Interface Inc.

10/22/2021 | News release | Archived content

Webinar: The Impact of Biophilic Design on Student Success

Design innovation in educational facilities at all levels is undergoing a revolution. Evidence-based design-making design decisions based on research about how aspects of the physical environment directly influence human performance and well-being - has transformed healthcare architecture, measurably impacting experiences for patients, families, and staff. Now, the same principles are being applied to spaces for learning, enabling education facilities to make informed design decisions with positive outcomes in mind.

This webinar recording presented by Bill Browning of Terrapin Bright Green references the science of biophilia as well as a growing body of research and real-life examples to show how incorporating specific biophilic design strategies can produce a positive impact on learning space users' well-being and academic success. Specifically, we look at the effects of incorporating several biophilic patterns at Green Street Academy in Baltimore, Maryland.