U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Armed Services

06/15/2021 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 06/15/2021 12:48


Jun 15, 2021
Press Release
Washington, DC- U.S. Representative Mike Rogers, Ranking Member of the House Armed Services Committee, had an exchange with Admiral Gilday, Chief of Naval Operations. In the Exchange, Adm. Gilday told Ranking Member Rogers that under President Biden's budget the Navy's budget has declined, putting our naval forces in a weak position for potential future conflict with China.

In his opening remarks, Ranking Member Rogers noted that, 'It is almost as if the President developed this budget with little understanding of what is required to deter conflict and, if necessary, win the next war. Quite simply, this budget has little to do with pacing China. I refuse to support it. We should be expanding and modernizing our naval capabilities as called for by the Trump administration. I'm disappointed the Biden Administration doesn't see the threat from China the same way.'

A transcript of the exchange is below:

ROGERS:Admiral, you painted a pretty ugly picture for the future of the Navy. Given that fact, do you feel like this budget is adequate to help you take on those challenges?

ADMIRAL GILDAY:Sir, I think it's important to understand that based on the top-line that we have, that we can afford a Navy of about 300 ships. What we're trying to do with our investment strategy is to balance those investments across the readiness of the fleet today. The modernization with new technologies and that's reflected as an example with a 12% increase in R&D, with emphasis on hypersonics on the offensive and laser technology on the defensive to protect the fleet. The third piece is capacity, and so we're growing the Navy and at affordable rateā€¦

ROGERS: You said you're growing the Navy? From what I'm reading the Navy is shrinking under this budget.

ADM. GILDAY:Sir, for the 22 budget itself, the Navy's numbers are declining. That's correct.

ROGERS: So how do you take on your challenges with a budget that is diminishing?

ADM. GILDAY: So as I stated, sir, in my opening comments, the last several studies that have been done, going back five years, call for a larger, more capable fleet.

ROGERS: And this budget doesn't get you there.

ADM. GILDAY: No sir, it does not.

ROGERS: Let me ask this, Admiral Davidson, the recent PAYCOM commander indicated that he expects a conflict with China in the next six years in your best professional military judgment, do you agree with Admiral Davidson assessment?

ADM. GILDAY:Sir, I think the keyword that he used there was could. And I think that potential always exists and I think we have to be ready any given day for anything.

ROGERS: Well, you know if you agree, it could happen, I just don't know why we would agree with anything that would reduce the force structure and induce a near term risk with China.