Ministry of National Defense of the People's Republic of China

05/04/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 05/04/2024 04:54

Regular Press Conference of the Ministry of National Defense on April 25

By Senior Colonel Wu Qian, Director General of the Information Office of the Ministry of National Defense (MND) and Spokesperson for the MND

Senior Colonel Wu Qian, spokesperson for the Ministry of National Defense (MND) of the People's Republic of China (PRC), answers recent media queries concerning the military on the afternoon of April 25, 2024. (Photo/

Senior Colonel Wu Qian: Dear friends from the media, good afternoon! Welcome to this month's regular press conference of the Ministry of National Defense. Today, I have two pieces of news to announce at the top.

The first is about the China-Bangladesh "Golden Friendship-2024" joint army training. According to the consensus between Chinese and Bangladesh militaries, the PLA Army will send a team to Bangladesh in the first half of May to hold a joint army exercise codenamed"Golden Friendship-2024" with the Bangladesh army. The joint exercise takes counter-terrorism in UN peacekeeping operations as the scenario, and troops from the two sides will conduct joint training in mixed groups and on subjects including bus anti-hijacking, clearance of terrorists camps, etc. It is the first time for the Chinese and Bangladesh militaries to conduct joint training, which will enhance mutual understanding and friendship, and deepen practical exchanges and cooperation between the two sides.

The second is about the visit of foreign army attachés in China. According to ourannual plan, the PLA Army will organize a visit for foreign army attachés on April 29th to military and civilian unites including an army aviation brigade under the 81st Group Army. During the visit, foreign army attachés will visit relevant equipment and observe flight training.

Question: It is reported that Chinese Defense Minister Admiral Dong Jun had a video call with US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin recently. Please tell us more details. What expectations does the Chinese side have for the development of China-US military-to-military relationship in the future?

Wu Qian: Chinese Defense Minister Admiral Dong Jun had a video call with US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin on the evening of April 16. The two sides had a candid and in-depth exchange of views on China-US state-to-state and military-to-military relations, the Taiwan question, the South China Sea issue and other international hotspot issues of common interest, and achieved positive and practical outcomes. This call is an important step by the two militaries in implementing the consensus reached by the two heads of state and bears positive significance in maintaining the overall stability of bilateral military ties.

Since the end of last year, the two militaries have conducted a series of exchanges and cooperation, which plays a positive role in stabilizing and improving the relationship. We hope the US side will work with us in the same direction, value peace, stability and trust as the basic principles of exchanges, and, on the basis of equality and respect, build a military-to-military relationship featuring no conflict, no confrontation, open and pragmatic cooperation and gradual accumulation of mutual trust, so as to truly serve as a stabilizer of bilateral relations.

Question: It is reported that Japan has officially announced to join AUKUS. According to the Canadian Prime Minister, to counter China, Russia and other countries' activities in the North Pole, Canada is considering increasing submarine deployment and starting negotiation on joining AUKUS. What's your comment on this?

Wu Qian: China is gravely concerned about it. We are open to normal military cooperation between any countries, but we firmly oppose relevant countries cobbling together exclusive groupings, building bilateral or multilateral military alliances targeting China, creating division and confrontation and stoking block confrontation. The Asia-pacific is a big stage for peace and development, not a wrestling ground for geopolitical competition. China is a cooperation partner for all countries, not a challenge to anyone. In disregard of the concerns of regional countries and the international community, the US, the UK and Australia have kept sending signals of AUKUS expansion, which severely impacted peace and stability of the Asia-pacific. Many regional countries are deeply concerned about it.

For historical and realistic reasons, Japan's military and security moves have been closed watched by its Asian neighbors and the international community. Japan needs to draw lessons from history, both speak and act prudently on military and security issues. Other countries should also earnestly fulfill their international obligations and avoid doings things that may undermine regional and world peace and stability.

Question: Recently, the PLA Navy held the 19th Western Pacific Naval Symposium (WPNS) in Qingdao, Shandong Province. A CMC leader attended the opening ceremony and delivered a speech. Please share with us more details.

Wu Qian: From April 21 to 24, the PLA Navy held the 19th Western Pacific Naval Symposium (WPNS) in Qingdao, Shandong Province. Over 180 delegates from 29 navies or maritime defense department attended the event. General Zhang Youxia, vice chairman of the CMC attended the opening ceremony and delivered a speech. Chinese and foreign delegates had in-depth discussions and reached broad consensus on major issues related to the symposium. They have discussed, voted and adopted the third edition of the Code for Unplanned Encounters at Sea (CUES) and the update of the Disaster Response Guide (DRG), and held in-depth discussions on topics such as the revision of the WPNS Business Charter, and the establishment of a research working group on unmanned systems with the Chinese side serving as the coordinator. During the event, the PLA Navy hosted a high-level symposium themed "Oceans with a Shared Future". Delegates from Russia, Indonesia, Colombia, Pakistan, France, Fiji and other countries shared their opinions. Leaders of the PLA Navy also had bilateral meetings and interactions with relevant delegations and arranged military and cultural visits for them. According to the delegates, the 19th WPNS is of great significance and far-reaching influence, which served as an important platform for countries to deepen friendship, promote exchanges and enhance mutual trust. They are ready to work with the Chinese side to further deepen practical cooperation at sea and contribute to maintaining maritime security and building a maritime community with a shared future.

This year also marks the 75th anniversary of the founding of the PLA Navy. Naval organs and units at various levels held a series of themed and diversified activities including national flag-raising ceremonies, ceremonies to salute the naval heroes, military camp and vessel open days, etc. These activities fully demonstrated the new look of the people's navy in pursuing its dreams in the new era, and its new achievements in fulfilling the PLA's centenary goal and elevating the PLA Navy to world-class standards. Considering the care and support of the general public for the navy, during this year's Naval Day activities around April 23, the PLA Navy opened more vessels of more types in more cities to the public, increased the number of visitors, and further opened over 100 different units including the Dalian Naval Academy and the Naval Submarine Academy, including military open-day in Qingdao for Chinese and international press. With such arrangements, more people from the press and the general public could have a close observation of the development of the PLA Navy in the new era, and the high morale and excellent conduct of our naval troops.

Question: According to Admiral John C. Aquilino, Commander of US Indo-Pacific Command, Chinese mainland may have the capability to "attack Taiwan" by force by 2027. He also mentioned about the increased joint military activitiesbetween China and Russia in the Indo-Pacific region. What is your comment? How to avoid sparking an accidental conflict between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait?

Wu Qian: Taiwan is China's territory and the Taiwan question brooks no external interference. The PLA will stay in a combat-ready posture to safeguardour sovereignty and territorial integrity. As for your second question, as long as there is no attempt to seek "Taiwan independence", there is no need to worry.

Question: It is reported that the movie Oppenheimer, a biopic about "the father of the atomic bomb", recently premiered in Japan and aroused debates among Japanese and US netizens. US netizens paid attention to the Japanese atrocities against China in WWII and collected and shareda large amount of historical materials about the Nanjing Massacre and Unit 731. Some said this would help those Americans who were not familiar with the history of WWII in Asia know more about the truth. What's your comment?

Wu Qian: I have no comment on the movie. But I want to emphasize that during WWII, in blatant violation of international law and basic ethics of humanity, the Japanese invaders launched the inhuman Nanjing Massacre and horrendous bacterial warfare against the Chinese people. They conducted barbaric in vivo experiments on humans and committed heinous crimes against humanity. Their act of aggression is the darkest part of human history. The evidence is iron-clad and there is no room for denial.

History is the best textbook. As a defeated nation inWWII, Japan does not face up to its history of aggression and the specter of militarism still lingers. For some time, officials of the JapanSelf-Defense Force visited the Yasukuni Shrine that enshrines 14 Class-A war criminals, and retired generals assumed the post of chief priest of the Yasukini Shrine. A series of negative moves once again showed Japan's wrong attitude towards its history of aggression. We urge the Japanese side to reflect on and draw lessons from history, and make a clean break with militarism to avoid further loss of trust fromits Asian neighbors and the international community.

Question: It is reported that Taiwan's military recently conducted the Han Kuang-40 exercise, a computerized war game, and the duration of the exercise has been extended to eight days and seven nights compared withfive days and four nights inprevious years. It is also worth noting that Taiwan's military has included for the first time the scenario of coping with the threat from the Chinese mainland's roll-on/roll-off shipsin this year's exercise. May I have your comment on that?

Wu Qian: The Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) authorities' attempt to seek independence by force will only increase tensions across the Taiwan Strait and undermine the security and well-being of the people in Taiwan. The Han Kuang military drills will lead to nothingbut a checkmate. Seeking independence by force is doomed to fail.

Question: I have three questions. The first one is about Australia releasingits National Defense Strategy. AustralianDefenseMinister claimed that China had employed coercive tactics in pursuit of its strategic objectives and added that Australia wouldstep up its naval capability. What's your comment? The second question is about the floods in Guangdong Province, which occurredin multiple rivers including the Beijing River and exceeded the warning levels. The PLA and the People's Armed Police Force (PAP) immediately participated in the disaster relief efforts. Can you tell us more about it? The thirdquestion is about the Western Pacific Naval Symposium (WPNS). It is reported that the new commander of the US Pacific Fleet attended the event. Did the commander have any exchanges with the Chinese side on the recent situation in the South China Sea? Did the symposium help China convey its attitude and voice?

Wu Qian: On your first question. The Australian report hyped up the baseless allegation of the so-called "China threat", only to create excuses for its own military development. China firmly opposes to it. China is willing to build an Asia-Pacific family featuring solidarity and progress and firmly opposes zero-sum game and block confrontation in any form. As China-Australia relations set sail again, our mil-to-mil relationship also faces new opportunities. We hope that Australia will correctly view China's development and strategic intentions, abandon the Cold-war mentality, and do more things that contribute to regional peace and stability, instead of the other way around.

With regard to the second question, many areas in Guangdong Province have experienced continuous heavy rainfall recently. Several rivers, including the Beijiang River, have flooded, Mountain floods and geological disasters occurred in multiple places and some towns and cities were partially waterlogged. When a disaster happens, a command is issued. As a firm response to the important instructions of President Xi Jinping on disaster relief, the PLA and PAP troops immediately set out to the front line. The PLA Southern Theater Command initiated an emergency response mechanism to step up coordination and communication with local Party committees and governments. It immediately dispatched the troops and militia in Guangdong to join the disaster relief operations. As of 8 pm on April 24, a total of 2,195 personnel have been dispatched to participate in urgent, difficult, dangerous and arduous tasks such as rescuing the victims of landslides, clearing roads and draining floods from urban areas. They evacuated 3,928 residents affected by the disaster, set up field gas stations and emergency power stations to ensure fuel and electricity supply for military and civilian vehicles participating in disaster relief. They have played a leading role in the disaster relief operations. Nowthe disaster is well under control and the emergency relief operations have come to an end. The troops are withdrawing in an orderly way. The PLA firmly follows the instructions of the Communist Party of China (CPC), the Central Military Commission (CMC) and President Xi Jinping, earnestly implements the fundamental principle of serving our people wholeheartedly, stays prepared to support local disaster relief efforts, and will resolutely fulfill all kinds of tasks entrusted by the Party and the people.

Senior Colonel Wu Qian, spokesperson for the Ministry of National Defense (MND) of the People's Republic of China (PRC), answers recent media queries concerning the military on the afternoon of April 25, 2024. (Photo/

On your third question, during the 19th Western Pacific Naval Symposium (WPNS), the PLA Navy Commander Admiral Hu Zhongming and the Political Commissar Admiral Yuan Huazhi met and exchanged views on strengthening maritime cooperation with heads of naval delegations of various countries such as Chief of Staff of the French Navy Admiral Nicolas Vaujour, Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces and Commander of the Royal Cambodian Navy Admiral Tea Vinh, Commander-in-Chief of the Chilean Navy Admiral Juan Andres de la Maza Larrain, Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy Admiral Alexander Moiseyev and Commander of the US Pacific Fleet Admiral Steve Koehler. The PLA Navy is willing to work with its foreign counterparts to further strengthen communication, enhance mutual trust, deepen cooperation and play a positive and constructive role in building a maritime community of shared future.

Question: Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi said in a recent interview that the relationship with China is important and significant. He believed that through positive and constructive engagement at the diplomatic and military levels, peace and tranquility would be able to be restored in the border areas. Furthermore, according to Indian Defense Minister, the Indian side will continue to have dialogue with China to resolve the standoff in the border areas, and both sides need to work together to achieve disengagement and deescalate the situation. May I have your comment?

Wu Qian: At present, the situation in the border areas between China and India is generally stable. Both sides have maintained effective communication through diplomatic and military channels, had positive, in-depth and constructive dialogues and achieved positive progress. Both sides agree to seeka mutually acceptable resolution as soon as possible.

Question: Leaders of the US and Japan recently released a joint statement, announcing a major upgrade of Japan-US security alliance. The US Forces Japan (USFJ) would reorganize a joint operations command, and the US would give greater authority to USFJand consider appointing a 4-star general as the commander of USFJ. Some commented that such a move is directly targeted at China and the situation at the Taiwan Strait. What's your comment on this?

