Kensington and Chelsea Royal Borough Council

09/04/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/04/2024 05:03

Community meetings following Grenfell Tower Inquiry's phase two report

Following the release of the Grenfell Tower Inquiry's phase two report, the Council will be taking time to read the report carefully.

We will then publish a summary in September of what we think the findings mean for the Council, including the changes it requires, and invite residents to challenge us on this.

To help with this, we will be holding some drop-in sessions and two public meetings for residents where you can tell us what you want to see:

Drop-in session Thursday 19 September, 4pm to 7pm Kensington Leisure Centre W10 6EX
Drop-in session Tuesday 24 September, 4pm to 7pm Chelsea Theatre SW10 0DR
Public meeting Monday 7 October, 6pm to 8pm Morley College (North Kensington College) W10 5QQ
Public meeting Thursday 7 November, 6pm to 8pm Morley College (North Kensington College) W10 5QQ

We are holding specific events for the bereaved and survivors and have contacted them directly about these.

In November, we will publish a final response to the report setting out what further changes we will make and how residents can hold us to account for these.

For more information about the Council's approach, email [email protected]

You can read Cllr Elizabeth Campbell's statement following the publication of the Grenfell Tower Inquiry's phase two report on our website.