Narodna Skupstina Republike Srbije

05/18/2024 | Press release | Archived content

National Assembly Human and Minority Rights and Gender Equality Committee Chairman Aleksandar Markovic on 18 May, National Day of Remembrance for Women Victims of Violence

Saturday, 18 May 2024

The National Day of Remembrance for Women Victims of Violence, established in memory of 18 May 2015, when in three days seven women were killed in domestic violence in the Republic of Serbia, is once again an opportunity to highlight the need to take more effective measures in the fight against violence against women.

Unfortunately, despite all the legislative activities and strengthening of institutions we have had since the ratification of the Istanbul Convention, through the adoption of the Law on Prevention of Domestic Violence, the Law on Gender Equality and amendments to the Criminal Code, the problem of violence against women is still very pronounced. The latest in a series of tragic events that happened in New Belgrade, as well as the numerous cases of murders of women that have been happening for a number of years, speak of the fact that we have to think about the roots and causes of this problem and take measures that are primarily related to the prevention of violence. I believe that today we have institutions that women can turn to, but the fact is that these institutions must be stronger, with more competence, as well as responsibility. That is why I appeal to all those who, as professionals, are involved in support and protection measures, to do their best to recognise the problem, to provide help to women and take their doubts and fears seriously. Also, allow me to appeal to the women themselves, as well as their closest environment, family and friends, not to deny the violence, but to react while there is still time. Finally, I would like to express the hope that in the upcoming period, we will devote the greatest possible attention to solving this problem and work on creating a social and institutional environment which will allow us to put an end to this violence.