Wu Qian: US-Japan Alliance is a product of the Cold War and a bilateral arrangement. It should not target any third party, still less undermine regional peace and stability. Japan's militarist past, marked by devastating wars of aggression and brutal crimes against humanity, brought untold suffering on this region and the world. Instead of drawing serious lessons from its past, Japan has displayed a dangerous tendency of rearming itself. For some time, the US and Japan have strengthened military collusion, hyped up bloc confrontation, and used the non-existent "China threat" as an excuse to piece together targeted cliques, which goes against the trend of the times. The international community is increasingly aware of the vicious intentions of US-Japan Alliance to undermine regional peace and stability. We urge relevant countries to stop creating antagonism and confrontation, otherwise they will only further escalate tensions and end up harming themselves.

I'd also like to stress that the Taiwan question is purely an internal affair of China which brooks no external interference.

Question: After China announced the launch of the M503 Route, more than 20 PLA aircraft approached the so-called "Taiwan Strait's median line". Some analysts believe that this breaks the long-held tacit understanding between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait and may further strain the military relations between the two sides. What is your comment?

Wu Qian: The spokesperson of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council has already responded to inquiries about this route. I would like to repeat my answer earlier to the Taiwan journalist that there is no need to worry as long as there is no attempt to seek "Taiwan independence".

Question: It is reported that the U.S. National Security Advisor recently said the US is prepared to do their part to contribute to peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait, and will ensure the "Taiwan contingency" never comes to pass, and continue to provide self-defense approaches to Taiwan. According to the Deputy Secretary of State, the AUKUS submarine agreement reached among the US, the UK and Australia will promote cross-Strait peace and stability. What's your comment on this?

Wu Qian: "Taiwan contingency" results from the US stirring up troubles. If the US truly wants to maintain peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait, it should immediately stop interfering in China's internal affairs, immediately stop arming Taiwan, and immediately stop any official exchanges and military contacts with Taiwan.

AUKUS is a product of Cold War mentality by the US, the UK and Australia. It does nothing but escalate tensions, stokeconfrontation and undermine peace. Countries in the region including China are gravely concerned and firmly opposed to it. Any attempt to interfere in the Taiwan question with military cooperation is interfering in China's internal affairs, which violates the one-China principle and the basic norms governing international relations, and jeopardizes peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait. The PLA shoulders the sacred missionof safeguarding national sovereignty and territorial integrity, and will never stand idly by or show any mercy to the "Taiwan Independence" separatist activities and external connivance and support.

Question: Recently, the USS Theodore Roosevelt enteredthe South China Sea and approachedHuangyanDao. In response to the US deliberate attempt to disturb the situation in the South China Sea, the PLA Southern Theater Command sent vessels to monitor and guard against the aircraft carrier all the way through. What is your comment on this?

Wu Qian: China has indisputable sovereignty over HuangyanDao and its adjacent waters. The US move threatened China's sovereignty and security and undermined regional peace and stability, which goes against the sound momentum of developmentof China-US state-to-state and military-to-military relationship. We urge the US side to stop stirring up troubles in the South China Sea. The PLA will continue to strengthen its air and sea patrol activities. We will firmly safeguard our national sovereigntyand security, and the peace and stability in the region.

Question: I have two questions. Firstly, the Philippines is seeking to strengthen its strategic and diplomatic relations with the US. Will it have any impact on China? Second, What measures has China taken in the South China Sea toprevent US interference?

Wu Qian: On your first question, US-Philippine relations are a bilateral arrangement, which should not harmthe interest of Chinaand other regional countries or underminepeace and stability of the region.

On your second question, the PLA is closely monitoring the development of the situation in the South China Sea. We will take all measures to effectively respond to the situation and never allow any force to sow chaos in the South China Sea.

Question: The US State Department recently released its 2024 Report on Adherence to and Compliance with Arms Control, Nonproliferation and Disarmament Agreements and Commitments, accusing China of failing to adhere to its nuclear testing moratorium and conducting sensitive biological military activities. What's your comment?

Wu Qian: The US report has been distorting facts and confounding black and white. The US makes no mention of its own problems in arms control and nonproliferation, but shifts blame and throws mud at other countries. China firmly opposes it.

As a responsible member of the international community, China was one of the first countries to sign the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty. Since its announcement of moratorium on nuclear tests in 1996, China has abided by its commitment and safeguarded international consensus on nuclear testing moratorium. China has strictly performed its international obligations undertreaties including the Biological Weapons Convention and Chemical Weapons Convention.

