FCC - Fomento de Construcciones y Contratas SA

06/04/2021 | Press release | Archived content

FCC supports World Environment Day

Once again, and at a crucial time for the protection of the environment we live in, FCC celebrates the United Nations' (UN) World Environment Day.

It is an essential day that has been held every 5 June since 1972, and that the company is approaching this year with a strong commitment: to raise awareness of the need to care for our habitats, encouraging people to get back to nature, to take on the role of being active promotors of sustainable development and to contribute to the restoration of ecosystems.

FCC has been developing various initiatives based on this idea for years. The company has demonstrated its commitment by analysing the environmental impact of biodiversity, carrying out initiatives such as collaborating with nature conservation groups for the maintenance and control of biodiversity, the physical protection of specimens, transplants of plant species, the transfer of animal species and environmental awareness-raising, among other actions.

In this regard, the protection of biodiversity is a priority for the company, as the practices and activities it carries out, as well as those the different business areas perform, are aimed at mitigating and reducing any type of impact that could threaten said protection. For this reason, the subsequent use of natural resources for the implementation of all these activities has led the FCC Group to guarantee the protection, preservation and restoration of biodiversity at all times.
Under this premise, and as part of its CSR Master Plan, FCC establishes partnerships, develops ecosystem protection projects and carries out mapping of areas of interest for biodiversity. It also works with public entities to recover the population of certain endangered species, identify protected areas in operational perimeters, carry out environmental awareness campaigns, as well as innovative projects to maintain the balance between the urban environment and its co-existing species.

The El Porcal lagoons restoration project is worth mentioning, which was made possible thanks to the collaboration of the Naumanni Naturalist Association, which has turned this place into an excellent location for flora and fauna. The Cementos Portland Valderrivas Group has an agreement with this association to improve restoration plans in one of the most iconic places in the Southeast Regional Park. It has placed its trust in said organisation to care for the location, guaranteeing that species such as the great crested grebe, the wasp beetle, the common crested toad or the otter, among others, find in El Porcal a place to stay, reproduce and enrich the biodiversity of the Community of Madrid.

Also noteworthy is the Chamaeleo project, financed entirely by FCC and selected as part of the Group's 2020 Corporate Social Responsibility Master Plan, which aims, among other things, to support the protection of biodiversity in our ecosystems. The Municipality of Puerto de Santa María, in collaboration with the Municipal Centre for Environmental Education and Activities in Nature (CEEAN) Coto de la Isleta, managed by FCC Medio Ambiente, is working on this initiative with the aim of making this place a leading centre for the study of the common chameleon and its protection by raising public awareness.

The following table shows the surface area in hectares of vulnerable protected areas, together with the affected surface areas restored by the Group in the last three years:

Measures taken to preserve or restore biodiversity 2018 2019 2020
Protection of vulnerable areas (ha) 534 1.127 1.142
Restored affected areas (ha) 544 604 700

We also want to raise awareness for the campaign launched by the UN, through which they have kicked off the United Nations Decade on Ecosystem Restoration 2021-2030, as a call to action and a global platform to raise awareness of the urgent need to prevent, halt and reverse the degradation of the ecosystems that make up the planet.

We therefore encourage everyone, inside and outside the company, to join #GenerationRestoration on social media. This is a global chain of actions in which you only need to implement one of the following actions and make a record of it with that hashtag, alongside #WorldEnvironmentDay and a mention for @UNEP_espanol.

FCC works to tackle global challenges

A number of events are shaping agendas for countries: the economic and social scenario, marked by the global population growth trends and unequal distribution of wealth; shortage of natural resources to satisfy the demand of growing economies, or the need to explore new and more efficient energy models, based on renewable sources of energy.

In response to these global challenges, in 2016 the United Nations developed and published, as part of its 2030 Agenda, the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which group together 169 specific targets and FCC has also aligned its Corporate Social Responsibility commitments with them. This therefore provides countries, their citizens and companies with effective guidelines to mitigate the social, economic and environmental problems that have been identified worldwide.

We all have a vital role and an undeniable commitment to sustainability. Every gesture is important. At FCC, we are aware of this and we support every effort through our commitment to the planet. Ecosystem restoration is necessary to reverse biodiversity loss, for a green recovery, to mitigate the effects of climate change and to ensure the survival of living things, food security, as well as physical and mental health. It is time for action and reaction. We all have a role to play.