09/16/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/16/2024 10:48
Construction Advisory (9/12/2024):
South Lansingburgh Neighborhood -
5th Avenue New Sidewalk and Curb Replacement Project-
"No Parking" Restrictions 6:00am to 6:00 pm
Where: 5th Avenue (103rd St. to 101st St.)
When: The City's contractor has restarted the sidewalk and curb replacement project along 5th Avenue (103rd St. to 101st St.). Construction work will be underway now (September) through this fall, with estimated completion by November 25th, 2024.
"No Parking - 6:00am to 6:00pm" signs will be posted and construction barrels placed on both sides of the 5th Avenue work zone. This allows construction crew to work on one side of the street and maintains traffic flow on 5th Avenue in both directions.
Work begins on the west side of 5th Avenue, beginning north of 102nd St and will proceed to 101st St. After work is completed on the west side, the work will switch to the east side of 5th Ave. The same "No Parking - 6:00am to 6:00pm" parking restrictions will remain.
What: Construction crews and equipment will be performing sidewalk and curb removal, resetting curb, reinstalling new concrete sidewalk, installing utility strips and restoring lawn areas and related work.
Why: The work is part of a federally funded Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) project to improve the "quality of life" and "mobility" for Troy residents and families living in this South Lansingburgh Neighborhood. This neighborhood reinvestment project continues the sidewalk and curb replacement work already completed this spring along 5th Ave. (104th St to 102nd St.).
Motorists are asked to "slow down" and reduce vehicle speeds in the construction zone area, observe all posted traffic restrictions, and watch for flaggers and equipment operating in the street right of way areas.
For more information on the South Lansingburgh Neighborhood Reinvestment Project, please contact the Department of Housing & Community Development at (518) 279-7151 or 518-279-7188.