The US has poor records in compliance. The US needs to clarify why it withdrew from international treaties and organizations in arms controlone after another? Why did it make huge investment in nuclear weapons labs and related activities and openly announced that it wouldkeeping the nuclear explosion tests plan? Why did it build hundreds of bio-labs all over the world? Why did it conduct nuclear submarine cooperation with the UK and Australia to causede facto nuclear proliferation?The international community deserves a clear answer from the US.

Question: It is reported that leaders of Japan, the Philippines, and the United States issued a joint statement and expressed "serious concerns" regarding the situation at Ren'ai Jiao, and over China's "dangerous and aggressive" behavior in the South China Sea and the East China Sea. They called on China to abide by the arbitral ruling about the South China Sea and called for a peaceful resolution of the Taiwan question. What's your comment on this?

Wu Qian: The US-Japan-Philippines joint statement disregards facts and confuses right with wrong, and makes groundless accusations against China. We strongly deplore and firmly oppose it.

China has indisputable sovereignty over NanhaiZhudao and its adjacent waters, which is solidly grounded in history and the law. The scope of the Philippines' territory is defined by the 1898 Treaty of Peace Between the United States of America and the Kingdom of Spain (Treaty of Paris), the 1900 Treaty Between the Kingdom of Spain and the United States of America for Cession of Outlying Islands of the Philippines (Treaty of Washington) and the 1930 Convention Between the United States of America and Great Britain Delimiting the Boundary Between the Philippine Archipelago and the State of North Borneo (1930 Convention between the U.S. and UK) and a series of international treaties. Nansha Qundao and Huangyan Dao are far beyond the scope of Philippine territory defined by the above-mentioned treaties. The Philippine side knows all these very well.

Diaoyu Dao and its affiliated islands are China's inherent territory since ancient times. They were first discovered, named and exploited by China and had long been under China's jurisdiction since the early years of the Ming Dynasty. Japan had stolen Diaoyu Dao during the Sino-Japanese War. In accordance with such international legal documents as the Cairo Declaration and the Potsdam Proclamation, Diaoyu Dao was returned to China in terms of international law. This has long been a recognized fact of the international community. It's a pure wishful thinking of the Japanese side to stir up disputes over the sovereignty of Diaoyu Dao and fish in troubled waters.

The so-called award of the South China Sea arbitration is nothing more than a piece of waste paper. The arbitral tribunal violated the principle of state consent, exercised its jurisdiction ultra vires, and rendered an award in disregard of the law. The arbitration violates UNLOS and general international law. The rendered award is illegal, null and void. China does not accept or recognize the award. By the way, the US itself has a terrible record of delivering on international arbitration. It rejects to accept legitimate arbitrations multiple times, let alone illegal ones like this. We ask the US side to reflect on itself thoroughly before pointing its fingers at others.

The Taiwan question is purely China's internal affair and brooks no external interference. The US, Japanese, and Philippine governments have all made solemn commitments to China on the Taiwan question. We urge the above-mentioned countries to honor their words, immediately stop interfering in China's internal affairs and undermining regional peace and stability. The PLA will as always resolutely safeguard our territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests and uphold regional peace and stability.

Question: It is reported that Gu Lixiong, who is described as a die-hard "Taiwan independence" separatist, will be the new leader of Taiwan's military authorities. He said this morning that his primary objective after taking office is to postpone the schedule of possible military operations by the Chinese mainland. What is your response to his remarks?

Wu Qian: "Taiwan independence" is irreconcilable with peace across the Taiwan Strait just as fire and water. It is a dead end. The PLA will firmly thwart any attempt for "Taiwan independence" to achieve China's national reunification.

Question: It is reported that the US Army Pacific released a readout on its website that the US 1st MDTF had deployed mid-range missiles to northern Luzon, the Philippines for the first time. Analysts say that the missile is able to reach China's coast. What's your comment on this?

Wu Qian: We firmly oppose the US deployment of medium-range ballistic missiles in the Asia-pacific. Our position is clear and consistent. The US move severely threatens the security of regional countries and undermines regional peace and stability. China will take resolute countermeasures. We hope the relevant country could refrain from opening the door to the devil, which will only end up hurting everyone including itself.

