East Lancashire Chamber of Commerce & Industry

05/23/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 05/23/2024 08:08

From campus to career success: Nelson & Colne College calls for alumni to inspire tomorrow students | Member News

Nelson and Colne College, the only Further Education (FE) institution in Lancashire to be graded Outstanding from Ofsted, is launching a campaign to showcase the remarkable achievements of its past A Level graduates.

The college is reaching out to its alumni community, encouraging them to join forces in promoting the unparalleled success stories that have emerged from Nelson & Colne College's A Level programmes over the years.

With a reputation for academic excellence and a commitment to providing an outstanding learning environment, Nelson & Colne College is looking to leverage the achievements of its past A Level students to attract a new generation of learners seeking top-tier education. The college aims to showcase its dedication to fostering success, innovation, and academic prowess.

Fionnuala Swann, Assistant Principal Academic, and Centre Principal at Nelson and Colne College, said:

"We are immensely proud of the accomplishments of our A Level graduates, who have gone on to make significant contributions in various fields. Nelson & Colne College has a longstanding tradition of excellence, and we believe that sharing these success stories will inspire and encourage prospective students to choose Nelson & Colne College for their A Level studies."

Nelson & Colne College is inviting its alumni from throughout its history, to come forward and share their personal journeys, highlighting how their time at the college impacted and influenced their professional successes. The college hopes to create a rich variety of achievements, showcasing the diverse paths its graduates have taken and the impact they have had on their respective industries.

BBC Radio 5 live presenter Tony Livesey, who studied for his A levels at Nelson & Colne College, said:

"The reason I've done OK is largely due to Nelson & Colne College and the time I spent there. It provided a fantastic gateway educationally and socially and prepared me for the world of work. I met so many people and made friends for life. I was really pleased to be asked to take part in this campaign and if others are inspired by my story, then even better. I'm proud to say I studied at Nelson & Colne College, I can't recommend it enough."

Lisa O'Loughlin, Principal and CEO at Nelson and Colne College Group, expressed her enthusiasm for the campaign, saying,

"At Nelson & Colne College, we are not just educators; we are mentors and guides who are deeply invested in the success of our students. Our continually high A Level results, and our Outstanding Ofsted rating reflects the unwavering commitment of the entire Nelson & Colne College community to providing a world-class education."

Nelson & Colne College is calling on all alumni who have excelled in their careers after completing A Levels to come forward and share their success stories by going to https://bit.ly/nccgalumni.

Lisa added:

"We really want to inspire a new generation of students to embark on their academic journey with confidence and ambition and demonstrate just what can be achieved. It's a truism that you can't be what you can't see, and we want our students to see the vast array of possibilities open to them and inspire them to be more aspirational about their futures."