01/21/2025 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 01/22/2025 09:14
January 21, 2025
WASHINGTON, D.C. - Today marks 15 years since the Citizens United ruling that allows corporations to flood unlimited money into our elections.
Public Citizen Co-President Lisa Gilbert said the ruling has jeopardized our democratic system.
"Fifteen years ago today, the Supreme Court's disastrous Citizens United decision unleashed unlimited election spending by big corporations, corroding our democracy and enabling corruption on a massive scale," said Gilbert. "Citizens United was wrong then, it's wrong now, and it's time to demand reforms and, ultimately, win a constitutional amendment to overturn the decision."
Next month Public Citizenis teaming up with the Declaration for American Democracy Coalitionand other key allies to host a virtual event on the lasting impacts of Citizens United. Hear from experts and democracy champions about solutions that can combat the corrosive influence of big and secret money in politics.
WHO: Public Citizen, DFAD Coalition and other allies
WHAT: Hear from experts and democracy champions on the impacts of Citizens United
WHEN: February 20 at 12 pm Eastern Time
WHERE: RSVP HEREto this Virtual Event