NEXTDC Limited

04/03/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 04/02/2024 20:00


Simplify Your Network Management with AXON API


In today's digital landscape, navigating the intricate web of distributed cloud providers, carriers, and digital services can be daunting. As these ecosystems continue to evolve, complexity only increases. However, with NEXTDC's AXON API, managing your network architecture becomes simpler and more efficient.

The AXON API seamlessly integrates with your existing network and infrastructure management platforms, offering a streamlined approach to provisioning AXON products and services. This means you can access enhanced connectivity solutions directly from familiar management interfaces, saving you time and reducing complexity.

Whether you're grappling with multiple cloud providers or juggling various digital services, the AXON API empowers you to navigate this complex environment with ease. Say goodbye to tedious configurations and hello to a more efficient, future-ready network architecture.

Simplify Network Data Sharing with AXON API Integration

Thankfully, a new approach is emerging: integrating APIs for various virtual connectivity platforms (NaaS) so your complex architecture operates as a single point of access. This integration unlocks a wealth of benefits for your organisation, promoting automation, flexibility, agility, scalability, and all under a cost-effective, "pay-only-for-what-you-use" model.

As new sprawling network architectures become critical to the effectiveness of hybridised, multi-cloud distributed environments - including AI instances - and integrated network services will be essential to create cost savings, efficiencies and flexibility in provisioning services.

Streamlining Cloud Connections and Beyond

You need to quickly connect your on-premises infrastructure to a specific cloud provider for a new project. Traditionally, this would involve contacting each provider, negotiating contracts, and manually configuring connections. Now you can streamline and automate provisioning of services on the AXON platform by integrating an API directly into your existing network management portal, saving time and money while reducing human error and security risks.

As an API-enabled AXON user, you simply select the desired cloud provider or location accessible in NEXTDC's national ecosystem and configure the connection parameters through your standard user-friendly interface. NEXTDC's AXON platform takes care of the rest, dynamically provisioning the connection and ensuring secure, high-performance communication point to point at the bandwidth and duration selected.

It automatically performs in the background finding and provisioning the lowest latency or most appropriate connection to transport data from location A to location B.

This seamless integration offers a multitude of customer benefits:

  • Automation:Gone are the days of manual configurations and tedious paperwork. The NaaS API automates access to the entire ecosystem of cloud providers, carriers, and digital services. This saves you time, reduces errors, and allows your IT team to focus on more strategic initiatives.
  • Flexibility:Business needs are constantly evolving. A broad integrated NaaS platform ensures you're not locked into specific providers. You can easily switch between cloud providers, carriers, and digital services based on your project bandwidth and latency requirements and budget. This agility allows you to adapt quickly to changing market demands so you are inherently ready for whatever comes next.
  • Scalability:As your business grows, your network needs will too. A NaaS platform scales effortlessly to accommodate your increasing bandwidth and resource demands. You can easily provision additional connections or adjust the performance of existing ones as needed, without being constrained by any infrastructure limitations.
  • Cost-Effectiveness:NaaS operates on a utility billing model, meaning you only pay for the resources you use. This eliminates the upfront costs associated with traditional network infrastructure and allows for efficient budget allocation. You won't be paying for static resources that you don't always need.

The true value of AXON's API lies in its ability to seamlessly add a dynamic virtual interconnectivity layer to your existing network management system and this will become even more critical in the ever-increasingly complex network architectures that support AI factories and private AI instances.

This translates to a single, unified portal where you can manage all your connections across clouds, carriers, and digital service providers. Gone are the days of juggling multiple consoles and interfaces - everything is centralised and readily accessible, streamlining network management and enhancing operational efficiency.

AXON API: Pioneering Future-Ready Networking Solutions

Let's expand on why integrated network aggregation, facilitated by NEXTDC's AXON API, becomes even more crucial for future infrastructure architectures:

  1. The Rise of AI Workloads:

    AI is quickly emerging as a technology that will have broad adoption. AI applications are data-hungry beasts. They require massive amounts of processing power, storage, and high-bandwidth connectivity to train complex models and deliver real-time insights. Traditional, static network infrastructures won't be able to keep pace with the ever-growing demands of AI workloads.

  2. Heterogeneous Environments:

    Future hybrid technology architectures are increasingly dependent on a rich ecosystem of service providers, locations and people. They will rarely be confined to a service or location. They often span a hybrid mix of on-premises infrastructure, multiple cloud providers, multiple third party data centres and specialised high performance hardware. These heterogeneous environment necessitates a dynamic and flexible network that can seamlessly connect disparate resources.

  3. Edge Computing:

    As digital infrastructure moves closer to the edge (think connected devices and local processing), the need for efficient and secure data exchange across geographically dispersed locations becomes paramount. A NaaS platform facilitates secure, high-performance connections between edge devices, cloud resources, and centralised high performance processing units.

  4. Dynamic Resource Provisioning:

    Emerging AI training and inference modelling can be resource-intensive and bursty. A NaaS API with AXON's reach resilience and flexibility allows for on-demand scaling of network resources to match fluctuating workload demands. You can easily spin up additional bandwidth or processing power on the platform as needed, ensuring optimal performance without overprovisioning.

  5. Secure Multi-Cloud Connectivity:

    Sharing sensitive data across multiple cloud providers requires robust security measures. A NaaS platform with built-in security features facilitates secure data transfer between cloud environments, protecting sensitive AI data and processes.

  6. Simplified Network Management:

    Managing a complex hybridised infrastructure architecture with multiple connections can be overwhelming. A NaaS API provides a centralised platform for managing all network connections, offering a clear view of network performance and simplifying the operation of complex infrastructure.


Understanding API technical specifications is important for those interested in using NaaS platforms like AXON. These platforms provide flexibility, scalability, and security for various applications. NaaS connects resources across different environments, empowering organisations to optimise their operations and drive innovation.

For more information, you can explore our API technical documentation here. Feel free to contact us at NEXTDC if you'd like to learn how NaaS platforms like AXON can benefit your infrastructure strategy or automate service provisioning.