Washington State Department of Ecology

03/02/2023 | News release | Distributed by Public on 03/02/2023 13:06

Fecal Matters: The 2022 BEACH report is in.


Our scientists analyzed water quality data at 59 popular beaches sampled in 2022 in Washington State. They looked at levels of harmful bacteria in the water that are found in human and animal poop. Some beaches passed, meeting the safe swimming standard every time. Others did not fare so well. See the BEACH Program 2022 annual report to find out how your beach fared.

2022 - A huge improvement from 2021!

Overall, 91.5 percent of the beaches that we monitored met the swimming criteria and stayed open for safe swimming all season. The water was considered to have "passing" levels of the fecal (poop) bacteria enterococcus at the time of water sampling. This was 15 percent more passing beaches than the year 2021. This was a noticeable rise in passing beaches. In 2021, there were an unprecedented number of advisories and closures that followed in the wake of the heatwave event that occurred from June 26-July 2, 2021.

Wait, did you say fecal bacteria?

Yes. Fecal bacteria like enterococcus is usually found in feces, or poop, from animals, like humans, dogs, seals, and seagulls. Anyone who uses marine beaches for recreational purposes like swimming, scuba diving, surfing or kayaking can be exposed to illness associated with water contaminated by poop. Even being in contact with the sand while beachcombing or shellfishing can pose a risk if bacteria levels are high.

Contact with fecal contaminated waters can result in gastroenteritis, skin rashes, upper respiratory infections, and other illnesses. Children and those who are immunocompromised may be especially vulnerable to waterborne illnesses.

What can you do to help?

Each of us can help keep our beaches clean by picking up trash, cleaning up after our pets, and not feeding wildlife. You can avoid becoming sick from contaminated waters by avoiding swimming when you are sick and washing your hands regularly, especially before eating. Please see our tips for keeping beaches clean and swimming safely.

How do I learn more?

In 2023, the BEACH Program will sample for fecal bacteria beginning the week of May 22 through the week of September 1. You can see which beaches have an advisory on our interactive Beach Closure and Advisory map during the swimming and sampling season. We encourage you to bookmark this map on your smartphone.
