DCCC - Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee

09/24/2021 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/24/2021 09:04

Florida Republicans Go To New Extreme In Aim To Nix Other Life-Saving Vaccines That Protect Schoolchildren

Extremist Florida lawmaker Manny Diaz, the senior most Republican shaping health policy in the state senate, is extending his party's anti-COVID-19 lies and conspiracy theories to non-COVID immunization requirements. Diaz is calling for a review of virtually all vaccines taken by schoolchildren to protect against deadly diseases like measles, mumps, rubella, and polio.

Since the start of this pandemic, extremist Republicans have stuck together in cult-like fashion to deny the effectiveness of social distancing, mask wearing and vaccines. Recently far-right-wing activists, conservative media personalities, and House Republicans have even pushed Americans to consume horse dewormer in lieu of the life-saving COVID-19 vaccine. Let's be clear: This dangerous disinformation campaign is prolonging the pandemic and putting the nation's children in harm's way.

While Democrats focus on science, the health and safety of American families, and rebuilding our economy by getting 380 million shots in arms and creating 4.5 million new jobs, Republicans are hell bent on promoting a toxic political agenda that threatens our economic recovery.

DCCC Spokesperson Chris Taylor

"Republicans around the country are so devoted to their dangerous lies and conspiracy theories they're willing to expose our children to measles and the mumps to advance their political agenda. The American people just can't trust Republicans will look out for their families. House Democrats are going to trust science, protect our children, and the health and economic progress we've made to end this pandemic. And we shouldn't have to say this: Get children vaccinated to protect your family from deadly diseases like measles."