City of Fort Worth, TX

04/21/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 04/21/2024 13:16

The City embraces solar-powered streetlights for a greener future

The City embraces solar-powered streetlights for a greener future

Published on April 21, 2024

This may brighten your day … and night.

On Tuesday, the Fort Worth City Council approved installation of solar-powered lights to replace older street lights and install new ones if needed. A pilot program was successful, and now the City's Transportation & Public Works (TPW) Department will begin installing solar lights throughout Fort Worth neighborhoods over the summer.

Why it matters: Eighteen neighborhoods were chosen out of over 350 based on a scoring matrix and areas with historical maintenance issues. Currently, TPW crews plan to begin installation in these neighborhoods: Overton South, South Hemphill Heights, Westcreek Central, Como, Highland Hills, Wedgwood East, New Mitchell Boulevard, Polytechinic Heighs, and Northbrook. Over the summer, about 1,000 solar lights are expected to be installed.

The neighborhoods that will receive solar lights next year include: Central Meadowbrook, Oakridge Terrace, Historic Stop Six, Brentwood-Oak Hills, Historic Carver Heights, Parker Essex Boaz, Stop Six/Poly Oversight, Stop Six Sunrise Edition and Deer Creek.

The City's Community Engagement staff will visit the neighborhoods receiving new solar lights to educate residents about the new program.

Go deeper: TPW received $12 million in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) economic stimulus funds to replace old lamps with LED streetlights. The LED conversion projects went into 30 neighborhoods and is now complete.

The department has completed the first two years of a four-year spending cycle that is an ARPA restriction. Next, crews will convert over 3,400 solar lights in the remaining neighborhoods.

All work must be done by 2026 to meet ARPA funding requirements.

Solar lighting does not use or require infrastructure that can be vandalized. Wire theft impacts lighting, but that is not an issue with solar lights since wiring is not required.

The program has cost saving benefits for the City as it reduces overall maintenance frequency, and solar lights don't use electricity, requiring less maintenance than conventional lighting. Solar lights also operate reliably during emergencies, including power outages, and don't require wiring infrastructure, leading to a more aesthetically pleasing look.

Photo:Over the summer, about 1,000 solar lights are expected to be installed.

Map:Numerous neighborhoods will receive the new solar lights.

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