City of Reno, NV

06/09/2023 | News release | Distributed by Public on 06/09/2023 09:43

Sustainable Fashion

In recent years, the fashion industry has experienced a significant shift towards fast fashion,
characterized by cheap, trendy clothing produced at an alarming rate. Fast fashion has
revolutionized the way we consume clothing, offering affordable and constantly changing trends.
Some brands quickly produce and distribute new designs, tempting consumers with low prices
and a wide variety of options. However, this rapid turnover comes at a steep cost to the
environment and the workers in the supply chain.

One of the critical issues associated with fast fashion is overproduction. To meet the demand for
inexpensive garments, companies often prioritize quantity over quality, leading to excessive
production. This results in vast amounts of textile waste, high-energy consumption, and
increased carbon emissions. Moreover, the constant need for raw materials like water, cotton,
and synthetic fibers places a strain on natural resources. Often these pieces of clothing are only
good for a couple of wears before completely falling apart due to its cheap and fast production.
The environmental consequences of overproduction in the fashion industry are staggering.
Textile production is responsible for significant water pollution, depletion of water sources, and
chemical contamination. Additionally, the carbon emissions produced throughout the supply
chain, from manufacturing to transportation, contribute to climate change. The fashion industry
is one of the largest contributors to global greenhouse gas emissions.

Fortunately, there are sustainable alternatives for conscientious consumers who wish to make a
positive impact. Some brands may come with a higher price tag, but are well worth what you are
paying for. These retailers often offer lifetime servicing for their products, meaning if your jacket
gets a tear in it or the zipper breaks, you can ship it to them and they can repair it for you.
Another alternative option is thrifting. Second-hand shopping is a great way to save both money
and the environment, and is often enjoyable. The excitement of finding a cool piece for a great
price is unmatched. Keep an eye out for name brands in the thrift stores!

By choosing sustainable alternatives and making mindful purchasing decisions, individuals can
play a crucial role in reshaping the fashion industry. As consumers, we have the power to
demand transparency, ethical practices, and responsible production. Together, we can work
towards a fashion industry that values quality, durability, and the well-being of both people and
the planet.

Blog by Greg Helgren, recent UNR graduate and Intern for the Sustainability Program at the
City of Reno.