CEI - Competitive Enterprise Institute

06/18/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 06/18/2024 15:30

AEA launches major campaign against the PROVE IT Act

Photo Credit: Getty

Our friends at the American Energy Alliance (AEA) have launched an important digital campaign against the PROVE IT Act (S.1863).

The PROVE IT Act is the pro-tax, anti-energy bill that would lead to carbon taxes.

AEA's campaign is "calling on elected officials to reject legislative efforts that will lead to the imposition of new taxes and tariffs on carbon dioxide, which is a tax on our energy."

AEA President Tom Pyle has a great line summing up the issue well, "there is no such thing as a 'conservative' carbon tax. Any effort, like the PROVE IT Act, that would lead to the creation of new energy taxes, should be soundly rejected by lawmakers."

In January, CEI led a coalition of over 40 organizations (including AEA) that sent a letter to the Senate making it clear that conservatives strongly oppose the PROVE IT Act.

A House version of this harmful legislation could be introduced soon. In response, two weeks ago, CEI led another major coalition effort to tell House members they should reject the PROVE IT Act. Plus, CEI recently launched a new web landing page on the PROVE IT Act that features briefing materials, expert analysis, and more.

Leading organizations like AEA should be commended for fighting against this dangerous legislation that would devastate Americans.

Their new campaign asks the question: "With rising energy prices, why is Congress considering policies to make energy even more expensive?"

That's a great question. Legislators should be trying to help reduce energy prices for Americans, not considering policies that would increase them.

If anything, legislators, especially conservative legislators, shouldn't want to come within a mile of this bill. The CEI-led coalition letter to the House says:

Americans want affordable and reliable energy, not federal tax schemes that treat energy use as a sin. This bill though would lead to such taxes and is one of the biggest threats to energy and economic prosperity in recent memory.

Hopefully, legislators will keep this in mind.

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