Question: I have two questions. Firstly, US President Joe Biden recently signed into law a foreign aid bill of USD 95 billion, which includes USD 60 billion for Ukraine, USD 26 billion for Israel and about USD 8billion for its partners in the Indo-Pacific, including China's Taiwan region. What is your comment on that? Secondly, it is reported that recently the Philippines received the first batch of BrahMos anti-ship missiles purchased from India. The range of the missile is around 290 kilometers. According to analysts, the Philippines may use these long-range missiles for deterrence in the South China Sea. May I have your comment?

Wu Qian: On your first question, Taiwan is China's Taiwan. The Taiwan question is at the very core of China's core interests and the first red line that must not be crossed in China-US relations, which brooks no external interference. For some time, the US has been obscuring, hollowing out and distorting the one-Chinaprinciple through its arms sales and military assistance to Taiwan, sending seriously wrong signals to the "Taiwan independence" separatist forces. These will only escalate tensions and severely undermine peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait. The "Taiwan independence" separatist forces are irreconcilable with the peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait just as fire and water. Those who connive at and support "Taiwan independence" will eventually get burnt for playing with fire and taste the bitter fruit of their own doing.

On your second question, China always believes that defense and security cooperation between countries should not harm the interests of any third party and should not harm regional peace and stability.

Question:During the recent Western Pacific Naval Symposium (WPNS) held in Qingdao, what are the specificquestions discussed between the Chinese and US delegates during the event and has any consensus or agreement been reached?

Wu Qian: I have already given a general introduction to the WPNS just now. As for any specific activity of the WPNS, please consult the relevant department.

Question: Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida recently claimed that China's accelerated expansion of its nuclear arsenal poses a concern to global and regional stability. It is also reported that the Diplomatic Bluebook released by Japan recently played up the so-called "China threat", claiming China as the "unprecedented and greatest strategic challenge". What's the comment from your side?

Wu Qian: The remarks of the Japanese sideare completely false narratives. We are firmly opposed to it. China stays committed to a national defense policy that is defensive in nature, a nuclear strategy of self-defense, and a nuclear policy of no first use of nuclear weapons at any time and under any circumstances. China always keeps its nuclear capabilities at the minimum level required for national security and never engages in any forms of arms race. For any country, as long as they do not use nuclear weapons against China, they will not be threatened by China's nuclear weapons. Japan, as a victim of nuclear explosions, instead of asking the US to conduct nuclear disarmament, chooses to rely on US's nuclear umbrella and works with the US onthe forward deployment of US strategic forces, which undermines regional and global strategic balance and stability. The international community has every reason to be highly alert on this.

By repeatedly making an issue of China, Japan aims to disguise its dangerous moves of breaking the bindings of the Pacifist Constitution and following again the beaten path of military expansion. We hope Japan can wake up from the old dream of militarism at an early date, stop baseless accusations against China, stop creating tensions in the region, and refrain from being the troublemaker for regional peace and stability.

Question: According to reports, the US and the Philippines are conducting Balikatan 2024, an annual bilateral joint exercise in the South China Sea. The Philippine Coast Guard has joined the exercise for the first time. Philippine senior officials said they intended to invite the Japan Self-Defense Forces to participate in the exercise next year. What's your comment on this?

Wu Qian: It requires great wisdom to resolve the South China Sea issue. Drawing forces outside the region or countries not directly concerned into the issue will only further complicate the situation and make it harder to solve. China always advocates the vision of common, comprehensive, cooperative, and sustainable security. We believe differences should be properly handled through dialogue and consultation among countries in the region. We oppose external interference, muscle flexing, provocations and harassment in the South China Sea, and oppose piecing together exclusive circles or bloc confrontation. The Chinese military is closely following relevant moves, and will resolutely respond with effective measures. We will never allow anyone to sow chaos in the South China Sea.

Senior Colonel Wu Qian, spokesperson for the Ministry of National Defense (MND) of the People's Republic of China (PRC), answers recent media queries concerning the military on the afternoon of April 25, 2024. (Photo/

Wu Qian: If there are no more questions, I would like to say a few words. April 23 marks the 75th anniversary of the founding of the PLA Navy. I would like to congratulate the PLA Navy on its birthday. I hope that under the strong leadership of the Communist Party of China (CPC), the people's navy will grow from strength to strength against strong winds and turbulent waters. There's another surprise for you. Entrusted by my navy colleagues, we will present a small token to our friends from the media. It is a set of naval badges including a naval anchor, a domestically-built aircraft carrier, an amphibious assault vessel, a destroyer, a ship-borne fighter jet and a submarine. I hope you will like it. After the press conference, you may get one from our staff.

That concludes this month's regular press conference. Thank you all.