Meltwater NV

01/27/2022 | News release | Distributed by Public on 01/27/2022 17:29

70+ Social Media Marketing Statistics for 2022

As a marketer, using social media strategically offers great opportunities for rapid growth. Because these platforms reach so many consumers today, marketers can use them to generate leads, create brand awareness, gather useful data about their audience and industry, share news, create content, and engage with their community. There are over 4 billion social media users today, and the number is growing fast.

What does all this mean? Well, with the number of people using social media, it's clear marketers need to rely on data they trust in order to plan campaigns, budget, and predict social media marketing efforts, and secure stakeholder buy-ins.

And as marketers ourselves, we know it can be overwhelming to search for the accurate and up to date social media statistics. So we created a source of truth with the essential facts and statistics that you need to know about social media in 2022.

73 Social Media Facts You Should Know Right Now

Did you know that Facebook is still the top social media platform by usage? And that in 2021, digital ad spending increased by 38.3% from 2020? Or that consumers trust brands more if they have interacted with them on social media?

These are things you need to know, so here are 73 social media statistics to keep in mind as you create your social media plan for 2022 and beyond!

  1. General Social Media Facts

  2. LinkedIn Facts

  3. Facebook Facts

  4. Twitter Facts

  5. Instagram Facts

  6. Pinterest Facts

  7. Snapchat Facts

  8. TikTok Facts

  9. Social Media Top Brands Predictions

  10. Predictions

General Social Media Facts

  1. Top social media networks by monthly active users: Facebook (2.8B), YouTube (2.2B), WhatsApp (2B), Instagram (1.3B) (Social Media Today)
  2. People spend roughly 2 hours and 23 minutes daily on social media browsing and messaging (GlobalWebIndex) Additionally, 98.55% of people use at least four social media channels daily (GoodFirms)
  3. Gen Z logs on to social media for an average of two hours and 55 minutes. (World Economic Forum)
  4. Total active social media users: 4.48 billion (Backlinko)
  5. Approximately 400 million new users joined social media in 2021 (Social Media Today)
  6. 90% of brands want to build brand awareness through social media. 77% of them use it to maintain brand reputation, while 71% of them use it for building and managing an engaged community. (Hootsuite)
  7. Videos are the #1 branded content used by marketers. Nearly 93% of marketers say that they've landed a customer thanks to videos on social media. Additionally, 54% of them say that video is the best type of content for achieving social media goals. (SproutSocial)
  8. B2B organizations prefer LinkedIn (86%) and B2C companies choose to use Facebook (98%) for social media marketing. (Hootsuite)
  9. 58% of businesses find it challenging to measure the ROI of their social media marketing efforts. The other challenges include lack of time (56%), lack of budget (51%), and staying up-to-date on social trends (50%). (Hootsuite)
  10. 76% of American consumers purchased a product after seeing a brand's social post. (Curalate)
  11. 39% of customers only trust brands if they have interacted with them on social platforms. (Edelman)
  12. 80% of American customers say speed, convenience, knowledgeable help, and friendly service are must-haves for a social experience to be termed "positive." (PwC)
  13. 17% of customers will walk away from a brand they love if they have even a single bad experience with it on social media. (Influencer Marketing Hub)
  14. 73% of marketers believe that their efforts through social media marketing have been "somewhat effective" or "very effective" for their business (Buffer).
  15. 54% of social browsers use social media to research products (GlobalWebIndex).
  16. 71% of consumers who have had a positive experience with a brand on social media are likely to recommend the brand to their friends and family (Lyfemarketing)
  17. YouTube is the second-largest search engine globally. (HubSpot)
  18. Reddit is predominantly male. 15% of male internet users between 18 to 29 say they use Reddit. (Pew Research Center)
  19. 82% of marketers repurpose content across various social media channels. (HubSpot)
  20. Blogs are among the primary three forms of media used in content strategies today. (HubSpot, 2020)
  21. 79% of marketers reported buying paid advertising on social media in 2021. (HubSpot)
  22. Social ad impressions are increasing 20%, year over year (Adespresso)
  23. Social posts containing or featuring UGC have a 4.5% higher conversion rate than non-UGC posts. (SocialPilot)
  24. 72% of B2B marketers who use paid channels online use paid social (Hootsuite)

