City of Tacoma, WA

03/20/2023 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 03/20/2023 09:52

Public Hearing and Informational Session for the 2023 Annual Amendment to the One Tacoma Comprehensive Plan and Land Use Regulatory Code

Public Hearing and Informational Session for the 2023 Annual Amendment to the One Tacoma Comprehensive Plan and Land Use Regulatory Code


March 20, 2023


Jeff Lueders, Media and Communications, [email protected]. (253) 591-5152

Megan Snow, Media and Communications, [email protected], (253) 591-5051

Public Hearing and Informational Session for the 2023 Annual Amendment to the One Tacoma Comprehensive Plan and Land Use Regulatory Code

The City of Tacoma Planning Commission will hold a public hearing regarding the proposed 2023 Annual Amendment to Comprehensive Plan and Land Use Regulatory Code, on Wednesday, April 5, 2023, at 5:30 p.m. The meeting will be hybrid and can be attended in person or on ZOOM.

Additionally, City of Tacoma Planning and Development Department will host an informational session on Wednesday, March 29, 2023, at 5:30 p.m. on ZOOM.

Meeting details are available online at year, the City is reviewing and considering several applications in the annual review process, including:
  1. Mor Furniture Land Use Designation Change:This proposal is to change the Land Use Designation for a 1.24-acre parcel located at 1824 S. 49th Street owned by Wesco Management, LLC from "Low Scale Residential" to "General Commercial." This would allow the currently vacant, undeveloped parcel, following a future site rezone application, to be developed as a Mor Furniture Outlet store to accompany a preliminarily planned Mor Furniture store development on four applicant-owned Commercial zoned parcels bordering directly to the north of the subject site.
  2. Electric Fences:This proposal would apply citywide in C-1 and C-2 Commercial Districts, as well as the CIX Industrial Mixed-Use District and the WR Warehouse Residential District.Local businesses, particularly ones that store vehicles or other equipment outside, are seeking ways to reduce theft and have posed electric fences as a solution. The draft code would allow the fences, subject to some development standards. The proposed standards focus on safety and maintaining a pleasant pedestrian experience.
  3. Shipping Containers:This proposal would allow shipping containers to be used as an accessory structure on C-1 and C-2 Commercial Districts and on residentially zoned properties that are operating with an approved Conditional Use Permit (such as parks, schools, and churches).The placement of shipping containers would be subject to certain development standards and, depending on size, may require a building permit. The use of shipping containers as a temporary structure has also been broadened.
  4. Delivery-Only Retail Businesses:This proposal would apply citywide in zoning districts allowing for retail commercial uses. Staff proposes to address delivery-only retail businesses as commissary kitchen use, and add commissary kitchens as a subset of "Retail" uses in the Tacoma Municipal Code land use tables. This would mean that commissary kitchens are no longer an unlisted use and would be required to meet "Retail" use and development standards (parking, loading, etc.). Additional regulations would add size limitations for commissary kitchens in mixed-use districts and a requirement for an in-person, direct-to-customer sale component for retail establishments located on a designated pedestrian street. These measures would add clarity around delivery-only retail use and standards in Tacoma Municipal Code.
  5. Commercial Zoning Update Phase I:Neighborhood Commercial Design Standards: The commercial zoning update is a City-wide update to our commercial zoning code. Phase I, being implemented as part of the 2023 amendment package, is limited in scope to updates deemed appropriate prior to the expansion of the multi-family tax exemption (MFTE) program to neighborhood commercial nodes. Phase 2, as part of the 2024 Periodic Comprehensive Plan update, will further assess necessary code updates to commercial areas throughout the city. Phase I updates focus on clarifying the applicability of existing standards to more clearly articulate which standards apply to single- and mixed-use multi-family development in the City's commercial zoning districts (C-1, C-2, PDB, T).
  6. Minor Plan and Code Amendments:Proposed by the Planning and Development Services Department, this application compiles 7 minor and non-policy amendments to the One Tacoma Comprehensive Plan and the Land Use Regulatory Code, intended to keep information current, correct errors, address inconsistencies, improve clarity, and enhance applicability of the Plan and the Code.
To submit a written comment, email [email protected]or mail comments to 747 Market Street, Room 345, Tacoma, WA 98402by April 7, 2023, 5:00 p.m.

For more information about these proposed amendments, the associated staff analysis and environmental review, or the annual amendment process, visit contact Adam Nolan, Associate Planner, (253) 320-8119 or [email protected].
