Jared Huffman

04/30/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 04/30/2024 15:38

Rep. Huffman Applauds Biden Administration NEPA Updates

Rep. Huffman Applauds Biden Administration NEPA Updates

April 30, 2024

Washington, D.C. - Today, U.S. Representative Jared Huffman (CA-02) released the following statement applauding the Biden administration's National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Phase II regulations that advance climate and environmental justice. The final rule requires federal agencies to consider climate and environmental justice impacts in their NEPA analyses and mandates meaningful, early consultation with impacted communities, including tribes.

Rep. Huffman joined nearly 100 Members of Congress on a bicameral letter regarding the proposed NEPA regulations, outlining suggestions to strengthen climate and environmental justice considerations in the environmental review process - all of which were included in the final rule.

"We've made historic investments in transitioning to a clean energy future. As that money is rolling out, it's imperative we consider the economic, climate, and community impacts associated with the necessary transmission build out," said Rep. Huffman. "This rule reverses Trump's disastrous regulations to undermine NEPA and brings environmental justice voices back to the table. We'll now be able to do quicker, smarter environmental reviews that will speed up permitting and protect our communities - instead of the GOP's standard agenda of putting polluters over people."

In 2020, former President Trump gutted NEPA by severely undermining the review process and the scope of its applicability, limiting public participation, and curtailing the ability of federal agencies to consider the climate and cumulative environmental impacts on major projects.

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