge under the stairs,' Abdallah, now 22, has just been accepted to @TuftsMedSchool

Listen to him +2 brilliant refugees+ @USAmbUN@FilippoGrandi@DelIraniTVhttps://t.co/nNWItfeJjY#WithRefugees

- Dana Sleiman l دانا سليمان (@DanaSleiman) June 16, 2021


Working with Vodafone Foundation and refugee communities, UNHCR turns classrooms into multimedia hubs. See how it works!

As connectivity transforms the world, those with most to gain are often last to benefit.

Find out how #InstantNetworkSchools with @UNHCRMozambique will connect 9,000 @refugees, asylum seekers and students to quality digital education.https://t.co/MH28hADkCM#WorldRefugeeDaypic.twitter.com/0VBxUBVcEY

- Vodafone Foundation (@VodafoneFdn) June 17, 2021


What does home mean to you? Show us during our TikTokForGood challenge!

This #WorldRefugeeDay, @MaryMaker10 is sharing what #HomeMeans to her and wants you to do the same.

Join our @TikTokForGood challenge and tell us without telling us what home means to you. https://t.co/XLpWjaDXdOpic.twitter.com/qPkExNVTpT

- UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency (@Refugees) June 16, 2021


This World Refugee Day, UNHCR's theme is 'together we heal, learn and shine,' and we call for the inclusion of refugees in healthcare, education and sport. These kids drew what this means to them!

As part of events marking #WorldRefugeeDay in #Cameroon , #refugee & kids in 6 primary #schools in the outskirts of #Yaounde were asked to #draw what 'together we heal, learn & shine' meant to them.

This was the #winner - showing their flight but also hope, after safety! pic.twitter.com/UxwlnskGim

- UNHCR Cameroon (@RefugeesCmr) June 16, 2021


This year, UNHCR and Twitter partnered with Afghan-Canadian artist, Hangama Amiri, to create the 2021 World Refugee Day emoji. You can read a Q/A with the artist here.

We are pleased to continue our partnership with UNHCR @Refugees to launch a special emoji ahead of #WorldRefugeeDay on June 20th.

This year, for the first time, the emoji has been created by a refugee artist, Hangama Amiri @hangama_art.

Show your support and stand #WithRefugeespic.twitter.com/9FkOeZZe5H

- Twitter Public Policy (@Policy) June 14, 2021


Alphonso Davies, superstar footballer and a UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador, talks about the power of sport to change lives in this special World Refugee Day interview with Canadian magazine, Global Heroes.

'Always play with a smile on your face'

On or off the field, this is great advice from soccer star @AlphonsoDavies.#WorldRefugeeDayhttps://t.co/3cKlw3V9mW

- Chris Reardon (@scoop_reardon) June 15, 2021

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