August Pfluger

01/23/2025 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 01/23/2025 17:36

Pfluger Talks Energy Security and National Security on The Signal Sitdown

Congressman August Pfluger (TX-11), member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee and the representative of the most prolific oil and gas producing region in the country, joined "The Signal Sitdown" to discuss his plans to unleash American energy.

During the interview, Congressman Pfluger emphasized the disaster that the Biden administration's energy polices were for districts like his, saying in part, "The last four years have been a complete disaster... They [the Biden Administration] came after the Permian Basin. They came after the Bakken. They came after the Utica, the Marcellus, and every other producing area. And quite frankly, they came after American families, most importantly those that are in the lower socioeconomic bracket. The high prices, the higher energy inflated prices as a result of Biden's bad policies, hit them the hardest."

Congressman Pfluger also highlighted that President Trump has been clear in word and action that establishing American energy dominance is a top priority of his, saying in part, "But when President Trump took the oath of office, when he gave his inaugural address, he wasn't three or four minutes into it before he started talking about a national [energy] emergency. And that means he's going to unleash the full authority of his power, that he is going to demand from Congress that we do something about this, and that we write the legislative text to right the ship and to move us in a better direction... When President Trump set foot on the tarmac at the Midland Odessa international airport, just a few months ago, his first words to me were 'drill baby drill.'"

Watch the podcast in its entirety HERE.


Congressman Pfluger is committed to unleashing American energy in the 119th Congress, and has already taken several steps to accomplish this goal in the first few weeks of session, including: