12/17/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 12/17/2024 04:26
The purpose of this consultation is to seek views on a proposed management framework for Ireland's designated manager of the .ie country code top-level domain (ccTLD). This will ensure the .ie domain is serving the needs of the Irish internet community; and that the ccTLD is managed in a manner consistent with government and community expectations.
Ireland enjoys a vibrant and respected ccTLD. The .ie ccTLD manager has an important role in ensuring the stability and principles of the domain name system (DNS) and ensuring the integrity of our ccTLD.
The Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications recognises that effective engagement from all stakeholders, including civil society, academia, the technical community, and the private sector is required to ensure that the internet remains a beneficial and open technology for all members of society.
The objective of this consultation is to establish terms and conditions for the domain name manager for Ireland's .ie domain registry. This will set out the key requirements and principles that must be adopted by the managers of this crucial piece of telecommunications infrastructure.
The consultation is seeking views on:
You can send responses in Microsoft Word or PDF format by email to [email protected]
or by post to:
Cyber Security, Internet Policy, and Emergency Planning Division
Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications
Tom Johnson House
Haddington Road
Dublin 4
D04 K7X4
Please include your name, or your organisation's name, in the subject line.
The closing date for submissions is 5.30pm on Friday, 14 February 2025.
We are committed to engaging with stakeholders in a clear, open and transparent manner. Any person or organisation can make a submission in relation to this consultation. We will consider all submissions and feedback before we publish the final version of the management framework.
Your response to this consultation is subject to:
We intend to publish the contents of all submissions received to our consultations on our website. We will redact (remove) personal data before publication.
In responding to this consultation, clearly indicate where your response contains any information which you would not wish to be released under FOI, AIE or otherwise published. This can include:
We would like to draw your attention to our Data Privacy Notice which explains: