METI - Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of the State of Japan

05/03/2023 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 05/03/2023 20:22

Minister Nishimura Signed a Joint Statement on Nuclear Energy Cooperation with Ms. Agnès Pannier-Runacher, Minister of Energy Transition of France

May 3, 2023

On May 3, 2023, at the meeting between Mr. Nishimura Yasutoshi, Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry and Ms. Agnès Pannier-Runacher, Minister of Energy Transition of France, signed a joint statement to further deepen their cooperation.

The France-Japan cooperation that we have maintained for since the agreement of cooperation signed in 1972, in the energy field is rich and benefits both our countries. The joint statement that we have just signed today in the nuclear field is further proof of the quality of this bilateral relationship.
Nuclear energy makes a significant contribution to ensuring global security of supply and achieving carbon neutrality for the planet. With this statement our two countries commit to deepen mutual nuclear cooperation with a strong focus on R&D.
In particular, France and Japan agreed to accelerate exchanges, including support for R&D on:

  • safe long-term operation and safety improvement of existing nuclear reactors,
  • steady and efficient decommissioning of nuclear power plants, including enhancing industrial cooperations for the decommissioning of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station,
  • the improvement of nuclear energy capacity building in embarking countries,
  • the promotion of the reprocessing policy that minimizes waste and reduces the need for natural uranium
  • next-generation advanced reactors, especially on Sodium-cooled Fast Reactor (SFR).
Through this agreement, France and Japan also wish to accelerate technical cooperation on the nuclear fuel cycle and underline the importance of building a robust nuclear supply chain between countries sharing common values, and other potential fields.

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Nuclear Energy Policy Planning Division, Electricity and Gas Industry Department, Agency for Natural Resources and Energy
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