01/14/2025 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 01/14/2025 05:38
The Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) congratulates the Class of 2024 on achieving the country's highest pass rate to date including the highest number of Bachelor passes as well as the most distinctions.
The national pass rate for 2024 improved to 87.3% from 82.9% in 2023. The Free State province achieved the highest pass rate of 91%, followed by KwaZulu Natal at 89.5% and Gauteng at 88.4%. All provinces improved their performance and achieved upwards of 84%.
The Class of 2024 started Grade 1 in 2013 as a cohort of more than 1,2 million, of those 724 156 enrolled as full-time candidates. We remain concerned about the large number of learners who do not reach grade 12 or even sit for the final exams. It is critical to ensure that all complete grade 12 or enrol at TVET colleges. There is a need for a system that will track every learner throughout their schooling.
Considering Minister Siviwe Gwarube's political party, the Democratic Alliance (DA), had opposed the Basic Education Laws Amendment (BELA) Act at every stage, it was welcome news to hear her embracing one of the critical provisions of the Act - that of strengthening foundational learning. The BELA Act stipulates establishing Grade R as a compulsory part of schooling to lay a stronger foundation for every learner entering Grade 1 and ultimately on matriculation. Minister Gwarube said she and the Department for Basic Education would embark on a strategic reorientation including expanding access to quality Early Childhood Development for learners before they enter the basic education system and improve the quality of teaching and learning in the Foundation Phase. COSATU welcomes and supports this but notes this will require government to abandon its short-sighted austerity cuts to the education budget and the plan to cut thousands of teachers' jobs in the Western Cape and possibly other provinces.
Having said that, the Federation reiterates its call for the 7th Parliament to be bold and extend the compulsory schooling years from Grade 9 to 12. An excessively high number of learners exit schools at age 15 or Grade 9 as currently allowed. This is sending an army of youth into the economy without the necessary education, skills and qualifications needed to find work and to take care of the families. Learners should be required to remain in school until completing Grade 12 or in a TVET or vocational college. Currently, the unemployment rate for young people aged between 15 and 24 years stands at a staggering 70.7%. If we are to ensure young people can find work, grow the economy and create jobs, then we need to increase, not decrease the number of learners in schools and colleges.
Around 67% of the Bachelor passes emanated from Quantile 1 to 3 schools, which are typically located in poorer communities, giving hope that with the support and access to further educational opportunities, these young people can change their lives for the better. The Federation is also pleased that more than half a million of the learners who sat for the National Senior Certificate (NSC) exams were social grant beneficiaries. This demonstrates the undeniable value social grants have in our society. COSATU has always advocated for social grants like the Social Relief of Distress (SRD) Grant to be extended, to keep pace with inflation and ultimately views it as a foundation for the basic income grant (BIG), a critical intervention to help alleviate entrenched levels of poverty, inequality and unemployment.
COSATU applauds all those involved in making the 2024 NSC exams a success; with special thanks to the educators, in particular members of our dedicated Affiliate, the South African Democratic Teachers Union (SADTU) for their commitment and diligence in building our future generation. The Federation is firmly behind our educators as they continue to transform our education system for the better and ensure we produce young adults ready to claim their place in the economy and society.
Issued by COSATU
Zanele Sabela (COSATU National Spokesperson)
Mobile: 079 287 5788 / 077 600 6639
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