NYLPI - New York Lawyers for the Public Interest Inc.

04/08/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 04/08/2024 10:57

NYLPI Joins National Campaign for Transit Justice Letter Urging Congress to Fund ILJA and Make Public Transit Dependable, Accessible

NYLPI Joins National Campaign for Transit Justice Letter Urging Congress to Fund ILJA and Make Public Transit Dependable, Accessible

April 8, 2024

Access-A-Ride, Access-a-Ride Reform Group, Clean School Bus, Climate and Energy Justice, Community Justice, Congestion Pricing, Disability Justice, MTA, Transportation

NYLPI joins transit, climate and energy and disability advocates in signing a letter to Senators Murray, Collins, Schatz and Hyde-Smith, and Representatives Granger, DeLauro, Cole, and Quigley, urging funding for the bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) in the Fiscal Year 2025 appropriations process.

"With great economic uncertainty throughout our economy, public transit is more important than ever. Public transit is not only an engine for economic growth and jobs; it is also an important bulwark against our dependence on foreign oil. At this critical moment, the IIJA gives cities and states the ability to expand public transit options, replace thousands of deficient transit vehicles, including buses, with clean, zero-emission vehicles, and improve accessibility for the elderly and people with disabilities. But that is not possible unless Congress fulfills its promise to the American public and fully funds the vital programs contained in the bill."

Download the full letter here.

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