LinkedIn Facts

  1. There are 310 million monthly active users on LinkedIn. (Omnicore Agency)
  2. 57% of LinkedIn traffic is from mobile devices. (HubSpot)
  3. There are 9 billion content impressions in LinkedIn feeds every week. (LinkedIn)
  4. Traffic from LinkedIn generated the highest visitor-to-lead conversion rate at 2.74%, almost 277% higher than Facebook and Twitter. (HubSpot)
  5. 3 million users post on LinkedIn every week. (SocialPilot)
  6. LinkedIn is generating revenue for 38% of B2B marketers. (FoundationInc)
  7. Long-form content gets the most shares on LinkedIn, so aiming for between 1700 & 2100 words should give your content a boost. (SocialPilot)
  8. Links to Youtube video plays directly in the LinkedIn feed and typically gives a 75% higher share rate. (LinkedIn)

Facebook Facts

  1. Facebook video ads have the lowest CPC with an average CPC of $0.97. (WebFX)
  2. 69% of all adults in the US are using Facebook. (SocialPilot)
  3. Women between 18 - 24 and Males between 25 -34 constituted the biggest demographic group of Facebook users. (Statista)
  4. 1 billion Facebook stories are shared daily. (SocialPilot)
  5. Facebook users spend an average 58 minutes per day using the platform. (Forbes)
  6. 93% of all social media marketers use Facebook ads. (SocialPilot)
  7. 75% of Facebook are in a high income bracket. (SocialPilot).
  8. The average Facebook user clicks approximately 12 ads per month. (Search Engine Journal)
  9. There are more than 200 million businesses on Facebook. (SocialPilot)
  1. Twitter ads with no hashtag received 23% more engagement. (SocialPilot)
  2. 21% of Twitter users are female and 24% of users are men. (Backlinko)
  3. Twitter has 211 million daily active users. (SocialPilot)
  4. Twitter users spent an average of 3.39 minutes on the social networking platform per session. (SocialPilot)
  5. 25% of Twitter's most prolific users use a social scheduling software. (SocialPilot)
  6. Companies using Twitter for customer service see a 19% lift in customer satisfaction. (SocialPilot)
  7. Using 1-2 hashtags can get you 21% more engagement. (SocialPilot)
  8. Tweets with a GIF gain 55% more engagement than those without. (SocialPilot)

Instagram Facts

  1. 64% of Instagrammers are under 34 years. (SocialPilot)
  2. The projected usage number for Instagram by 2023 is 127.2 million monthly active users. (Statista)
  3. The average number of likes per Instagram post is 1,261. (SocialPilot)
  4. 38% of users log in to Instagram multiple times a day. (SocialPilot)
  5. 81% of Instagram users use the platform to research businesses and products. (Small Business Blog)
  6. 130 million Instagram users tap on shopping posts every month. (SocialPilot)
  7. U.S. marketers spend 69% of their ad budget on Instagram. (SocialPilot)
  8. On average, 10.7 hashtags are used in Instagram posts. (SocialPilot)
  9. Instagram videos receive 21.2% higher interactions than single photos. (SocialPilot)
  10. Posts with tagged locations get 79% more engagement. (SocialPilot)

Pinterest Facts

  1. 85% of its users access Pinterest through a mobile device. (SocialPilot)
  2. The average Pinterest user types in 8 searches per month. (SocialPilot)
  3. 55% of Pinterest users in the US use the platform to shop. (SocialPilot)
  4. 61% of users have purchased because of sponsored pins. (SocialPilot)
  5. Male usage on Pinterest grew by 40% in 2020. (Omnicore)
  6. Pins that show a product or service in action are 67% more likely to drive sales. (SocialPilot)

Snapchat Facts

  1. Snapchat has 280 million daily active users as of January 2022 - a 17% increase. (Omnicore)
  2. 69% of U.S. teens say they use Snapchat. (Omnicore)
  3. On average, Snapchat users spend over 30 minutes on the platform every day. (SocialPilot)
  4. 57% of the total content shared on Snapchat is videos. (SocialPilot)
  5. 32.7% of U.S. marketers are on Snapchat. (Omnicore)

TikTok Facts

  1. 25% of TikTok users are between the ages of 10-19. (Backlinko)
  2. 56.1% of TikTok users are female, and 43.9% are male. (SocialPilot)
  3. Brands expect to pay $50,000 per day for a brand takeover with 5 million impressions guaranteed on TikTok. (SocialPilot)
  4. 87.3% of videos have at least one hashtag. (SocialPilot)


Our thoughts for 2022? Adopting and mastering new channels is invaluable, whether it be TikTok or creating a Pinterest account for your brand. Content creators should be investing more time in video on social media and think more strategically when it comes to mobile consumption of the channels they use. Finally, if you're not investing in paid advertising (especially on LinkedIn or Twitter), you're already behind. These facts and stats are all in the service of building the case for supporting a robust social media program.

Building a social media program for your brand? Get the lowdown on how to implement an effective strategy by downloading our Social Media ROI ebook, and learn how social listening plays a big role.