Endress + Hauser Italia S.p.A.

04/29/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 04/29/2024 00:50

Single Pair Ethernet: Endress+Hauser teams up for the future of automation

Single Pair Ethernet: Endress+Hauser teams up for the future of automation

Joining forces with the SPE alliance means committing to customer benefits

Data di pubblicazione: 29.04.2024
  • ©Endress+Hauser

    Thanks to the exceptional data connection that Ethernet technology offers, large volumes of data are processed quickly at field level.

  • ©Endress+Hauser

    Single Pair Ethernet allows a bandwidth and speed that lifts field data transmission to a completely new level. Maintenance and plant managers benefit from new insights.

  • ©Endress+Hauser

    With a speedy data connection that SPE realizes, new ways of operating a process and maintaining a facility become possible - with the target of increasing process reliability and plant availability.

  • ©Endress+Hauser

    The classic automation pyramid is flattened by the direct connections that SPE makes possible. Endress+Hauser is planning to deliver a matching product portfolio for measuring instrumentation. 

Endress+Hauser, a global leader in measurement instrumentation, services and solutions for industrial process engineering, is proud to announce its partnership with the Single Pair Ethernet System Alliance. This strategic alliance underscores the company's commitment to simplifying our customers' digitalization needs and investing in the future of automation.

What is the role of Single Pair Ethernet in automation?

SPE is a game-changer, especially for the food & beverage and life sciences industries. In highly automated process environments without extensive hazardous protection, SPE delivers a variety of benefits: it realizes the advantages of an Ethernet connection - such as the high speed and volume of transmitted data - at field level with a simple two-wire cable, which transmits both data and energy. The commissioning process is simplified with easy wiring and connectivity.

Moreover, the automation pyramid is flattened as other systems can now connect via Ethernet at field level, fostering seamless integration and interoperability. Data from smart instruments in the field can be processed in upper layer applications. This results in optimized machine design, connectedness and improved overall equipment effectiveness (OEE). For this reason, SPE proves its worth as an open, cost-efficient and future-proof technology ready for the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT).

Joining forces increases customer value

Endress+Hauser is dedicated to easing the digitalization journey for its customers. By joining the Single Pair Ethernet System Alliance, the company is demonstrating its trust in the members that are committed to shaping the future of automation together. Customers benefit from interoperability by driving business with the members of the SPE System Alliance.

Close to 75 members are creating the largest ecosystem of SPE products, creating freedom of choice for customers. Endress+Hauser's entrance into the partnership opens the door for sharing knowledge and expertise to deliver superior solutions.

Prospective product portfolio

To offer customers the chance to grow their digitalization capabilities and realize all the benefits of SPE, Endress+Hauser is now working on its portfolio of field devices with SPE. A clear goal is to create a harmonized approach, comparable to the manufacturer's Ethernet-APL devices.

The comparison with Ethernet-APL - another industrial Ethernet technology - shows that a uniform connectivity and certification concept is essential, whether for hazardous or non-hazardous areas. This gives customers across diverse industries more flexibility to profit from the benefits of a well-functioning data highway.


  • Endress_Hauser_Single Pair Ethernet.zip

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    7.1 MB

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    Endress_Hauser_Single Pair Ethernet.zip

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  • Martin Raab

    Head of Public Communication and Group Media Spokesman, global